
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

Henry Chettle (c. 1540-1604)

(Elizabethan dramatist)


Chettle, Henry. Kind Hartes Dreame, containing five Apparitions, with their Invectives against Abuses... 1592. Ed. Rimbault. (Percy Society).

_____. Kind-Hartes Dreame. Ed. G. B. Harrison. [With] William Kemp, Nine Daies Wonder (1600). (Bodley Head Quarto 12). Bodley Head, 1923.

_____. “Henry Chettle on Greene and Shakespeare (1592).” In The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1997. 3322-23.*

_____. Piers Plainness Seauen Yeres Prentiship. Tract. 1595. In Literature Online: Early English Prose Fiction. Cambridge: Chadwick-Healey.

_____. Black Batman of the North, Part I. Drama. April 1598. Not printed.

_____. The Play of a Woman. Drama. July 1598. Not printed.

_____. ‘Tis No Deceit to Deceive the Deceiver. Drama. Sept. 1598. Not printed.

_____. Aeneas’ Revenge, with the Tragedy of Polyphemus.Drama. 1599 Not printed.

_____. The Stepmother’s Tragedy. Drama. August 1599. Not printed.

_____. Damon and Pythias. Drama. Jan. 1600. Not printed.

_____. The Wooing of Death. Drama. April 1600. Not printed.

_____. Cardinal Wolsey. Drama. Part I, August 1601; Part 2, Mayt 1602. Not printed.

_____. The Orphan’s Tragedy. Drama. Sept. 1601. Not printed.

_____. Tobyas. Drama. May 1602. Not printed.

_____. Jephtha. Drama. May 1602. Not printed.

_____. A Danish Tragedy.Drama. May 1602. Not printed.

_____. The Tragedy of Hoffman. Drama. Dec. 1602. Printed 1631.

_____. The Tragedy of Hoffman. (Malone Society Reprints). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1950.

_____. England’s Mourning Garment. 1603. Rpt. in Harleian Miscellany.

_____, ed. Greene’s Groatsworth of Wit.

Munday, A. and H. Chettle. The Death of Robert Earl of Huntingdon. Drama. Feb. 1598. Printed 1601.

_____. Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington. In Hazlitt’s Dodsley. vol. 8.

Chettle, Henry, and M. Drayton. The Valiant Welchman. Drama. Feb. 1598.

Chettle, Henry, M. Drayton, T. Dekker and R. Wilson. Earl Goodwin and His Three Sons. Drama. March 1598. Not printed.

_____. Piers of Exton. Drama. March 1598. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, and Robert Wilson. Black Batman of the North, Part II. Drama. April 1598. Not printed.

_____. Catiline’s Conspiracy. Drama. August 1598. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, J. Day and John Singer. The Conquest of Brute, with the First Finding of Bath. Drama. July 1598. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, Henry Porter and Ben Jonson. Hot Anger soon Cold. Drama. August 1598. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, and T. Dekker. Agamemnon. Drama. June 1599. (= Troilus and Cressida by Chettle and Dekker?).

_____. Troilus and Cressida. Lost play. 1599.

_____. Patient Grisel. 1600.

_____. Sebastian, King of Portugal. Drama. April 1601. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, T. Dekker and William Haughton. Patient Grissel.Drama. Dec. 1599, printed 1603.

Chettle, Henry, and W. Haughton. The Arcadian Virgin.Drama. Dec. 1599. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, W. Haughton, and J. Day. The Seven Wise Masters.Drama. March 1600. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, T. Dekker, and J. Day. The Golden Ass, and Cupid and Psyche. Drama. April 1600. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, and J. Day. The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. Drama. April 1600. Printed 1659.

_____. Jane Shore. Drama. March 1603. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, and S. Rowley. All is not Gold that Glitters.Drama. march 1601. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, R. Hathwaye and Wentworth Smith. Too Good to Be True. Drama. Nov. 1601. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry R., and Wentworth Smith. Love Parts Friendship. Drama. 1602. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, and Robinson. Femelanco. Drama. Sept. 1602. Not printed.

Chettle, Henry, T. Dekker, T. Heywood, Wentworth Smith, and John Webster. Lady Jane. 2 parts. Nov. 1602.

Chettle, Henry, and T. Heywood. The London Florentine. Drama. 2 parts. December 1602.

Jonson, Ben, Thomas Dekker, and Henry Chettle. Robert the Second, King of Scottes. Drama. c. 1599. (Lost).

Wilson, Robert, H. Chettle, A. Munday and M. Drayton. The Funeral of Richard Cordelion. Drama. May 1598. Not printed.


Hazlitt, William. “Henry Chettle.” In The Lives of the British Poets. London: Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. 1.141-2.*


Bayne, Ronald, M. A. "12. Lesser Elizabethan Dramatists." In The Drama to 1642, Part One. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. 5 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Online at Bartleby.com (Munday, Chettle, Haughton, Porter, Hatwhaye, Robert Wilson, Wentworth Smith, Drayton, John Day, Samuel Rowley, Fulke Greville).



Tazón, Juan. "Death in Northern Africa: The Battle of Alcázar and Its Theatrical Representation." SEDERI VII. Ed. S. G. Fernández-Corugedo et al. Coruña: SEDERI, 1996. 173-78.* (Peele, Chettle, Dekker, and anon. play The Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley).

"Lust's Dominion, or The Lascivious Queen." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.* (Attributed to Marlowe, Chettle, Dekker, Marston…)
