Minutes of the 2010 ICHRIE Annual Business Meeting
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education
Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, U.S.A.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Call to Order
A Call to order was made at 8:10 am with President Bill Samenfink Presiding. He recognized past presidents, the Board, Federation officers, CHRIE leaders and conference sponsors.
Approval of Agenda for 2010 Annual Business Meeting
MOTION by Bosselman: “To approve agenda of 2010 annual business meeting.” SECOND by Self. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.
Approval of Minutes from 2009 Annual Business Meeting
MOTION by Mayo: “To approve minutes from 2009 annual business meeting.” SECOND byCooper. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.
Treasurer’s Report
Outgoing Treasurer John Selfsummarized the annual financial report for year ended 2009.
MOTION by Cooper: “To approve 2010 financial report.” SECOND byPandit. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.
Incoming Treasurer John Drysdale reported that there is $122K in the CHRIE FutureFund™.He discussed fundraising events that are being held at this year’s conference.
President’s Report
President Bill Samenfink thanked Self for his service as treasurer.Samenfink then described his term in office as president citing that this has been a year of transition for CHRIE.
President-Elect’s Report
President-Elect Cynthia Deale thanked Samenfink and Immediate Past President Mokie Steiskal for their service to the organization. She briefly discussed the strategic plan and the success of the deans and directors event.
Samenfink presented the presidential gavel to Deale, installing her as president.
Immediate Past President’s Report
Immediate Past President Mokie Steiskalexplained that those who serve this organization are very passionate. She thanked individuals who assisted in moving the strategic plan forward, includingCaroline Cooper, Robert Bosselman, Rocco Angelo, and Lea Dopson.
Samenfink thanked Steiskal for her service toCHRIE.
Old Business
New Business
MOTION by Bosselman:
“RESOLVED, that it is desirable and in the best interest of CHRIE to change its name from the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education to the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Corporation is hereby authorized to take, or cause to be taken, any and all actions which he may deem necessary or desirable in order to carry out the purpose and intent of the foregoing resolution of the Members and, in connection therewith, including to execute and file Articles of Amendment to effect such change.”
SECOND by Steiskal. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.
Recognition of Outgoing Officers and Board Members
Samenfink thanked outgoing board members and presented crystal decanters as gifts.
Installation of new Officers and Board Members
Steiskal installed new board members. Deale took the podium as president. She thanked Samenfink and presented him with a gift.
Adjourn Meeting
MOTION by Pandit: “Adjourn meeting.” SECOND by Drysdale. PASSED without dissent.