Board Minutes

November 15, 2006

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of November 15, 2006.

President Jeff DeMarre called the Regular November meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:07 p.m. in the Board room.

Present: Jeff DeMarre, Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Antoni Froehling, Greg Hanon

Dr. Donald Eismann, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services; Betsy Minor Reid, Assistant Superintendent Teaching & Learning; Margo Stewart, Executive Director Business Services; Debra Barlow, Executive Director Human Resources; Kandy Rose, SEA Representative; Tim Scott, SEA President; Tim Thomsen, Athletics Director; Kent Vallier, Principal Liberty Ridge Elementary; Joan Cortlund, Chief Technology Officer; Sandee Chittenden, Accountant; Tracy Davis, Technology Integration Specialist; Roger Smith and Keoni Smith, Co-Directors Special Services; Chris Wick, Curriculum Director; Marcie Belfield, Principal Daffodil Valley Elementary; and Daffodil Valley Elementary staff: Jill Degoede, Becky Johnson, Molly Megerth, Val Gray, Tricia Hukee, Sara Palmer, Audrey Hollingsworth, Janet Jostin, Rick Biley and Pam Bauer; Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA; Math Teachers: Leslie Lauretano, Tiara Horan and Wendi Page; Ann Cook, Director Communications & Community Relations; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.

Visitors: 0

Flag Salute

Approval of Minutes

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting October 18, 2006, as presented. Motion unanimously carried.

Consent Items

Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas. Motion unanimously carried.

  1. Offers of Employment

Ken Fuqua, Purchaser, Business Services, ongoing position

Sheri Hathaway, Assistant Child Care Provider, Bonney Lake High School, ongoing position

Jennifer Jensen, Paraeducator, High Needs, Crestwood Elementary, time-limited position

Kelli Nichols, Paraeducator, High Needs, Crestwood Elementary, status change from time-limited position to ongoing

b. Supplemental Contracts

Kimberly Franett-Fergus, Head Coach Fastpitch, Sumner High School

McKenzie Ferrucci, Assistant Coach Girls Basketball, Sumner High School

Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Head Coach Gymnastics, Bonney Lake High School

John Rushton, Head Coach Girls Basketball, Mountain View Middle School

Sean Ryder, Head Coach Wrestling, Mountain View Middle School

Heather Wright, Assistant Coach Gymnastics, Bonney Lake High School


Nancy Nordeck, 4th Grade Teacher, Emerald Hills, effective end of 2006-2007 school year

Greg Paschke, Maintenance, effective October 31, 2006

Sandra Stumpf, Bus Driver, Transportation, effective October 24, 2006

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Consent Items, continued


No. 6/06-07 Signature Authorization

Designation of signatory for purchase orders for the Sumner School District.

No. 5/06-07 Out of Endorsement Assignment Waiver

Petition to grant an out-of–endorsement waiver for four educators for the 2006-2007 school year.


Kimberly Beidle, English Teacher, Bonney Lake High School, effective November 1, 2006

Beverly Lewis, Paraeducator, Daffodil Valley Elementary, effective December 1, 2006

Debra Osley, Before/After Activity Site Director, Community Recreation, Liberty Ridge Elementary & Victor Falls Elementary, effective November 16, 2006

f.Out of State Travel

Don Pruett, Science Teacher on Special Assignment (Teaching & Learning Department), to attend National Energy Education Development Organization (NEED) meeting in Chicago, IL, December 1-2, 2006. Don is a member of the NEED Organization Teacher Advisory Board; all his expenses will be paid for by NEED. Don has been instrumental in obtaining free science kits and professional development opportunities for Sumner staff through his work with the NEED organization.

Karlene Miles,Vocal Music Teacher, Sumner High School, to attend International Baccalaureate (IB) training in Denver, CO, November 30 – December 3, 2006. This is the closest IB training for the fine arts and all expenses are included in the school’s IB budget.

Laura Davis, Teacher, Lakeridge Middle School, to attend an ASCD conference on Guiding Professional Learning Communities to State Standards Achievement and Instructional Practices That Support Student Learning, Phoenix, AZ, January 11-12, 2007.

