Q1 In general, how satisfied are you with the overall appearance, maintenance, and property conditions at Old Town Villages?

Answered: 61 Skipped: 1

Extremely satisfied

Moderately satisfied

Slightly satisfied

Neither satisfied no...

Slightly unsatisfied

Moderately unsatisfied

Extremely unsatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Extremely satisfied / 36.07% / 22
Moderately satisfied / 37.70% / 23
Slightly satisfied / 13.11% / 8
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 0.00% / 0
Slightly unsatisfied / 4.92% / 3
Moderately unsatisfied / 4.92% / 3
Extremely unsatisfied / 3.28% / 2
Total / 61

Q2 What if any additions would you like to see in the 2016 budget that you would be willing to pay additional HOA fees to have changed? Example: Landscaping, security, pool, fitness equipment etc.

Answered: 49 Skipped: 13

More flowers

4/28/2015 7:18 PMView respondent's answers


4/28/2015 6:00 PMView respondent's answers


4/28/2015 3:40 PMView respondent's answers

security, with more cameras throughout the complex

4/27/2015 7:28 PMView respondent's answers


4/24/2015 7:43 AMView respondent's answers

Please, no more fee increases

4/23/2015 8:04 PMView respondent's answers

Better gym

4/23/2015 4:20 PMView respondent's answers

NO ADDITIONAL FEES: Work within budget to improve landscaping, more color and fountains in ponds, couple bikes and leg press for fitness, pool umbrellas and large potted palms

4/23/2015 12:53 PMView respondent's answers

increased security

4/23/2015 11:05 AMView respondent's answers

Fountains. at least in front ponds

4/23/2015 8:37 AMView respondent's answers

heated pool

4/22/2015 11:08 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 9:53 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 8:50 PMView respondent's answers

Heated pool,

4/22/2015 7:27 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 7:26 PMView respondent's answers

we pay high enough HOA fee's already, stop increasing them

4/22/2015 4:03 PMView respondent's answers

NOTHING - Please, hold any additional increase in HOA fees!

4/22/2015 3:29 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 3:07 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 12:33 PMView respondent's answers

heated pool... make no sense to have pool sit idle for three to four months, because the water is to cold....

4/22/2015 12:30 PMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 12:14 PMView respondent's answers

Hottub & exercise bike

4/22/2015 12:02 PMView respondent's answers

Don't need to pay more...just make current vendors do a better job

4/22/2015 11:35 AMView respondent's answers

Fountains in Front and Middle Ponds.

4/22/2015 11:25 AMView respondent's answers

Q3 Would you like to see a dog park added to the community?

Answered: 61 Skipped: 1



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Yes / 24.59% 15
No / 75.41% 46
Total / 61

Q4 Would you be willing to participate in a community watch program?

Answered: 61 Skipped: 1



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Yes / 37.70% 23
No / 62.30% 38
Total / 61

Q5 Do you use the fitness room?

Answered: 61 Skipped: 1

Yes, If you answered yes...


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Yes, If you answered yes please comment any changes or additions you would like to see. / 45.90% 28
No / 54.10% 33
Total / 61

I probably would if the equipment was updated.

4/26/2015 5:16 PMView respondent's answers

An elliptical or stair stepper

4/24/2015 10:31 PMView respondent's answers

upgraded fitness equipment

4/24/2015 7:43 AMView respondent's answers

newer equipment

4/23/2015 4:20 PMView respondent's answers

Limited equipment, need several bikes and arm/leg moving

4/23/2015 12:53 PMView respondent's answers

equipment unsafe should have enough in our budget to purchase new equipment

4/23/2015 10:12 AMView respondent's answers

Good the way it is

4/23/2015 8:37 AMView respondent's answers


4/22/2015 8:50 PMView respondent's answers

bicycle added

4/22/2015 7:27 PMView respondent's answers

would be nice to have some different equiptment changes each year. Need to rotate, as most of the gyn do to make a better and healther life style.

4/22/2015 12:30 PMView respondent's answers

Exercise bike

4/22/2015 12:02 PMView respondent's answers

Add Bike exercise machines. Better for cardio and sore knees.

Q6 Overall, are you satisfied with how our pool/clubhouse area is maintained?

Answered: 59 Skipped: 3

Extremely satisfied

Moderately satisfied

Slightly satisfied

Neither satisfied no...

Slightly unsatisfied

Moderately unsatisfied

Extremely unsatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Extremely satisfied / 47.46% / 28
Moderately satisfied / 30.51% / 18
Slightly satisfied / 10.17% / 6
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 6.78% / 4
Slightly unsatisfied / 3.39% / 2
Moderately unsatisfied / 0.00% / 0
Extremely unsatisfied / 1.69% / 1
Total / 59

Q7 Are you satisfied, dissatisfied,with our property manager?

Answered: 62 Skipped: 0

Extremely satisfied

Moderately satisfied

Slightly satisfied

Neither satisfied no...

Slightly unsatisfied

Moderately unsatisfied

Extremely unsatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Extremely satisfied / 46.77% / 29
Moderately satisfied / 29.03% / 18
Slightly satisfied / 6.45% / 4
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 8.06% / 5
Slightly unsatisfied / 1.61% / 1
Moderately unsatisfied / 4.84% / 3
Extremely unsatisfied / 3.23% / 2
Total / 62

Q8 How important is our weekend security patrol?

Answered: 60 Skipped: 2

Extremely important

Very important

Moderately important

Not at all important

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Extremely important / 20.00% / 12
Very important / 20.00% / 12
Moderately important / 41.67% / 25
Not at all important / 18.33% / 11
Total / 60

Q9 Overall, How do you feel about our current landscapers Austin Outdoors?

Answered: 60 Skipped: 2

Extremely satisfied

Moderately satisfied

Slightly satisfied

Neither satisfied no...

Slightly unsatisfied

Moderately unsatisfied

Extremely unsatisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices / Responses
Extremely satisfied / 18.33% / 11
Moderately satisfied / 40.00% / 24
Slightly satisfied / 16.67% / 10
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 10.00% / 6
Slightly unsatisfied / 6.67% / 4
Moderately unsatisfied / 0.00% / 0
Extremely unsatisfied / 8.33% / 5
Total / 60

Q10 Is there any additional events that you would like to see planned?

Answered: 26 Skipped: 36

Robin doing more events

4/28/2015 6:00 PMView respondent's answers

More social events

4/28/2015 3:40 PMView respondent's answers

group activities,painting,trips,card clubs, etc.

4/28/2015 9:30 AMView respondent's answers

charades by the pool night using an easel & large pad - byob & apps

4/26/2015 5:16 PMView respondent's answers

Quarterly club house get together where everyone brings pot luck. seems a good way to meet everyone and catch up with newcomers

4/23/2015 12:53 PMView respondent's answers

It would be great to open the theater for movies and/or other shows/exhibits

4/21/2015 10:47 PMView respondent's answers

More scoial events

4/21/2015 4:34 PMView respondent's answers