Overview: To design a series of magical creature cards that fit into the world of Ember. Each creature is a conjured mythical monster and is created from a combination of five basic elements: Air – Earth – Fire – Water – Magic.

The creatures are all made out of fire and in this case, are Hallowe’en or ember themed. Some are made of ash while others are still burning brightly.

The creatures must:

1.  Follow the attached template in terms of positioning (all cards need 2/3rds art and 1/3rd black box).

2.  Card Size: 88 x 63mm +3mm (bleed) on each side. So art is (with black bleed) 94 x 69mm.

3.  Designed in native CMYK (600 dpi). THIS really IS crucial. I do NOT want to see any conversions from RGB.

4.  Be similar in terms of style to the original Ember, BUT this is your chance to create a whole new image.

Be aware of art and text placement and plan your art accordingly. I have a template for all artwork so you know exactly where to place your art.

5.  Unique Art. The art must be 100% your own and none of the templates should be taken from any previous work owned by any other artist.


·  Universal appearance (so they have a universal / cohesive theme).

·  Glowing eyes / lots of magical effects

·  I think it’s really important to give them all their own identity. The whole game, so it’s going to be a developing process to give them the same tips of wings (for instance) or the same glowing effects. Or the same types of eyes. Just a few examples.

Summary: This is a game where wizards are conjuring magical creatures out of the Ember – a fragment of magical TrueFire. The creatures are beautiful and magical and graceful. Each card is set in its own border and is a scene in a moonlight woodland scene where the wizards sit around the fire conjuring creatures.


Most cards are flying creatures in a dynamic pose.


As the creatures are so colourful, looking for a moonlight starry background for each image - the backgrounds do need to be quite dark to really make the foreground images pop.

Looking for something wonderful, but not necessarily complex.


Generally, the Ember creatures are not made of any specific colours. Rather, the higher the VP cost of a creature, the more detailed the colour scheme.

We can discuss your creatures and your thoughts on that creature on a case by case basis.


Obviously I want you to forge your own style, while remembering what has gone before. Here are some of our most successful cards – just pay attention to the text placement and think about where those icons could go.