To create an account for the first time:

1.  Log on to www.turnitin.com.

2.  Go to “Create Account” in the top right of the screen;

3.  Go to “Create a User Profile”.

4.  Click “student” under “Create a New Account”.

5.  Enter your turnitin class ID: 1st – 5665697 2nd – 5416298

3rd– 5416305 4th – 5665704 6th – 5416307

6. Enter your turnitin class enrollment password: bearkats (case sensitive)

7.  Enter your email address – this will become your username.

·  If you don’t have a valid email address, use: (this email address will NOT be a working one – it is only for enrollment purposes.)

8.  Create and enter your personal password.

·  6-12 characters including at least 1 letter and 1 number (case sensitive)

9.  Select a secret questions and answer.

10.  Enter your first and last name – be sure to capitalize correctly.

11.  Select “I agree – create profile”.

To enroll in a class when you already have a turnitin.com account

1.  Log on to www.turnitin.com.

2.  Click “enroll in a class”.

3.  Enter the class ID number (be sure to use the one for YOUR class).

4.  Enter the class password: bearkats


Practice Submission

·  Open a new Word document. Set your margins at 1” and set the format to double space.

·  Type your full heading,

·  On the next line, center the title “Practice Submission”.

·  On the next line, type “Hello, Ms. Eichhorn. I have created my account for your _____ period class in

turnitin.com. My user name is ______, and my password is _____. You will find it interesting to know

that I _____ (tell me something about you that I will find interesting and that will set you apart from my

other students).

·  Save this document as “Practice Submission”

·  Now submit this document to turnitin.com

·  Doing this will help us to foresee any potential problems you might have later on with submitting an essay

and to store your login info. in case you forget it.

To submit an assignment:

1.  Log on to www.turnitin.com.

2.  Select the class for which you want to submit.

3.  Click the grey “SUBMIT” button for the assignment.

4.  Select “single file upload”.

5.  In the “submission title” blank, type a title specific to YOUR paper.

6.  Browse to find the saved file to upload.

7.  Click “upload”.

8.  You will see your paper (unformatted) in the Preview Paper box.

9.  Click “SUBMIT”.

10.  There may be a delay at “Step 2 of 3”. Wait a few minutes. (Some students have had

success at speeding the upload along by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard once and

then clicking “SUBMIT” again.)

11.  Make sure you see the note: “Your submission was successful.” Check your email inbox

for a receipt.