Extract from James Ferret’s will, 1587
I give and bequeath to my brother William ferret ij (2) bushels [missing] of barley the which barley John Hogges of the brocke dwellinge in the parishe of [missing] also, & ij (2) bushels& a halfe of barlye the which an turnor of little markell [missing] and one bushel of wheat, & my worst brasse pott.
I give and bequeth to Elizabeth Skynner the daughter of my brother in law Ric [missing] my best fetherbed & bolster, one payer of sheets my beste healinge[1]ij (2) platters two saucers one old cawdron my fine meatcloth, one capser? [possibly coffer?] One bushel of wheat [missing] bushel of mault.
I give & bequeath to Thomas ferret the sonne of my brother John ferret my [illegible] and halfe an acre of mo[n]corne[2] i (1) brassen pan, i (1) stalle of beese i (1) bushel of mault.
I give and bequeath to maud feret the daughter of my brother John ferret my [? coffer? missing] ? Beinge at An turnores of little markell widow i (1) payer of sheets ij (2) …of pewter ij (2) saucers one bushel of mault, my best brasse pott & xij d [12d] in money.
I give and bequeath to An ferret ij (2) bushels of mault, to Margaret ferret i (1) [missing] of mault, to Mary ferret i (1) bushel of mault to Willi[a]m ferret i (1) bushel of [missing] to Elizabeth ferret, i (1) bushel of mault to Richard ferret i (1) bushel of mault … beinge the children of my brother John ferret.
I give and bequeath to Thomas Mutlow ye sone of my sister in law Custance ferret i (1) bushel of mault.
I give and bequeath to Thomas ferret one bushel of mault to George ferret one bushel of mault to William ferret i (1) bushel of mault to Jone ferret i (1) bushel of mault, & to the sayd Jone my worst bed & ij (2) canvases & a thrumcloth ? all ?? beinge the children of my brother William ferret.
I give and bequeath t Edward skinner the sonne of my brother in law Richard Skynner two bushels of mault.
I give and bequeath to John Skynner the sonne of my brother in law Richard Skynner two bushels of mault.
I give and bequeath to my sister mary pewteras my great cawdron & i (1) bushel of mault.
I give and bequeath to Mary ferret the daughter of my brother John ferret my frine [frying?] pan.
I give and bequeath to William ferret the sonne of my brother John ferret i (1) stalle of beese.
I give and bequeath to my sister Jone Skynner i (1) bushel of mault.
I give and bequeath to my sister in law Custans feret i (1) bushel of mault.
I give and bequeath to my brother John Ferret my great wittinge vatt[3].
I give and bequeath to Richard Pewerass my treene buttell my girdle & dagger.
I give and bequeath to Elizabeth ferret the daughter of my brother John ferret my pos…
I give and bequeath to my goddaughter an Jenkins xijd [12d] .
I give and bequeath to my goddaughter Elizabeth Morton iijd [3d] All of my goods cattells & household stuffe whatsoever not geven and unbequethed.
Will of James Ferret, 1587.
[1] Healinge: bed covering
[2] Muncorn: a mixture of wheat and rye grown together
[3] Wetting vat: used in malting?