ACTS Core Team

Minutes for January 5, 2015 Meeting

The St. Simon ACTS Core team met at 6:30pm in the LCH. Members present: Steve Brokaw, Marla Wokurka, Vanessa Ferguson, John Quante, Mark Prange, Val Keppler, John Ferretti, Leigh Dohack, Lenny Meyer.

Not present: Mary Karen Willick, Robyn Hoffman, Jim Gleason

The meeting opened with prayer. Minutes from December 1, 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Retreat planning and formation status:

Vanessa Ferguson: Formation starts Wednesday, January 7. Working to finish completing the services and ministries binders.

Lenny Meyer: Waiting to hear from 3 more men from the “A” list about being on team. Have 29 confirmed “yes” for team currently. Plan to finalize the team in the next few weeks.


  1. Communications –Marla: No updates
  2. Financial – Lenny: No report received from the parish office.
  3. Mercy contracts: Steve received the contracts from the Parish Office. Single = $245; Double = $200 per contract. One meal on Thursday listed for ½ the group as part of the price of the contract. Contracts look identical to previous years. Need to decide who is to sign the contracts then submit with the deposit. Lenny will follow up with Cindy on this.
  4. Retreat Support – Leigh/John F.: No updates
  5. Retreat Supply – Val/John Q.: Bin inventory and reorganization completed on Dec 12. After next women’s retreat, we need to go over the bins within 1-2 weeks to prepare for the men’s retreat. Need to do this as well after the men’s retreat to do this quickly after a retreat to get things back organized. Steve is going to type up the supply lists soon to get these to the heads of the next retreats.
  6. Spiritual – Mary Karen/Jim: No report.
  7. Social/Fundraising – Robyn: No report
  8. Music – Mark: Contemporary band did will not do a mass in January but will resume in February on the first Sunday, which is the ACTS Team commissioning.

“Family Prayer with the ACTS Community” on January 18 – planning and assignments: Prayer service at 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm; Meeting following for around 15 minutes followed by socializing time for about an hour. For the meeting: Give an update on the upcoming retreats, ask to invite people to retreats, provide statistics for how many have made a retreat at St Simon and how many are parishioners as well as info on ACTS in other places – how many parishes, what countries, etc, nominations for Core Team and Holy Bowl selection. For the Prayer Service: Steve has talked to Dave Camden about doing brief evening prayer and a talk, suggesting a focus on community for the talk. Mark and Steve will talk to Dave about music, how much we need and what songs. We will make song sheets to use and can incorporate the evening prayer. Steve will type something up to send out the community by Tuesday, 1/6/15. Snacks will be provided by Core Team. Each person on Core should bring something to share.

Four new core team members to replace those whose terms are expiring (Marla, Jim, Val, John F.) Find nominees before Jan. 18 if possible.

St. Louis ACTS Mission Chapter communications (there was no Dec. mtg):

•Testing new leadership workshop on Jan. 10. Two of us from St. Simon.

•Next Leadership Workshop is March 28, 2015 at St. Peter (Kirkwood).

•Core team training is scheduled for March 14 at St. Peter (Kirkwood). Two+ from each.

•New parish: Our Lady Church in Festus signed agreement in Dec. More info to come over the next month or so for those interested in missioning. We are one of the closest established ACTS parishes (us, MMOC, and Assumption).

Other business.

•Name badge order placed, will be ready soon, hopefully by the Jan 18 gathering.

•Next meeting date is Feb 2.

  • Motion moved and accepted to allocate up to $350 from the ACTS budget for a cart for the storage of the contemporary music binders. Steve and Vanessa will research.

Closing Prayer.

ACTS Core Team Roles for 2014-15:

Facilitator: Steve Brokaw (end 1/2016)

Co-Facilitator (and recorder): Vanessa Ferguson (end 1/2017)

Communications Coordinator: Marla Wokurka (end 1/2015)

Financial Coordinator: Lenny Meyer (end 1/2016)

Retreat Support Coordinators: Leigh Dohack (end 1/2016) and John Ferretti (end 1/2015)

Retreat Supply Coordinators: Val Keppler (end 1/2015) and John Quante, Sr. (end 1/2017)

Spiritual Coordinators: Mary Karen Willick (end 1/2016) and Jim Gleason (end 1/2015)

Social and Fundraising Coordinator: Robyn Hoffmann (end 1/2017)

Music Coordinator: Mark Prange (end 1/2017)