Our vision
To reduce the cost of living pressures and contribute to the knowledge economy by stimulating innovation, research and improvement in the delivery of energy and water supply services to Queenslanders through open data.
Our commitment
To develop, implement and maintain a process to make our data available to the public, free to anyone who wishes to use it.
As a department, our key commitments are:
· to release as much data as possible
· to make data accessible and easy to find
· to publish data in line with the Open Data Policy Principles
· to ensure data are fit-for-purpose
· to work with stakeholders to realise the benefits of open data
Our goals
Better services for Queenslanders through innovation, research and development of new data-enabled services and products by researchers, business and industry using Government data.
Increased community participation in government decision making through improved access to Government data and greater levels of interaction between policy-makers and the wider community.
A stronger knowledge economy by unlocking the social and economic value of Government data through sound data infrastructure.
Government data will be available for open use: Open access to Government data drives innovation and entrepreneurial activities. Released data will be made available under the least restrictive licence allowing for its use and re-use.
Government data will be available free: Government data, collected using public monies, belongs to the community. Unless cost has been prescribed by legislation or benefits to the Queensland community approved by Cabinet, data will be made available, free.
Government data will be in accessible formats and easy to find: Publishing data in different formats offers maximum flexibility of user experience and access. Where practicable, we will publish data in machine readable formats that can be downloaded, indexed, and searched by commonly used web applications.
Government data will be released within set standards and accountabilities: We will reduce risks associated with the public release of data by establishing a robust publication process to identify and protect confidential information.
Our plan
We will facilitate better services for Queenslanders by:
Stimulating innovation
· creating opportunities by making data available, free for use and re-use in easily accessible and open formats by anyone who wishes to use it
· prioritising datasets for release in consultation with industry, enterprises, researchers and the wider community
Increasing government efficiency and performance
· creating a culture that supports the sharing of Government information
· facilitating greater scrutiny of the effectiveness of Government policy
· driving more efficient public services through more transparent performance monitoring
· reducing red tape and streamlining processes for data sharing
We will increase community participation in government decision making by:
Increasing awareness
· communicating the potential economic and social benefits created through the release of data
· promoting participation in the knowledge economy by making data available on
Building trust
· demonstrating transparency by making data open by default
· releasing data within set standards and in accordance with legislative protections (i.e.: privacy)
· being responsive to feedback and suggestions for new datasets
We will build a stronger knowledge economy by:
Unlocking the value of data
· building on the foundations for a strong knowledge economy by providing sound data infrastructure
Our data
We collect, store and maintain a diverse range of datasets to support the delivery of energy and water supply services to the community. These datasets can be grouped into two main categories:
· energy; and
· water supply and sewerage services
Government Owned Corporations (GOC) and Statutory Bodies
In addition to the data we publish, the following Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) and Statutory Bodies also publish data relating to the delivery of energy and water supply services:
· Ergon
· CS Energy
· Powerlink
· Stanwell
· SunWater
Statutory Bodies
· Gladstone Area Water Board
· Mount Isa Water Board
· Seqwater
To ensure all GOCs meet the government’s Open Data Strategy in a consistent manner Commercial Management (CM) in the Department of Treasury and Trade will develop a central policy for all GOCs. We will assist CM and GOCs where necessary to ensure the GOCs data release processes are aligned to this strategy.
In relation to the Statutory Bodies, we will develop and implement arrangements consistent with CM’s centralised approach, having regard to the Department’s Open Data Strategy and the organisational characteristics of these Statutory Bodies. We will also provide ongoing support and advice to the Statutory Bodies to ensure their data release processes are cost effective and aligned to this strategy.
Our release strategy
Our release strategy contains four main components:
Identification: We will proactively identify information assets by surveying departmental publications and business systems for underlying data sources, gathering information from business units about stand-alone data collections and engaging with stakeholders about their needs and interests.
Assessment: We will assess the suitability of data for release in accordance with relevant legislation, administrative instruments, policies and guidelines. The release of data will be prioritised according to its value to the public, such as allowing new products or services to be developed, increasing openness and transparency of government and its processes, and use by researchers or non-government organisations.
Not all data are suitable for release. The process of identifying and assessing data for publication acknowledges the need for it to be accessible to external audiences. Datasets subject to valid privacy, security or privilege limitations may be restricted or released in a modified form.
Publication: We will publish data (Appendix 1) in line with set standards and prioritised having regard to public interest; feedback from stakeholders; potential social or economic value; and ability to restore accountability in government, with the approval of the data owner.
Management: We will maintain datasets as fit-for-purpose, identify opportunities to improve data quality, seek feedback from data users and review our processes to ensure maximum efficiency.
Governance and accountability
The Director-General, Department of Energy and Water Supply is responsible for the success of the department’s Open Data initiative by creating and sustaining an open data culture within the department.
Execution of our Open Data Strategy will be governed by the department’s Executive Management Team, sponsored by the General Manager, Planning, Performance and Governance.
Progress against the success criteria of the initiative will be reported in the Queensland Government rolling six month action plan to be prepared by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and overseen by the whole of government Open Data Reform Group (CEO Leadership Team).
This strategy is a four year forward plan to be reviewed annually. The department will also provide a quarterly progress report to the Open Data Reform Group.
Legislative and administrative framework
Implementation of the department’s Open Data Strategy will be managed in accordance with information management and publication provisions contained in relevant State and Federal legislation and administrative instruments (Appendix 2).
