Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Your responses will help meunderstand your problem and provide better care and treatment. All information is strictly confidential.




City, State, Zip Code:

Home Phone: Cell and/or Work Phone:

Email address:

Age: ______Date of Birth: _____/_____/______

Gender: M F Height: ____’____” Weight: _____ lbs. Marital Status:

Occupation: Employer:

Family Physician: Phone:

Insurance Company: Policy #:

How did you hear about our office?

Reason for visit ______


Please indicate on the figure below where your pain is now. Use the following symbols to indicate:

Ache > Numbness O OOPins/needles x xxStabbing //////

1. When did the current episode of pain begin?______

2. How did it occur?

 gradual onset  reaching lifting fall  twisting pushing

 direct blow bending  pulling  don’t know

3. Was your injury the result of one of the following?

 Vehicle accident  Recreational accident

 On-the-job injury  Non-work related incident  No known cause

4. Briefly describe the onset of your pain and the events which preceded onset?





5. What do the following activities do to your pain?

No Change Relieves Pain Increases Pain After How Long?

Sitting   ______

Walking    ______

Standing    ______

Lying down    ______

Bending forwards    ______

Bending backwards   ______

Lifting    ______

Coughing/Sneezing    ______

Changing positions    ______

6. What do you do to relieve your pain? ______



  1. Please describe the pain:  constant,  comes and goes

 sharp,  dull,  throbbing,  aching,  radiating,  burning,  cramping,  stabbing,  other

If other please describe ______

2. Do you have  numbness,  tingling, weakness,  other (please specify) ______

3. Please rate your current level of pain according to the following Rating Scale:

Level 1-2 No problem sleeping, don’t need any pain medication

Level 3 Pain may wake you once or twice at night but you go right back to sleep

Level 4-6 Difficulty sleeping. You can walk, talk and drive. NSAID’sare necessary to cope with pain

Level 7 You need stronger medication to deal with the pain

Level 8-9 You are in the hospital for pain control. You have difficulty walking, talking and can’t drive

Level 10 You can’t talk or walk, breathing is difficult, you are barely able to stay alive

Pain Level today:

4. Over the past TWO weeks:

Please rate your worst pain. Please rate your least pain:


Have you had previous testing for this condition?  Yes  No If yes, please explain below:

Workup Date Results

X-rays ___/___/______

MRI ___/___/______

CT scan ___/___/______

EMG ___/___/______

Other ___/___/______


1. Please check the boxes corresponding to the results you experienced with treatments you have tried:

Helped Made worse No effect Name of Doctor/Therapist

Physical Therapy   ______

Hot packs   ______

Ice packs  ______

Ultrasound   ______

Massage  ______

Chiropractic treatment  ______

Osteopathic manipulation   ______

Trigger point injections   ______

Epidural steroid injections   ______

Acupuncture   ______

Bed rest   ______


1. Who is your Primary care physician?


Address: ______

2. Do you have any medical problems and/orpast surgeries?  Yes  No If yes briefly describe:

Please include any hip or knee replacements, whether left or right joint and date of surgery. Also indicate whether you have had any back or neck surgeries.






3. Do you have a previous history of pain or discomfort in the area of you current complaint?

 Yes  No If yes please describe history and duration of this condition:





4. Do you take painmedications including herbs or supplements?  Yes  No

Name of Medication, Dosage, and how long have you been taking these?




5. Do you have anydifficulty sleeping due to this condition?  Yes  No If yes please describe:



6. Are you taking a blood thinning medication?  Yes  No If yes, name of drug:______

7. Do you have a pacemaker?  Yes  No

8. Circle the number to indicate the extent of problems you are having with each of the following:

None ModerateSevere

Anxiety12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Depression 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Irritability 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Insomnia12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. Do you have a regular exercise program?  Yes  No If yes please describe:



10. Are you on a restricted diet:  Yes  No If yes please describe:



Please describe your Average Daily Diet:


Snacks (eaten at what times?):

11. How much water do you drink daily?

12. How many caffeinated drinks do you drink per day (coffee, tea, soda)?

13. Do you smoke? :  Yes  No If yes, how many cigarettes per day?

14. Usual Occupation:______

15. Does the condition you are presenting with prevent you from performing any of your duties at work?

 Yes  No If yes please describe:



16. Does the condition you are presenting with prevent you from performing any of your household duties?  Yes  No If yes please describe:



17. How physically demanding is your job?

 Very heavy (frequently lifting >100 pounds)  Heavy (frequently lifting >60 pounds)

 Moderate (frequently lifting >30 pounds)  Light (frequently lifting < 30 pounds)

 Sedentary (essentially no lifting)


1. Are you:  Single  Married/Partner  Divorced Widowed  Significant Other

2. Have you had a stress or change in a significant relationship within the past 12 months?  Yes  No

3. If you have children, what are their ages?______

3. If you have adult children, do they live nearby?  Yes  No

4. What is your highest level of education or training?

 High School/GED  Some college  College Masters Doctorate Professional degree

5. Approximately how many alcoholic beverages do you drink each week? ______

6. Have you ever smoked?  Yes  No If yes, are you currently smoking?  Yes  No If yes, how many cigarettes per day? ______

7. Do you live in a:  Apartment House  with an elevator  without an elevator

8. Are you required to climb stairs in your home?  Yes  No

9. Do you get around your house or community with a:  cane  walker wheelchair scooter no assistance required


Please circle all that apply in your immediate family:

CancerDiabetesHigh Blood PressureStrokeSeizures Allergies Asthma Heart Disease Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Neck pain Back Pain Knee pain

Other Major Illnesses:

Please describe any other problems you would like to discuss:

Patient Signature: ______Date: ______

Acupuncturist Signature: ______Date: ______