NW Dispute Resolution Conference

Committee Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2017

Present: (the following attended in person) Chris Goelz, Donna Lurie, Nancy Highness, Melissa Fuller, Page Garcia, Lish Whitson, Kathy Kline, (the following attended by phone) Regina Lyons, Sasha S. Philip, Craig Beles (by phone), Courtney Kaylor,Christine Cimini

We missed: Kathleen Wareham, Joel Greene, Adrienne Keith Wills

Farewell (for now, and with deep gratitude): Bob Zierman

Minutes –The minutes of the Sept. 21 meeting were reviewed and approved.

UW/Section Talks – Sasha, Courtney and Christine reported having a positive preliminary conversation and discussed the history of the conference, its connection to the ADR Section, procedural requirements and necessary paperwork for continuing the relationship between the Conference and UW. WSBA has indicated a commitment to continuing the Conference. Draft MOU’s have been circulated and Courtney and Christine are working to finalize the same, including an understanding of each entity’s respective role. There are no substantive changes to the current process or to the Committee’s function in the MOU. Courtney advises that, pursuant to WSBA’s requisite process, the MOU will be annually renewed and any subsequent changes would need to be reviewed and approved.

Social Media –Meetings are in the works, platforms are available, and social media assets are ready. With that, the topic is tabled until the next meeting.

Invited Speakers – Ann McBroom is not available, per Regina. The Committee mentioned the following names as folks who have already been contacted and/or are interested in presenting: Laurel Beeler (Chris); Nina Mierding; Bruce Edwards(Melissa will report back with possible additional topics after reviewing Edwards’ mediation trainings); Ken Cloke has agreed, Steve Shulmeyer, Jennifer Kresge, Tamia Pervez, Vivian Sharples and Jaya Sharma (the last three could possibly collaborate on something?); Stephanie Bell; Bob Benjamin; David Emerald (The Power of TED) ; for lunch Emily Martin has another fun project.

Program Tracks - Craig will coordinate a meeting with AAA, JAMS, JDR and WAMS to develop programming for the proposed lawyer track.

Joel reported he continues to move forward with outreach for developing the community mediator’s track. The committee remains enthusiastic.

Budget – Kathy’s budget template was circulated and reviewed.

Fundraising –Fundraising efforts continue. Craig suggested a collegial competition/challenge among the panel ADR service providers (i.e., WAMS, JAMS, JDR, AAA) to “step up” their respective contributions. Please continue to update Courtney’s Google doc with any info you may have for the firms listed therein, paying special attention to firms with no sponsor history and nothing in the notes column.Link: 2017/'18 24th DR Conference Fundraising Target List

Proposal Status/Reminiders – As of the Oct. 21 meeting, nine proposals were received. Reminders regarding the RFP deadline to be sent.

Registration – A proposal for a modest increase to registration fees was presented by Chris and Sasha. Lish moved to approve the increase, Donna seconded the motion, and the same was unanimously approved by all in attendance. committee discussed the registration fee.

Next Meeting: November 8, 12 – 3 (Pizza Party!)