Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011 Reg. 27(5)(b) and Schedule 5 and Training, support and Development Standards for Foster Care. Standard 2

Schedule 5 - Matters and obligations in Foster Care Agreements.

Standard 2 - Understand your role as a foster carer.

Foster Care Agreement

1.The purpose of the agreement is to provide written information about the terms and conditions of the partnership with the authority and the foster carer.

This agreement is in BETWEEN Coventry City CouncilAND

(insert foster carer name(s)) (hereafter known as the FOSTER CARERS)


2.Foster carer approval details:

a)Type of placement

  • Respite Yes/No
  • Time Limited Yes/No
  • Long Term Yes/No
  • Emergency Yes/No
  • Specialist Yes/No
  • Parent & child Yes/No
  • Connected Persons Yes/No
  • Other (please specify) Yes/No

b)Numbers, ages and gender of children who may be placed:

Age range:



c) Any other terms or conditions relating to approval

d)Date of Approval/Review

e)Level of Foster Carers: Level1/ Level2/ Level 3

3.This Foster Care Agreement applies to all foster children who may be placed with the FOSTER CARERS and will be reviewed by Coventry City Councilin the following circumstances:

(i)Within twelve months of approval/last review;

(ii)Following a significant change to the foster carer(s)’ household;

(iii)Any request or application by the foster carers to this or any other agency to foster, adopt or seek registration as a childminder, children’s home or private and voluntary home;

(iv)Any anticipated significant change in the foster carer(s)’ circumstances or other event(s) which may affect the suitability of their household or their capacity to care for a child.

(v)Any significant breach of the Foster Care Agreement or any individual child’s Placement Plan;

(vi)Any request by the foster carer(s), their supervising social worker, or this Agency to alter the terms of approval as foster carers.

4.Foster Care Agreement is further qualified by the following undertakings:

Coventry City Council agrees to:

a)Provide each foster carer with a Supervising Social Worker, an induction process and access to the fostering handbook, access to support groups, equipment and allowances related to age.

b)Provide a basic level of training to enable the foster carer to perform the fostering task, and also to provide access to more specific, higher training, through the Directorate's own resources or via outside bodies, e.g. Fostering Network.

c)Review each foster carer's approval at least annually. The review will be conducted by the Supervising Social Worker. A review meeting will take place involving the foster carers and members of the foster carer's household will be asked for feedback. Social Workers for children placed and parents will also be invited to provide feedback. The foster carer review form will be completed and shared with the foster carers, who will be asked to sign it. The first review will be presented to the Fostering Panel, as will subsequent changes of category and following allegation and concerns etc.. An annual review that does not fall into these categories will be submitted to the registered manager for approval. Carers will receive, in writing, confirmation of their terms of approval.

d)Place children, with the foster carer, who are able to benefit from his/her care. Also, as far as possible, ensure adequate introduction of the child to the foster carer and their family home. Written information about the child will be provided to the foster carer.

e)Complete a Placement Plan, if possible prior to the child being looked after by the foster carer. In any event, Placement Plan must be completed within 5 working days. (See foster carer handbook for details).

f)Give foster carers access to People’s Directorate "Comments, Compliments and Complaints" procedure. (See foster carer handbook for details).

g)Provide contact details for relevant members of the Fostering Service including the supervising social worker, the managers, the duty worker and the out of hours / on call number.

h)Provide a lockable case to keep documents and information relating to children in placement, which will be returned to the Directorate when a child leaves.

i)The child's social worker will visit the child and the foster carer in line with current regulations. The child's social worker will visit more frequently if they consider this necessary or the foster carer or their supervising social worker requests this. In addition the child's social worker will maintain telephone and or email contact with the child and the carer between visits.They will provide contact details for relevant members of their team including their manager and the duty worker.

j)The child's social worker will ensure that the foster carer and their supervising social worker are provided with copies of the LAC paperwork, placement plan (before or at the time of placement) care plan and any other information relevant for safe care of the child.

k)The child's social worker and their manager have ultimate responsibility for decisions regarding the child's education, health and contact with birth parents. Major changes to the child's care plan will only be made at LAC review, accept where urgent decisions need to be made to protect the child and the carers.

l)The child's social worker will consult with the carer and their supervising social worker about the plan and over arrangements for contact, reviews, and other meetings particularly where such meetings or contact are to be held in the foster carers home.