Karen Wilkerson, Sumner High School Senior Project Coordinator, to attend Creativity Action Service (CAS) coordinator training March 9-12, 2007, at the International Baccalaureate (IB) training conference in Pittsburgh, PA. This training is paid for with IB funds and is required by IB for the CAS coordinator. This position coordinates the non-class components of the program and is required for the IB diploma candidates.

Sumner High School staff Sacha Helling-Christy, English Teacher; Ryan Bouchard, History Teacher; Jenifer Benedetti, Counselor; and Jennifer Peters, Biology Teacher, to attend IB training March 9-11, 2007 at Rice University in Houston, TX. This training is paid for with IB funds.

g.Acceptance of Donations

The Board accepted, with thanks, from the Crestwood Elementary PTA, a donation of $23,677.06 for the purchase of new playground equipment at Crestwood Elementary School.

h.Surplus Property

The Board approved sale of the surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.

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Consent Items, continued

i.Levy Re-certification

The Board approved the levy certification amount for 2007 collection from the estimated amount $12,205.316 to the actual levy amount authorized $12,214.143.

j.Change of Employment Status

Katie Harmon, Paraeducator, Daffodil Valley Elementary, time-limited to ongoing position, effective November 9, 2206


a.Roll of Honor

School Board President Jeff DeMarre presented a list of students for recognition by the School Board.

At the 2006 National FFA convention in Indianapolis Sumner High School students earned a total of $8,800 in scholarships. For the first time a team from Washington State was named national champions in the Environmental Natural Resources competition. Congratulations to Jeff Doan and 2006 graduates Erin McFarland, Noel Williams and Daphne Kraft. The Agricultural Sales Team placed 2nd in the Nation. Congratulations to team members Amber McGuire, Lori Karnes, Mallory Wall-Tweten and George Josten. The Meats Evaluation Team earned 3rd in the Nation. Team members are Nathan Rae, Holly Timbs, Matt Reinke and Mikayla Fitzpatrick. Additionally, the Agricultural Communications Team earned a Silver Medal and the LivestockEvaluation Team earned a Bronze Medal. Finally, congratulations to the winners in the FFA Science Fair Lori Karnes, 2006 graduate, Mallory Wall-Tweten and George Josten.

The School Board also acknowledged staff members at Lakeridge Middle School who are pursuing advance degrees in education: Laura Davis, Masters in Administration; Karla Banks, Masters Curriculum & Instruction; Mari Lysne, Educational Staff Associate School Counseling; Dan Lysne, Ph.D. Education Leadership & Policy Studies; Aubrey Anderson, Masters in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment; Steve Anselmi, Masters in Administration; Amber Whaley, Masters in Reading.

b.Daffodil Valley Distinguished School & Apple Award

Superintendent Donald Eismann introduced Marcie Belfield, Principal Daffodil Valley Elementary School. He congratulated her for receiving these two awards, stating that this was one of his proudest moments as Superintendent and commended Marcie for her focused and caring leadership.

Marcie Belfield acknowledged Daffodil Valley Elementary students and staff for receiving the Apple Award, for showing improvement on the fourth grade Washington Assessment of Student Learning. This award is funded by the Legislature and awarded by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. A $25,000 grant is for capital construction projects on school grounds or on other public property in the community, city or county was awarded to the school. The students get to decide how to spend the money. They also received the State Title I Distinguished Award for improving WASL scores over two years.

Meeting Recessed: 6:16 p.m.

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Meeting Reconvened: 6:25 p.m.


a.School Report: Rescheduled to later month.

b.International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) Visit

Bill Gaines, Sumner High School Principal, reported on the recent site visit by the IBO team and thanked Board members Jeff DeMarre, Sherm Voiles and Greg Hanon for their attendance. He also commended the planning and preparation work done by IB coordinator Chris Prestin and Assistant Principal Brandon Bakke. They are in the process of completing the IB application for the start of the program in the 2007-2008 school year. Currently, over 100 students have indicated an interest to join the IB community. There has been an increase in students enrolling in honors classes to prepare for the IB program.

c.Math Plan Report

Betsy Minor-Reid, Assistant Superintendent Teaching & Learning, gave Board members samples of WASL math questions from the 4th, 7th and 10th grade tests. Betsy, Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA, and 7th grade teachers Leslie Lauretano, Tiara Horan and Wendi Page outlined the middle school core extension program designed to improve student math achievement. This half hour built into the daily schedule three days a week gives flexible small grouping of students a second dose of math, which focuses on identified areas of weakness. Board member Greg Hanon asked a number of questions regarding the origin and uniqueness of the plan. He also commended the district for taking these steps to help students achieve in math.

