Patron: HRH The Princess Royal

President: Keith Gee

Extended Entry Form for the GRFU [U16s only] Youth Cup Competitions 2017-18

Name of Club ______RFC (Please Print)

Wish to enter the GRFU Junior Cup competitions in the following age groups:

Under 16YESNO _ _ _ _ _

If you are entering more than one team, a squad list for each team will need to accompany this application form. Inclusion in to this or any other competition is not automatic and will be at the discretion of the Sub-Committee.

£20 Entry fee for each team, Cheques payable to GRFU or through BACS with Reference:

Club Name – U16 YC - Payable to GRFU 2 A/c – 58300860 Sort Code: 30.99.38

PLEASE NOTE – All age group competitions will commence on 24th September 2017 and will run as per the published RFU Structured Season.

Details of the Competitions will be included with the draw and sent out to all registered clubs by the end of November.

The date of the Under 14’s to Under 16’s Plate finals will be Sunday 22ndApril 2018 (Venue TBC).

The date of the Under 14’s to Under 16’s Cup finals will be Sunday 29th April 2018 (Venue TBC).

If you are unable to play on these dates for whatever reason, then you will forfeit your place in the final and will be replaced by your losing semi-finalists.

Note: All players taking part in the tournament must be registered under the RFU Youth Registration Scheme. Each club is to provide a list of players with their RFU Registration numbers & date of birth to the relevant Age Group Administrator before the start of the competitions.

Hon Secretary (Block capitals) ______

Signature ______

Club Nominated Contact (Block Capitals) Name ______

Address ______



Post Code ______Tel. ______

E-mail address ______

Please fill in the Age Group Contacts details below i.e. Name, Phone Number, E-Mail (please print).

Please add age group administrator if main contact is different to the head coach details.

U16Head Coach:______

E-Mail: ______Phone No. ______

Age Group Administrator: ______

E-Mail: ______Phone No.______

Entries must be with the GRFU Competitions Administrator by Monday 11 September 2017.

Clubs will be notified as soon as possible after the draw.

Please email form to noting the date of your BACS payment or email form as notification of entry and post form and cheque to:

Stuart Gilbraith, 77 St David’s Road, Thornbury, BS35 2JL

County Office: Old Stone Cottage, Orange End, Inglestone Common, Badminton, South Glos, GL9 1BP

Tel: 01454 299215 Email:

Website: Registered No: IP29240R