Future 3 Overview: Worksheet

Watch the online presentation. Pause after each slide and answer the questions.

Watch out! Some questions have more than 1 answer!

Opener / 1. What is the first activity in each unit? (Slide 6)
  1. Listening/Speaking.
  2. Goal Setting.
  3. Grammar.

Vocabulary Lesson / 2. How is new vocabulary presented in the vocabulary lesson? (Slide 7)
  1. With photos.
  2. In print.
  3. With audio.
3. Where can students find independent vocabulary practice? (Slides 8-9)
  1. On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
  2. In the Workbook.
  3. In the Multilevel Activity Book.

Listening/Speaking Lesson / 4. How many lessons of each unit are Listening/Speaking Lessons?(Slide 10)
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
5. Where is the audio script? (Slide 10)
  1. In the back of the student book.
  2. In the back of the workbook.
  3. In the Teacher’s Edition.
6. Where can students find independent listening/speaking practice? (Slide12)
  1. In the Teacher’s Edition.
  2. On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
  3. In the Workbook.

Grammar Lesson / 7. The Grammar Lesson is linked to ______.(Slide13)
  1. the Life Skills Lesson
  2. the Listening/Speaking Lesson
  3. the Reading Lesson
8. At the end of every Grammar Lesson, students demonstrate their mastery of the grammar point by ______. (Slide 13)
  1. using it in a conversation about their own lives
  2. taking a listening test
  3. writing sentences
9. Where can students find independentgrammar practice? (Slides14-15)
  1. In the Workbook.
  2. In the transparencies.
  3. On the Practice Plus CD Rom.

Reading Lesson / 10. In Level 3, the reading lessons focus on understanding new vocabulary with ______. (Slide 16)
  1. context clues
  2. pictures
  3. translations
11. Where do students practice the lesson reading skill? (Slide 16)
  1. In the comprehension exercises.
  2. In the vocabulary exercises.
  3. In Show What You Know.
12. What does the reading lesson in the workbook provide? (Slide 17)
  1. All new reading material.
  2. Reading skill practice.
  3. A writing prompt for independent writing.

Life Skills Lesson / 13. How many Life Skills Lessons are in every unit?(Slide 19)
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
14. Where is additional Life Skill practice? (Slide 19)
  1. In the Workbook.
  2. In the Teacher’s Edition.
  3. On the Practice Plus CD Rom.

Writing Lesson / 15. In Level 3, the Writing Lesson builds on contentintroduced in the ______or ______lessons. (Slide 20)
  1. vocabulary
  2. reading
  3. life skills
16. In Level 3, the writing revision step focuses on ______.(Slide 20)
  1. spelling
  2. punctuation
  3. content and organization

Tests / 17. The print tests follow _____ format.(Slide 22)
  1. the Student Book
  2. a standardized test
  3. a college exam
18. What kinds of tests are provided in the Test and Test Prep Package? (Slide 22)
  1. Printed test for each unit.
  2. Midterm and Final exams.
  3. Digital test banks.

Teacher’s Edition / 19. The teacher Edition provides ______.(Slide 23)
  1. times estimates
  2. teaching tips
  3. ideas for the multilevel classroom

Answers: 1b; 2abc; 3ab; 4c; 5a; 6bc; 7b; 8a; 9ac; 10a;11a; 12abc;13c;14ac; 15bc; 16c; 17b; 18abc; abc.