ARCHERY South Australia Inc

Minutes of general meeting held at

State Association House, 105 King William St, Kent Town

on Thursday 12th December 2013

1.  Open Meeting: 1935 hours

2.  Present:

2.1 Chair: B Lang

2.2 Delegates and Officers:

Position / Name / Club / Name
President / Bruce Lang / ü / AAC / Carol Ashlee (proxy) / ü
Vice President / Gretel Dabovich / ü / BAC / Dennis Traeger / û
Secretary / Sue Martin / ü / BLA / Sue Martin / ü
Treasurer / Andrew Sharpe / ü
Tournament Director / Glenn Martin / ü / CB / Bob Welden / ü
Coaching Administrator / Junior Alexander / û / EFA / John Dabovich (proxy) / ü
Recorder / Wayne Kolster / û
Assistant Recorder / Kath Bridges / ü / GSA / Kath Bridges / ü
KA / No Delegate
Equipment Officer / Vacant / MNA / No delegate
Journal Editor / Carol Ashlee / ü
SAOC/ACGA Delegate / Junior Alexander / û / SVAC / Irene Roser / ü
Juniors Administrator / Glenn Pauley / û / TFIAC / Jill Sparkes / ü
Judges Administrator / Carol Ashlee / ü
State Coach / Vacant / VHAC / Sherry Gale / û
State Junior Coach / Vacant / WB / Gretel Dabovich / ü

2.3 Members and Visitors: No further attendees

2.4 Apologies: W Kolster (State Recorder) D Traeger (delegate BAC) G Pauley (Junior Coordinator) J Alexander ( Coaching Administrator) J Nicoll (AAC delegate)

2.5  Accreditation of Voting Delegates (quorum is 5): 8 Present

3.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting (November 2013)

Moved: C Ashlee Seconded: G Dabovich “That the draft minutes be accepted as read.”

Carried unanimously

3.1  Corrections:

3.1.1  No corrections

3.2  Business Arising from the Previous Meeting

Moved: S Martin Seconded: I Roser “That the minutes be ratified.”

Carried unanimously

4.  CORRESPONDENCE ( 14th Nov – 11th Dec 2013)

4.1  IN

4.1.1 Archery Australia

A J Larven – “Memorandum of Understanding” for 2014 Youth Nationals – no concerns expressed and

therefore on that basis B Lang as President will sign off on it. Secretary to forward to AA.

B K O’Malley – Chair – Officials Comm – List of Judges for 2014 Youth Nationals

4.1.2 Clubs/Officers/Members

A KA – Resignation of delegate Y Lewis

B AAC, EFA, CB, GSA – in agreeance with increase in tournament fees and on-line registrations only.

Motion put to last meeting and is therefore Carried. Will take effect from the 1st January 2014.

C WB – Have adopted the Child Safe Environments Policy and Procedures as used by ARCHERY SA

D K Bridges – wishes to trial attending this meeting via the internet – worked well on the night, and will be of benefit to those clubs unable to attend meetings due to distance. Only issue is the meeting etiquette of members speaking one at a time, as difficult to then hear the remote person and vice versa.

E TFIAC – Changes to State Calendar – Jim Hale Memorial Shoot will take place 0930 Sunday 30th March 2014. Calendars now available to clubs – secretary will distribute.

F Neil Griffin – email regarding ARCHERY SA equipment being stored by him. – Tabled at meeting. Bruce will collect equipment and make a decision re where it will be stored.

G BLA – Temporary Player forms – Forwarded to Treasurer

H Archery related seminars –Tabled at meeting. General support, but some concerns – GSA a N0 vote AAC CB were in favour but a go slowly approach TFIAC non committal. EFA how would visiting presenters be selected, how would it be pitched to what level, K Bridges - More relevant that we start with a person that we would not normally have access to. At this stage it will be left out there and considered at a later stage probably after Youth nationals.

I Future Governance of ARCHERY SA – Tabled at meeting.

GSA in favour of seeing a lot more debate on this complex issue (copy of email)

·  Believes that something needs to be done to improve governance and that the removal of cumbersome structures would help.