Audience Comments


Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Donald Eismann announced that the year’s first Youth Forum was held at Mountain View Middle School. This forum marks the beginning of the annual series at all of our secondary schools. Staff, community members and business leaders participating in the forums have an opportunity to hear about topics and issues important to youth in our communities. He thanked director Marilee Hill-Anderson and the STARR project staff as they begin this 13th year of forums.

Over 500 students and families from Sumner and Bonney Lake high schools attended “Beyond High School Night” to learn more about education options at local community colleges, universities and technical schools. Over fifty institutions were in attendance representing public and private schools throughout the state. This event was organized by the high school guidance counselors and career center staff.

The Bonney Lake High School Speech and Debate Team has earned early state bids and six more trophies. At her first tournament, Toni Stinnett received second place in Novice Dramatic Interpretation. Evan Miller received a trophy as a finalist in Lincoln Douglas Debate, and a trophy for being a finalist in Open Extemporaneous speaking. Casey Knowles received third place in Open Dramatic Interpretation and earned a spot to compete at state with this win. Andrew Braeger was a finalist in open impromptu and received second place in Open Expository also earning a spot to compete at state. The team is coached by Gabrielle Wright.

The Sumner/Bonney Lake Recreation Department launched a new after school program at Sumner Middle School aptly named “Bobcat University.” One hundred twenty students participated in a variety of activities including pilates, dance, art, karate and theatre classes. According to staff, the most popular

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offering was a Spanish class. Bobcat University is funded by a grant from the Pierce County Middle School project and the STARR project.

Board Member Comments


Unfinished Business

a.Bond Resolution

Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Bond Resolution No. 7/06-07. Capital Projects Bond Issue, to be presented to the voters at the February 2007 election. Motion unanimously carried.

b.Special Education Monitoring Report & Response

Keoni Smith and Roger Smith, Co-Directors Special Services, presented the findings and action plans from the Special Education Monitoring visit conducted in May 2006. The monitoring team noted various district strengths and identified issues in need of corrective action. The District will submit a corrective action plan for systemic improvements in the identified performance areas, which will include district level compliance checks, building level technical assistance, staff training and a new online data management system.

c.Bonney Lake Soccer Field Final Acceptance

Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services, presented a pictorial timeline of the project that started in 2002-2003 and is now complete.

Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve final acceptance of the Bonney Lake Elementary soccer field project. Motion unanimously carried.

New Business

a.Family Access/Report Card Demo

Joan Cortlund, Chief Technology Officer, introduced Tracy Davis, Technology Integration Specialist, who demonstrated the new easy to use Family Access Web site for student grades, assignments, etc. Each family account has its own login and is password protected. This system is separate from the District’s main database. The response from parents to this new system has been very positive.

b.Voucher Approval

Moved by Toni Froehling that the Board approve the vouchers as certified by the auditing officer. Motion unanimously carried.

Information Only

a.Upcoming Board Meeting

The Regular December Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, at 6:00 p.m.

and will be held in the Board room. There will be a National Board Certified Teachers reception

prior to the Board meeting at 5 p.m. and a concert given by the McAlder Elementary Hand Bell


b.F196 – End of Year Report

The F196 year-end budget report for the 2005-2006 school year was provided for Board information.

c.Budget Status Reports

The budget status reports for EY05-06 and the months of September and October were included for

Board information.

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d.Fall Season Athletic Review

A review of the District’s athletic successes was provided for Board information.


Moved by Toni Froehling that the meeting be adjourned. Motion unanimously carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:41 p.m.


Donald Eismann, Secretary

Board of Directors


Jeff DeMarre, President

Board of Directors