5.The foster carer agrees to:

a)To care appropriately for the child placed, and to promote his/her welfare, having regard to the authority's long and short-term arrangements for the child.

b)To meet the needs of the child placed arising from his/her culture, race, religion and language, as far as is practicable. In the case where the child's racial background differs from that of the foster carer, to discuss specific action and plans necessary to redress any deficits this might have for the child.

c)To ensure that information relating to the child placed, his/her family, or any other person, given in confidence in connection with placement, is kept confidential and is not disclosed to any person other than those who have a right to it.

d)To notify the child's social worker and the supervising social worker, immediately, of any serious illness or accident affecting the child placed, and to ensure that the child's health is looked after. To consult a doctor where appropriate. Also to allow the child placed to be examined at such a time and place as Coventry City Council may require.

e)To keep the child's social worker and supervising social worker informed about the child's progress and significant events. To inform People’s Directorate, immediately, of any serious occurrence affecting the child placed, and to, at all times, permit any person authorised by the Secretary of State or Coventry City Council to see the child placed.

f)To comply with the terms of the plan in respect of the child placed and the policies and procedures of the Fostering Service.

g)To allow the foster child to be removed from the foster home by Coventry City Council or the area authority.

h)Ensure that adequate insurance cover maintained. I/we agree to inform our insurers that I/we are acting as foster carers. I/we will provide proof of this if required by Coventry City Council.

i)To co-operate as reasonably required with the Council and in particular allow anyone authorised by the Council to interview them and visit their home at any reasonable time including for an unannounced visit as stated in the National Minimum Standard for Fostering Service Standard 21.8.

j)To co-operate with the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate (CSCI) or OFSTED and allow anyone authorised by CSCI or OFSTED to interview them and visit their home at any reasonable time.

k)To exercise control and discipline of the child in a manner consistent with the People's Directorate's and, specifically, under no circumstances to administer corporal punishment to any child placed. (Refer to Behaviour Management Policy)

l)At the first sign of the relationship between the foster carer and the child breaking down, to contact the Supervising Social Worker to discuss the issues and consider what support would be necessary to maintain the placement.

m)To participate in supervision as agreed in the supervision agreement.

n)To work within the Fostering Services National Minimum Standards.

o)To give written notice to the Fostering Service in advance of any intended change of address, change of composition of his/her household, any other change in his/her personal circumstances and any other event affecting either his/her capacity to care for any child placed, or the suitability of his/her household and any other application to foster, adopt or childmind.

p)Contact the supervising social worker to request any change in the Placement Plan.

q)To ensure that information relating to the child placed, his/her family, or any other person, given in confidence in connection with placement, is kept confidential and is not disclosed to any person other than those who have a right to it. A secure filing box is provided for thispurpose.

r)All confidential information to be returned to the fostering service when a placement ends and when the carer stops fostering. Ex carers are expected to maintain confidentiality even after they have stopped fostering.

s)I/we shall be responsible for the tax matters arising out of the allowances received from Coventry City Council.

t) I/we undertake to complete the core training courses organised by Coventry City Council within 12 months of approval and to complete my/our TSD workbook within 12 months of first approval and to maintain on-going training and development portfolio, which belongs to me/us. Fostering households may use one workbook.

u)I/we recognise this agreement can be terminated by either party giving twenty eight days written notice. If Coventry City Council terminates the agreement foster carers may use the Complaints and Representations Procedure or the IRM process.

v)I/we agree to comply with the protocol issued by the Fostering Network in relation to movements of carers between fostering services. Furthermore, I/we agree not to join another fostering service (either local authority or independent) whilst I/we have children in placement, unless arrangements for the continuity of such placements are made to the satisfaction of both the placing authority and existing fostering service.

w)If you have any complaints/concerns regarding any matter then please contact the Service Manager, Liz Gosling on 02476831873.

x)In case if you need to contact Ofsted their contact number is 0300 123 1231.

Signed ………………………………………..Foster Carer

………………………………………..Foster Carer

Signed…………………………………………Supervising Social Worker,

on behalf of Coventry City Council

Date: ………………………………………