·  If a Board were to go ahead, it would need to be small in number, have a good balance of business & sports skills (the best people to operate/manage the organization), be in touch with the issues of today, and strongly connected with AA and the Australian Archery Alliance.

·  Most contemporary incorporated bodies are managed by a Board or Committee of Management. The members elect the Board and the Board manages the policy direction as administered by the officers.

·  Need to get the balance correct so as not to disenfranchise clubs.

AAC (copy of email) The following represent the consensus of the AAC executive. We believe that the idea has some merit but that it may actually be harder to find enough volunteers to fill a committee that to find a single Officer under the existing model. Much of the work of Archery SA could be dealt with without consultation with Clubs – this has advantages but also disadvantages in loss of transparency. It should be noted that the offer of transparency in the workings of Archery SA are not taken advantage of by “delegates” and lack of feedback from Clubs when asked to respond. In short, does the new model have sufficient merit to warrant the upheaval in changing? We believe it may not.

Early stages, do we think it worth investigating? Formation of a group to effectively come up with a proposal that goes out to clubs.

The paper has been circulated to the membership with an underwhelming response. At this stage it is a discussion paper and will be left on the table for further investigation.

4.1.4 General

A UniSA course Health Promotion in Physiotherapy – Tabled at meeting – not acted upon

B OR&S – P Anderson – Letter re 360o Review, updated customer relationship tool myRecSport – Tabled at meeting.

C State Assoc House – discontinuation of phone number. Reminder that there is the website to access information and also the contact number via the secretary.

D Government House Christmas greetings – tabled at meeting

4.2  OUT

4.2.1  Clubs & Officers

A November inclusive of correspondence and reports received

B FITA registrations for 2014 State Tournaments

C 2014 Youth Nationals – “Memorandum of Understanding’ to Organising committee, ARCHERY SA Officers and Delegates.

D Updated AGM 2013 minutes

4A. Business from the Correspondence

4A.1 IN

Read the individual correspondence with responses and or action as noted in bold/italics or


4A.2 OUT

Moved R Welden Seconded J Dabovich

“That the inwards correspondence be received and the outgoing correspondence be endorsed.” Carried unanimously

5 Reports and Financial Statements – “That the reports be received” Moved: K Bridges Seconded:

S Martin Carried unanimously. See business of reports as stated below.

5.1 Treasurer – Read attachment

Moved: A Sharpe Seconded: C Ashlee

“That the payment of accounts be endorsed.” Carried unanimously

5.2 Junior Co-ordinator – Read attachment

5.3 President – Read attachment

5.4 Assistant Recorder – Read attachment

5.5 Tournament Director – No report

5.6 Coaching Administrator – No report

5.7 SAOC & ACGA Delegate – No report

5.8 Archive Officer – No report

5.9 Grants Committee – No report

6 General Business

6.1  ARCHERY SA Presentation dinner will take place at the Seven Stars Hotel, Angas St

7-7.30 pm.

6.2  K Bridges (assistant recorder) – Concern raised that some archers are not following the rules when shooting field tournaments. Remind archers of their responsibilities in shooting to the rules. Ignoring the rules of shooting has potential to derail medal claims. Suggestion of an intervention to enable all archers to be aware of the rules correct shooting protocol at field shoots, perhaps mentoring program at club level to educate members.

6.3  Bruce wished all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

7 Next General Meeting: 7.30 pm Thursday 9th January 2014 at State Association House

8 Meeting closed: 2035 hours


REPORTS For 15th November – 12th December 2013


Statement Date: 12/12/2013 ABN: 45 952 501 065

Budget Accumulation Fund

Opening Balance 65,331.19 From 14/11/2013 Opening Balance 298,864.92

Income 3,676.00 Income 265.01

Expenses 3,959.70 Expenses 441.75

-283.70 -176.74

New Balance 65,047.49 New Balance 298,688.18

New Total Balance 363,735.67

PRESENTED BY Sport and Recreation Sustainability Program Grant

Cheque Account 6,455.50 Opening Balance from 01/07/2013 12,742.77

Investment 357,280.17 Total Income 17,500.00

363,735.67 Total Expenses 14,342.77

Unpresented Cheques - 0.00 3,157.23

TOTAL CASH ASSETS 363,735.67 New Balance 15,900.00


Payment Details Amount

Eden Field Archers - Tournament 660.00

Archery SA Juniors Organising Committee - Tournament 45.00

KPMG Dinner 770.00

Trophy House - Tournament 30.80

Dept of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure - Cleaning Services 15.76