The future
Our commitment to Open Data will focus on data release driven by user need, monitored through public interaction and formalised in feedback processes designed to highlight areas for improvement. Our department’s Open Data capability is expected to expand as the systems and processes used to release data are embedded in staff’s ongoing work processes. We will undertake
regular information sessions to help staff understand the objectives of the Queensland Government Open Data initiative and to identify suitable datasets for publishing.
We will place emphasis on opportunities to improve data quality in the future by:
· building capability through professional development and guidance
· continuing to support transparent decision making processes to ensure as much data are being released as possible
· encouraging data users to provide feedback about usefulness, gaps and general satisfaction
· reviewing data-related processes and addressing issues relating to timeliness, reliability, relevance and accuracy.
Appendix 1: Datasets to be released and release timeline
Dataset name / Description of data / Target date of publishing(i.e. month & year) / Frequency of update
(eg daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) / End of release date
(if applicable) / Open licence?
(Yes or No)
Electricity Price and Demand / Electricity dispatch price and demand in Queensland / Dec 2012 / Daily / N/A / Yes
Solar Hot Water Rebates (Closed) / Solar hot water rebates paid by post code / Jun 2013 / N/A / N/A / Yes
Solar Hot Water Program (Closed) / Solar hot water systems installed as part of the program by post code / Jun 2013 / N/A / N/A / Yes
Water Service Providers Annual Reports Register / List of Service Providers that have submitted Annual Report for SAMP, CSSR, SLMP, DWQMP or combined SAMP and CSSR and complies with the requirements of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 / Jul 2013 / Annually / N/A / Yes
Water Service Providers Customer Service Standards Register / List Service Providers that have submitted Customer Service Standards and stated the level of service to be provided by the service provider / Jul 2013 / 3 Years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Water Service Providers Drought Management Plan Register / List Service Providers that have Submitted Drought Management Plan and that the DMP complies with the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and the guidelines for the preparation of the DMP. DMP is adequate and registered / Jul 2013 / 3 Years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Dataset name / Description of data / Target date of publishing
(i.e. month & year) / Frequency of update
(eg daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) / End of release date
(if applicable) / Open licence?
(Yes or No)
Water Service Providers Exemptions Register / List of Service Provider names that applied and has been granted exemptions for Small Service Provider ( SAMP, CSSR, Annual Report for SAMP and CSSR), Drought Management and System Leakage / Jul 2013 / Up to 10 years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Referable Dam Register / List of dams deemed as referable based on Failure Impact Assessment stated that the dam has or will have a Category 1 or Category 2 failure impact rating / Jul 2013 / As required / N/A / Yes
Water Service Providers Register / List of registered Service Providers group by size (number of connections), Large(up to 1000) , Medium (between 1000 and 25000) and Large (more than 25000) that provides Retail Water, Sewerage, Bulk, Irrigation, Drainage, (Primary Stock and Domestic) or Drinking water services / Jul 2013 / Annually / N/A / Yes
Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Register / List of registered Service Providers that have submitted DWQMP (drinking water quality management plan) that meets the requirements of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and guidelines / Jul 2013 / 2 Years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Strategic Asset Management Plans Register / List of registered Service Providers that have submitted SAMP(strategic assets management plan) that meets the requirements of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and guidelines / Jul 2013 / 3 Years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Dataset name / Description of data / Target date of publishing
(i.e. month & year) / Frequency of update
(eg daily, monthly, quarterly, annually) / End of release date
(if applicable) / Open licence?
(Yes or No)
System Leakage Management Plans Register / List of registered Service Providers that have submitted SLMP(system leakage management plan) that meets the requirements of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and guidelines / Jul 2013 / 3 Years
(or as required) / N/A / Yes
Electricity Authorities Register / A register of Queensland Electricity Industry
participants / July 203 / Quarterly / N/A / Yes
Gas Authorities Register / A register of Queensland Gas Industry
participants / July 203 / Quarterly / N/A / Yes
Appendix 2: Legislative and administrative instruments
Legislation / administrative instrument / Objective or relevant sectionFinancial Accountability Act 2009 / To provide for accountability in the administration of the State’s finances.
Industrial Relations Act 1999 / To provide a framework for industrial relations that supports economic prosperity and social justice.
Information Privacy Act 2009 / To support the fair collection and handling in the public sector environment of personal information.
Public Records Act 2002 / To ensure public records are made, managed, kept and preserved for the benefit of present and future generations.
Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 / Ethics principles that provide the basis for Public Sector and Departmental Codes of Conduct.
Public Service Act 2008 / To provide for accountability in the administration of the public service and the management and employment of public service employees.
Right to Information Act 2009 / To give a right of access to information in the government’s possession or under the government’s control unless.
Clean Energy Act 2008 / To improve the efficiency and management of energy use.
Electricity Act 1994 / To provide a framework for the electricity industry and use of electricity.
Electricity-National Scheme (Queensland) Act 1997 / To make provision for the operation of a national electricity market.
Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006 / To provide for the investigation and resolution of particular disputes involving energy or water entities.
Gas Supply Act 2003 / To provide a framework for the transport and supply of processed natural gas.
Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984 / To provide for the use and conservation of liquid fuel in the event of a shortage.
National Gas (Queensland) Act 2008 / To establish a framework to enable third parties to gain access to natural gas pipelines
South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 and South East Queensland (Restructuring) Act 2007 / To restructure the water industry in south-east Queensland
Water Act 2000 / To provide for the sustainable management of water.
Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 / To provide for the safety and reliability of water supply
Australian Governments Open Licensing Framework / Provides support and guidance to government to facilitate open access to publicly funded information.