NASAE Executive Committee Meeting

January 31

National FFA Merchandising Center

Break Room

Jason Davis called the meeting to order at 11:45am. Executive Committee members present were Dean Dittmar, E-VP, Illinois; Charles Parker, Secretary, California; Jerrod Smith, President Elect, New Mexico; Jason Davis, North Carolina, President; Ronnie Simmons, S-VP, Florida; and Juleah Tolosky, C-VP, Minnesota.

Members absent were Rebecca Wallace, W-VP, Washington: Jay Jackman, NAAE Executive Director; and Jacob Davis, Past President, Alabama

Guests present were Frank Saldana, Karen Hutchinson, and Nina Crutchfield, all LPS Staff with National FFA.


1.  LPS Report

Frank Saldana provided an update from the LPS staff on the inservice.

Dean Dittmar asked if it were possible to have access to the directory maintained by the LPS staff. Nina Crutchfield shared that she would check into the system to see if it would be possible to allow for limited access.

2.  American Society of Agronomist

NASAE has been asked about becoming partners with the American Society of Agronomist. There are certification opportunities that could assist teachers and students as well as the potential for a sponsor relationship. Jason will continue to work with the American Society of Agronomist on the options.

Meeting was recessed at 12:30pm and moved to the National FFA Center John Deere Room where it was reconvened.

3.  Professional Development

Executive Committee reviewed proposals from Growing Leaders, Generation Ziglar and Vivayic in respect to developing and delivering a comprehensive professional development program for NASAE.

Charles Parker moved and Jarod Smith seconded to move forward with the Vivayic proposal of up to $10,000 with a subcommittee of the Executive Committee led by Jason Davis to work with Vivayic with the goal to kickoff the professional development program in October at the Annual NASAE meeting. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:45pm

Respectfully submitted

Charles Parker, Secretary