Three Golden Rules of Hopper/Joey Installations

  1. If Hopper goes to 015 when plugged into power, reset factory defaults.
  2. If Hopper goes to 833 when plugged into power, leave it alone.
  3. Joeys SHOULD NEVER be connected to the MoCA network prior to Hopper having Audio, Video, Authorization, and finishing the installation wizard.

Hopper / Joey Install Issues Troubleshooting

If the issue is on the Hopper:

There are two different 015’s, the first is factory 015 (appears on boot up) and the second happens when Warning 833 has been cancelled. If stuck on 015, press “Menu” twice to access System Info & check the software version. This will determine which 015 message is appearing.

·  If Hopper software is (sxxx-fmnacb) proceed to the applicable step on the Hopper Boot State 1 flow.

·  If Hopper software does not have “fm” listed, proceed to the applicable step on the Hopper Boot State 2 flow.

Hopper Boot State:

1.  015

  1. If Tech ran Check switch test or waited and s/w downloaded
  2. Reset factory defaults (Menu>Settings>Factory Defaults)
  3. Reset Receiver
  4. 015
  5. 833 (Allow time for this to appear)
  6. Installation Wizard (Allow time for this to appear)

2.  833

  1. 833
  2. Allow 833 to finish, if finished will skip to step g
  3. If tech 833 cancelled proceed to next step
  4. Stuck on 015
  5. FPR/HR
  6. Run Manual check switch
  7. FPR/HR
  8. 833
  9. Allow to finish, if finished will skip to step g
  10. Installation Wizard

Joey-related Troubleshooting:

Joey Boot State:

1.  1303

  1. Check Client ID on Hopper (Menu>Settings>Network Settings>Tests>Counters>Page down to the bottom>Top line should say client ID
  2. If No Client ID exists, skip to No Client ID, Flow 2 (below)
  3. If Client ID exists, do steps b through i
  4. Unplug the Joey from AC power
  5. Disconnect the MoCA coax cable
  6. Plug the Joey into AC power
  7. Put Joey into standby mode
  8. Unplug the Joey from AC power
  9. Re-connect the MoCA coax cable
  10. Plug the Joey into AC power
  11. Wait for standby screen to appear
  12. Unplug the Joey from AC Power
  13. Plug they Joey into AC Power
  14. Wait for 061 or install wizard to appear

2.  Hopper/Joey – No Client ID

  1. Unhook all Coax from Joey units
  2. Put Hopper into standby mode
  3. Hopper will download software in background
  4. Hopper may come up to 303
  5. Confirm Client ID downloaded
  6. Refer to “Unplug the Joey” – 1303, Step b. (above)