Position Description

Position / Manager
Report to / Committee of Management, North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House Inc.
Hours / 25 Hours per week with some flexibility regarding days of work
Award / Social, Community. Home Care and Disability Services Industry (SCHCADS) Award 2010.
Salary and conditions / According to above award including superannuation
Supervisory role / All staff, tutors and volunteers
External liaison / Department of Human Services, City of Yarra, Neighbourhood House Network, local agencies, community groups, other funding agencies.
Position commences / January 2016
With a probationary period of 3 months

Organisation Overview

The North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House (‘Railway House’) is a vibrant community organisation based in the City of Yarra. It encourages a diverse range of people to support, learn and celebrate together and thus strengthen the community and encourage a more just and fairer society.

Diversity and differences are celebrated at Railway House. Opportunities are provided to enable people from various backgrounds, cultures and abilities to interact together.

The right of all people to control their own lives is central to Railway House. Participants are encouraged to recognize, develop and draw on their own strengths and skills, and to develop and implement strategies to address personal and community challenges.

Railway House firmly believes that all people have the right to achieve their full potential. Opportunities are provided for skills development and lifelong learning in response to need.

Programs & Activities

The current main areas of activity are:

1.  Community engagement including weekly community lunches, table tennis and choir.

2.  Health and fitness: Yoga classes, Stretch and Posture Classes for Seniors.

3.  Adult learning: art classes and knitting circle.

4.  Kids programs: Homework Club, Multi-Cultural Playgroup and Soccer 4 Kids.

5.  Supporting advocacy activities on issues such as better public housing, and collecting food for Asylum Seekers.

Key Responsibilities

This position will manage all aspects of the running of Railway House, implementing the policies and procedures set by the Committee of Management. The Manager will oversee, delegate or directly provide the duties listed below.

Strategic planning and development

·  Assist the Committee of Management in undertaking a review of the Strategic Plan that will establish key directions and priorities for the organization over the next few years.

·  Provide monthly reports to, and attend meeting of, the Committee of Management.

·  Develop and maintain strategic relationships with key stakeholders including funders and key service providers.

·  Ensure compliance with relevant legislative, regulatory and industry standards including Occupational Health and Safety.

·  Keep informed of Government policies and community issues that impact on Railway House

·  Enhance the profile of Railway House in the local and broader community

·  Prepare and publish the Annual Report in consultation with the Committee of Management.

Financial management

·  Be responsible for the overall financial management of Railway House and its activities, and maintain expenditure within the budget set by the Committee of Management.

·  Plan and monitor program spending to ensure that it remains within budget, in consultation with the Finance Officer

·  Ensure that the Committee of Management is kept informed of all financial matters impacting on the organisation

Staff and volunteer management

·  Manage the staff in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations.

·  Provide effective support and supervision of staff and volunteers including induction of new staff members and on-going review of staff performance.

·  Identify staff training and professional development needs.

·  Promote effective teamwork and communication with staff and volunteers.

·  In consultation with the Committee of Management, recruit suitably experienced and qualified staff.

Program management, networking and funding

·  Oversee the operation of daily activities and programs at Railway House

·  In liaison with staff, develop and facilitate learning programs that respond to local needs

·  In liaison with staff, continue the development of networks of stakeholders and supporters

·  In liaison with staff, investigate new funding opportunities, and write funding submissions.

Key Selection Criteria

·  A tertiary qualification in Community Development, Education or other relevant tertiary discipline is desirable.

·  Demonstrated experience in leadership and management of staff and volunteers.

·  Demonstrated experience in financial planning and managing budgets of community organisations.

·  Demonstrated experience of working with a diverse community.

·  Demonstrated experience in submission writing and evaluating programs, to meet the reporting procedures of funders.

·  Ability to work in a team environment and in a consultative manner with staff and community.

Pre requisites:

·  A high level of computer literacy, and oral and written communication skills

·  Victorian Drivers Licence

·  Police check and a Working with Children check will be required before commencement


·  Applications must address the Key Selection Criteria and include a resume and (2) current referees.

·  Applications close Wednesday 7th December.

·  Email applications to: Jeff Atkinson (Chair of Committee of Management) at

·  Interviews will be held within 10 days of the application closing.

·  For more information please phone the Chair- Jeff Atkinson on 9381 4505 or the Manager Rebecca Callahan (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) 93806654.