USTAR Governing Authority Board Retreat

Conference Room: Canyonlands Conference Room

60 E. South Temple, 3rd floor

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Conference Line: 1.877.820.7831 Passcode: 746095#

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM


3:00 p.m. / Welcome / Greg Bell
3:05 p.m. / Approval of the June 7th meeting minutes / Vote / Greg Bell
3:10 p.m. / Vision/Mission Statement / Information/Vote / Thom Williams
3:20 p.m. / Energy Research Triangle
·  A presentation summarizing how and why the program was created, how it has historically operated within USTAR, current and past projects, early successes, and a future timeline. / Information / Andrew Sweeney
3:30 p.m. / Incubator Program/Innovation Center
·  Overview of USTAR Innovation Center Enterprise, its place in the ecosystem framework and discussion of the relocation of the USTAR North Innovation Center from Farmington to adjacent to Hill AFB / Information / Teresa McKnight
3:45 p.m. / Administrative rules
·  Approval of Technology Acceleration Program Administrative Rule
·  Approval of Industry Partnership Program Administrative Rule
·  Approval of University R&D Grants Program Administrative Rule
·  Approval of University Research Fund Administrative Rule / Information/Vote / Ivy Estabrooke
4:30 p.m. / Fiscal Year 2017 Budget
·  Approval of USTAR Competitive Grant Programs Line Item Budget (new line item)
·  USTAR Technology Acceleration Program (TAP)
·  USTAR Industry Partnership Program (IPP)
·  USTAR University Technology Acceleration Grant (UTAG)
·  Energy Research Triangle (ERT)
·  USTAR University Seed Research Funding (USRF)
·  Approval of USTAR Support Programs Line Item Budget (previously USTAR Technology Outreach & Innovation or TOIP)
·  USTAR SBIR/STTR Assistance Center (SSAC)
·  USTAR Regional Outreach
·  USTAR Incubation Programs
·  Approval USTAR Program Management & Compliance Line Item Budget (previously USTAR Administration)
·  USTAR Program Management & Compliance
·  USTAR Administration
·  Approval of USTAR Research Capacity Building Line Item Budget (previously USTAR University Research Teams)
·  University of Utah Legacy Salary Commitments
·  University of Utah Start Up
·  Utah State University Legacy Salary Commitments
·  University Legacy Support
·  Approval of Other USTAR Principal Researcher funding requests
·  University of Utah:
·  Fiscal Year 2017 Restricted Account (Start Up)
·  Carryover of remaining Fiscal Year 2016 Start Up
·  Carryover of remaining Fiscal Year 2016 Commercialization
·  Other University of Utah USTAR Support
·  Utah State University:
·  Fiscal Year 2017 Restricted Account (Start Up)
·  Carryover of remaining Fiscal Year 2016 Start Up
·  Carryover of remaining Fiscal Year 2016 Commercialization, including Fiscal Year 2016 USU Mini-Grants / Information/Vote / Ivy Estabrooke
5:00 p.m. / Adjourn / Greg Bell