Coach Ginny Jensen

“I am most fulfilled when I’m coaching individuals and churches to reach their full potential in Christ. I love watching as they risk with Jesus, discover more about Him, and experience the abundance of life he has promised. This is when they are growing and changing and truly living life to the fullest.”

Ginny Jensen coaches people through life transitions. She has worked with young adults, professionals, missionaries, and those sorting through midlife. She’s currently on staff with WorldVenture as a coach to churches; providing coaching, mentoring and training services to ministry leaders and future workers. She also speaks at seminars and retreats.

Ginny received her BS from Multnomah University in Biblical Education with an emphasis in Women’s Ministries. As a student, Ginny was a Resident Assistant and later returned to Multnomah for three years as a Resident Director. Ginny has served as a volunteer in her local church for over 20 years in the areas of equipping and discipleship. She completed her coaching certificate at Western Seminary and has been certified as a Certified Transformational Coach by Western. She is a member in good standing with the International Coaching Federation.

Laura, one of Ginny’s clients said, “I was seeking a beginning and Ginny provided a calm place to start. I was seeking guidance and Ginny provided insight. Life coach, Ginny Jensen provided a secure environment in which I could be empowered to uncover yet another layer of who I have become and accept the challenge to make a change for the better.”

Ginny enjoys being with people and thrives on teamwork. She enjoys hiking and walks on the beach with friends and her dog Charlie, and when the weather is bad she loves to curl up with a good book or work jigsaw puzzles.

Contact information

Text or phone: 503.740.1102
