Notes from the Co-Production Network Meeting

Tuesday, 19th September 2017 from 10.30AM to 12.30PM

Meeting/ Group room, Canada House, Barnsole Road, Gillingham


Nick Dent KMPT Patient Experience Manager (chair)

David CousinsExpert by Experience Research Group

Nick PetrieExpert by Experience Research Group

David HoughSwale User Representation Forum; Expert by Experience Research Group

Dr Phil AnscombeConsultant Clinical Psychologist/ Group Analyst

Philip ArmstrongService Use

Sue VenablesKMPT Senior Clinical Audit Facilitator & NICE facilitator

Sarah Bieniasz Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Porchlight

Kamila LobuzinskaKMPT Patient, Public, and Community Involvement Administrator

Louis Coelho Care; Carers First; ADSS;HealthWatch Kent; Carers UK

Margaret CaneHealthWatch Medway

Rathini MillsPartnership Commissioner, Medway Council

Colin MitchellService User; Buddy Scheme

Andrew WelcomeExpert by Experience Research Group

Maureen BelcherMental Health Carers Assessment and Support Coordinator, Involve Carers

Bobbie TaianoCarers Support & Assessment Coordinator

Jummai DavidStudent


Gerry Golding Peer Support Worker

Jae RaddonExpert by Experience Research Group

Margaret O’Shaughnessy KMPT Principal Psychologist

Alan Whiting Community Planning and Projects Officer

Julie DalahayeKMPT OT Lead

Leonie Down KMPT OT Lead, East Therapeutic Staffing Leads

Jane Adams KMPT Service Manager Canada House

Sarah DeasonTeam Manager Seap advocacy

Marilyn MurrayService User

Geoff EllottService User

Ruth Boyes Carer

Linda ParkerMental Health Social Work Team, Community Resources Hub Team Manager

Madeleine LestrangeExpert by Experience Research Group

Julie Collins Community Engagement Officer, Involving Medway Project Office

Lin Perkins Carer Engagement Coordinator, Involve Carers

Tom JohnKMPT Inpatient Quality & Development Lead

Tim JepsonCarer

Diana JepsonCarer

Gerda Collins Carer

Mike CurtinKMPT CPA Compliance Lead

Celia MansonCarer

Cheryl Ives Canterbury & Coastal Rethink Carers Support Group

Pam WoodingKMPT Recovery Practice Lead

Cathy NyemeckKMPT CRSL Assistant Director (East)

Steph Shellock-WellsCarer EK

Item / Notes
Welcome / Nick Dent welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made
Apologies / Apologies for absence were received as noted above
Notes from the previous meeting / The notes of the last meeting held on Monday, 19th June were approved; actions were completed
New Care Production projects / A video project highlighting patients experience on wards
Phil Anscombe: this project involves creating a five minute video of service users talking about their experience on the KMPT wards in the Acute Care Group; it would be incorporated to a training session around customer service
Rathini Mills mentioned complaints around staff attitude in community
Nick Petrie suggested interviews with staff conducted by service users
David Hough mentioned appreciative enquiry which focusses on positive examples
The group was encouraged to take part in the project: confirmation received from Nick Petrie, Andrew Welcome, David Cousins, Philip Armstrong, Nick Dent; contact details were sent to Phil Anscombe
Mental Health Awareness Session
Project presented by Nick Dent due to Gerry Golding absence
Following planning meetings which involved members of staff, carers, service users and current inpatients as well as peer support workers it has been identified that both inpatients and carers were often lacking information about mental health illness in general as well as more specific diagnosis. This has led to the setting up of a Mental Health Awareness Group which is due to run every Monday 15:00-16:00hrs at St. Martins Hospital Canterbury.
The five areas to be covered were as follows: Depression and Anxiety; Psychosis; Bipolar and Schizoaffective Disorder; Personality Disorder
These sessions are open to carers; carers have been invited but no attendance so far
Updates on current
Co-production Projects / Therapeutic Group Programme: Moving on group at St Martin’s Hospital
David Cousins: service users from Acute wards at St Martin’s participate in sessions with third sector organisations and KMPT staff on each Wednesday at the Main Hall in St Martins Hospital; twelve sessions organised so far; presentations given by members of SpeakUp CIC, TakeOff, EbyE, KMPT Chaplains, Benefit agency etc.; there are posters with support groups in each locality; there are discussions to evaluate this service
Sarah Bieniasz encouraged people to use Live Well Kent website – community network services; two organisations who managed Live Well are Porchlight and Shaw Trust; this is a referral system in Kent, funded by Kent County Council
Maureen Belcher asked if these recovery groups are also mirrored in Maidstone; David Cousins, plan is to roll it out with other localities; there are Recovery clinics at Priority House; Nick Dent, the Trust wants to establish a Psychodynamic Group in community and develop KMPT Recovery College
Care Co-ordination planning project
Nick Dent talked about a second workshop on ‘How to improve the Care Coordination in KMPT’; appreciative enquiry methodology was used; the draft report will be produced and presented to the Board; Nick and Expert by Experience Research Group will also have a slot during the next Leadership meeting
Nick talked about findings from the first meeting which needs to be implemented across the Trust:
  • Efficient patient support/facilitating interventions/ Group work – Promoting group work, initial intervention, support in doing groups, recovery college etc.
  • Workforces development – skill mix, Peer Support Workers and graduates of groups, new skills training, supervision, continuity and retention
  • Person centred delivery – CAPA (the Choice and Partnership Approach) , engagement including Triangle of Care and Peer Supported Open Dialogue; discharge and easy re referral

Rapid improvement project in Ashford CMHT
This was presented by Nick Dent due to Steph Shellock-Wells absence; the project involves improving the way Ashford CMHT organise their Care planning meetings; the Rapid improvement methodology is used; Rheanna Mitchell, Strategic Programme Performance Improvement Manager spent twelve weeks with the team and observed and questioned their process; Steph Shellock-Wells was a Carer representative for this project, service users representative was nominated by Speak Up CIC group
Results: work on reducing the process; the team moved from a long and complex process to a three points process; admin staff organise meetings for Care Coordinators
Any Other Business / Colin Mitchell talked about the Buddy Scheme; they are happy to attend meetings / events and advertise their services; Sarah Bieniasz suggested using Live Well website
Andrew Welcome informed the group that his book has been printed. He handed out copies of ‘Do I need help? The Mental Health Diagnosis & Relapse Prevention planner’
David Cousins talked about the Quality Improvement Project lead by Guy Powell, Lead Nurse- Acute Care Group; David is a service user representative for this project
Louis Coelho talk about the STP sessions around Kent, and a new KMPT recovery video
Date of next meeting / Monday, 11thDecember from 11.00AM to 1.00PM at the Main Hall, St Martins Hospital, Littlebourne Road, Canterbury CT1 1TD