Dept of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure - Office Rent 91.66

Dept of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure - Operating Expenses 32.48

Archery Australia - Affiliations 2,154.00

Archery Australia - Medals 441.75

Archery Australia - Fita Star / Arrow Head 160.00


Date Name Club Invoice Details Amount

10/11/2013 Victor Harbor Archery Club VHAC R-0052 Medals - 7 35.10

14/11/2013 Adelaide Archery Club AAC R-0054 Medals - 13 72.40

14/11/2013 Adelaide Archery Club AAC R-0047 Medals - 60 202.00

14/11/2013 The Farm Indoor Archery Club TFIA R-0053 Medals - 6 31.80

Drew Sharpe


President's Activity 11 November - 9 December

(A relatively quiet month)

12 November: NYAC 2014 Organising Committee meeting

14 November: ARCHERY SA meeting

22 November:The 2013 KPMG South Australian Sport Hall of Fame inductions, The Advertiser Channel Seven Sports Star of the Year Award and Sport SA Award winners were announced at the 2013 KPMG Celebration of South Australian Sport. I and the Vice-President accompanied valued volunteers from Eden Field Archers and Cressy Bowmen for a most enjoyable and interesting evening

30 November: Cressy Bowmen held a Quiz Evening fundraiser at the Para Hills Bowling Club
Bruce Lang

Juniors’ Administrator Report

The junior archers have been concentrating on completing the minimum qualification requirements for State team selection before the cutoff date of 13th January. A number of them attended the QREs at CB and SVAC in November and the Field QRE at EFA in December.

There are now 9 Recurve and 7 Compound archers who have completed the minimum qualification requirements for the 2014 state team with one Recurve archer who only needs one more field QRE which I expect to be done in January. A number of relatively new archers who are interesting in joining the squad for the 2014 Youth Nationals.

Glenn Pauley



The Database for Archery SA State Records has been upgraded so that both achieved and unclaimed Record Rounds appear on the Records Report.

The State Records Report updated to November 30th 2013 has been sent out to Club Recorders and it has been uploaded in complete form and in classes to

Please provide the above link to club members for easy access.

The following extract from the Archery SA website has been sent to Club Recorders:

Please get all record claims submitted within a calendar month of the round being shot; earlier if possible. They can be sent by e-Mail with a scanned copy of the score sheet, though it may also require a follow-up hard copy of the score sheet

There has been much improvement in the claims process; scorecard accuracy and the occasional significantly belated claim are the only remaining issues. I have notified clubs that guidelines will need to be adhered to for future claims.

As new State Record Reports are produced, they will be made available for upload to the Club Recorder Database, so that checks for State Records can be readily available as archers’ scores are added.


A number of clubs are now using the Club Recorder Database that was sent out to all Club Recorders on October 4th. Use of the Claim Forms in the database has increased and electronic avenues are being more fully accessed. Some who have chosen to go down this avenue for club recording have taken the time to let me know that it’s working well for them.


All medals business is up-to-date:

·  State Target Championship medals have been distributed

·  State Field Championship medals have been ordered from AA as/instructions from Club Recorders and ü on scorecards

·  Classification claims have been submitted to AA

·  Australian Record claims have been submitted to AA (January has been highlighted by AA as the processing month for the latest claims)

·  State Record Certificates have been processed (except for the very latest ones as they are in the midst of the cross-referencing period)

·  All club medal orders have been filled.

It’s taken a while, but it seems that all aspects of Recorder Business are now up and running fairly smoothly; most Club Recorders have worked really well with me to achieve this so that recognition of archers’ achievements can be readily realised. I thank them for that.


Kath Bridges

This is Page 5 of the minutes of the ARCHERY SA meeting held on 12th December 2013