February Meeting
February 11, 2015
Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Betty Harris, Eric Jarvi, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Mac McCall, Sarah Vincent, Heather Sudik, Meagan Rusby, Whitney Jandreau, Kelsie Anderson, Alyssa Johnson
1. Minutes from December Meeting
Move to approve minutes from December. Motion Seconded. Approved
2. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)
Eric had distributed current budget to Board by email. Currently, our balance sheet for January – Checking and savings = $45,712, td invest cost $41,023 and TD investment at market $14,040 for a total $100,776 balance.
Total income is$18508 versus $28,597 in expenses leaving $10,089 in the red. This is normal for this time of year. Relative to expenses we are on track for the year. Over on the donations because of the board approved donation to Diversion Alert.
Eric solicited questions. No questions. Motion to approve budget. Seconded. Budget Approved.
3. Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)
Mac shared the docket of bills by email. One was regarding Canadian importation and Amelia met with the representative and was removed.
We have had on our calendar for the last year a day with Legislatures for March 4, 2015. Mac has been in touch with Bob Nutting regarding schedule. As of this morning, the calendar has not yet been released and waiting to be sure the legislature is in session before activities are planned. . Holding on the 4th until calendar is released.
Mac said there was a new Call to Action regarding ld141 – Paul Chace submitted a bill that the definition of provider HAS to include pharmacist. Scheduled for public hearings on Feb 24 at 1pm in room 209. This legislation was denied even last September with smoking cessation. Very important and it is currently bipartisan cosponsored. Goal is “unanimous ought to pass” from committee. Mac is asking for 10 students from each school to participate. Do not need to testify, but would look for large presence of “white coats”. Mac would like 1 student to testify for the opportunity. Mac would like a home grown student from ME, good speaker, and the specialized health care training. We can help coach them on the presentation. Eric requested Whitney to testify for Husson. Whitney accepted. Mac is carpooling and welcomes any Husson students from Portland to join him. Mac will be testifying and would like to have pharmacists present. If the goal is met of unanimous, it goes just for a vote and not a debate and would like to have a bill signing ceremony.
Betty stated the Me Society Health Pharmacist should be included. Betty asked about the home meds and medical marijuana and contact with MSHP. Mac said he did include MSHP on the list of bills but had not heard back.
Eric asked about the lawsuit. Mac stated that no definitive time and told by clerk at the top of priority. Today, Curtis Picard reached out to the attorney for an update. Continue to be surprised by the slow time table.
Greg John McCain presented bill to have FDA website include “safe” supply on website. No updates.
Board of Pharmacy – Greg was unable to attend due to weather. No update. Great British Drug not on the agenda. Request from Hannaford to have prescriptions included when electronically submit groceries and to get the prescription when they pick up the groceries. Mac said working with board of medicine on collaborative practice and brought to public comment.
4. Conventions (Larry)
· Spring 2015 – March 20-22, 2015 – Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME
Registration Update – Currently, for the CE program there are 25 full weekend registration and 8 one day registrations, and an additional 9 registered for the immunization training and 3 for CPR.
Linda will send an email advising the hotel block is available until 2/19.
Vendor Update – Rite Aid, AmerisourceBergen, HD Smith, Hannaford and a new corporate sponsor, NovoNordisk have committed to corporate memberships which include a table at the convention. Sent follow ups to Walgreens and Cardinal Health this morning. To date, Merck and Pharmacist Mutual have paid and Abbvie committed to a table. Sent follow ups to Janssen, Daiichi-Sankyo, DAK Financial. Linda asked if anyone had any new contacts.
Linda asked if we will continue to offer a free table to MPHP and if we should do the same for Diversion Alert? Betty also asked if we should offer the same to CDC? It was agreed that we could do so for the Spring convention since the facility could accommodate these extra tables. Linda will reach out to the organizations.
For meal sponsors, Rite Aid committed and UNE CoP has sponsored. Husson usually sponsors a meal. Linda asked if she should follow up with Husson. Eric advised it had been approved by Dean Larson and Linda will follow up with Elizabeth.
Reception: We will continue with the same set up as last year with a small station of food and passed appetizers. Linda confirmed the same music last year, Jim Ciampi piano.
Volunteers – Deb has sent the contact for Student Volunteers. Linda will coordinate. Would be used to sell raffle tickets.
Raffle – We will continue with the same raffle as last year where tickets will be sold on Friday and Saturday and the drawing will be at the reception.
CE Credits - Mac shared the UNE CE office is moving to online processing of CEs. Maybe an inconvenience to have it electronically for some and wondered if we can do both. It will be in 2 places. The board thought it would be good to move electronically but would need to have some sort of station set up at registration for those to process during breaks during the convention. Linda stated that she was going to be meeting with Pauline at the CE office to review the new process and how we could facilitate the move to electronic processing.
· Sesquicentennial -2017 – Proposed: October 5-7, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME
Linda is still working to get to meet with the Holiday Inn by the Bay to review the site and the contract. Has had to be rescheduled several times for the weather. May go on 2/12/15 if anyone in the area wants to see it. Once the contract is signed, we will need to work to get the Keynote Speaker for the dates.
· Fall 2015 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME
5. Awards and Scholarship (Lisa)
Lisa could not be on the call, but wanted to share that the nominations for the pharmacy awards will be opened again at the Spring Convention. The same awards and nomination process will be used with a due date of 6/1/2015
During the scholarship process last year, a few changes were suggested including removing the social security number from the application and not having a set GPA as a requirement. Since the form needs to be updated, it would be good to address any other information that would be helpful to include in awarding the scholarships. Greg posed the question of whether they should be able to have them submitted electronically. Linda will send out the updates for discussion on March call.
6. Membership Committee (Betty)
The membership numbers are at the highest they have been since 2010 with
7. MPA Office Report (Linda)
· Career Center/yourmembership.com – Linda had a call with the providers of Career Center/yourmembership.com. This is an opportunity for non dues revenue. They solicit job posting from employers and we provide them with member emails. They would also like to add a link from our webpage. The original contract terms from 2009 have been completed and it is automatically renewed for one year terms with the current expiration being in September. It was agreed that until we can see how it works a little better, we include it for student members and the board. The students on the call would like to receive the emails.
· 4imprint credit – The recall from the chargers resulted in a credit back to the MPA account for about $800.00. Linda asked if we should try to get a promotional item for the spring convention or to hold it for the golf and fall convention. It was agreed to hold onto it for the golf tournament and fall convention.
· Sponsor basket – Eric said there is an opportunity to submit a basket to have at the APHA wine tasting. The board agreed to spend $100.00 on the basket. The association does receive a portion of the proceeds from the evening. Linda sent an email with the basket donation details and how to get it to San Diego.
· Immunization Champion Award – Mac shared that he will be receiving recognition on Sunday night of the convention and invited all those from Maine in attendance to join him. He will send the details.
8. Website (Mac and Linda)
No updates
9. Technician Committee & Facebook report (Candy)
Candy has submitted her resignation from the board. She has submitted a recommendation of Elwin Eaton to be her replacement. The board appreciated her recommendation and suggested that a notice be sent to all to advise of the opening. Linda will include with her convention notification. The replacement will be announced at the Spring Business meeting.
10. Next Meeting: March 11, 2015, 12:00pm