March 15th, 2017

Fort Calhoun Elementary School

3:15pm-4:15pm (library)


Attendees: Robyn Lammers, Amy Melville, Melanie Bonacci, Mr. Drew Wagner, Lindsey Benoit, Mae Clausen, Robin Larsen, Lyle Joslin, Todd Teeter, Ronee Christensen, Kelli Shaner, Michelle, Tjardes, Sara Ruma, Anne Steinhausen, ??

Call to Order

Old Business

-Great feedback on the BMX Bike event put on by Great American Opportunities fall fundraising to reward the students for all their fundraising efforts

-Great turnout for Donuts with Dads. Thank you Michelle and Wendi for taking this on and thank you to Scooters, Re/Max Reality, Seal Rite Insulation, and Family Fairein Blair for sponsoring this event.

-Elementary school was gifted 7 document readers by the PFE. Remaining document readers will be gifted in the fall after funds have been replenished post fall fundraiser

§  Treasurer Report (Dara-absent)

New Business

§  One Book/One School (Robyn Lammers, Mandy Taylor)

-“How to Eat Fried Worms”

-Kids have been enjoying this book. Participation has been pretty good and teachers have been participating in judging Fried Worm related activities that students are turning in.

§  Carnival (Annie Halford, Amy Melville, Amy Infante)

-Theme is How to Eat Fried Worms

-Set for March 31st at the High School

- Tickets will be $8 if you volunteer, $10 presale price, $12 door price

-Still need parent volunteers to help work concessions and game booths

-CONCERN: Concern brought to our attention by Mr. Wagner about protecting the new gym floors as do not want carnival games/equipment scratching the floor. Amy Melville will contact the carnival company and have this concern addressed prior to carnival date.

-Mr. Wagner states that custodians will be on staff after the carnival to assist with clean up process.

§  Staff Appreciation Week (Ronee)

-May 1st- 5th

- Will make sure to include PLC staff with staff appreciation activities

( Breakfast, Lunch, Denim dress down day, etc)

- Will need $550 from PFE to cover the cost of staff appreciation week

-Ronee provided with names and contacts of PFE members interested in helping out with staff appreciation week

§  School Assemblies ( Robyn)

-UNO Science Show –May 15th

-Separate science shows for K-2nd grade and 3rd-6th grade

-Future assembly ideas for 2017-2018 school year

-Inflatable Observatory- Nebraska Game and Parks

-Children’s Museum Show

-Viewing glasses for Solar Eclipse in August of 2017

-Will look into other ideas as well. Please contact us if you have an idea or


§  PFE Movie Night

-Do we want to schedule a movie night for April? “How to Eat Fried Worms” movie

-Would need to utilize school gym instead of community building for this event

-Suggested April 21st to avoid competing with Fish Fry on April 7th

-Will send out a survey on FB page to see if parents are interested in this event. If we do not receive enough feedback then we will probably wait until next year before doing another movie night.

§  NESA Breakfast

-Are we still doing NESA breakfast? Yes

-Breakfast will be April 24th. Testing begins April 25th

- School lunch staff will be providing the food for this breakfast. Idea of cinnamon rolls was suggested instead of pancakes.

-Will need 2 volunteers to help with this breakfast

§  Retirements

-Which teachers are retiring? Liz Pemberton, Marti Leishman, Jim Meyer

-PFE will need to contact Dr. Don Johnson to set up date for district wide retirement party.

-What supplies are needed by PFE? Gift (plant) for each retired staff member, cake, and punch

§  PFE Scholarships

-Volunteer hours and scholarship application due to Micki Hernandez by May 1st, 2017

-Discussed with Micki Hernandez after the meeting and she suggested moving due date up to April 24th as Awards ceremony will be held May 2nd.

-Officially changed PFE Scholarship application and service hours due date to April 24th, 2017 so that scholarship can be awarded May 2nd, 2017

§  6th Grade Tea

-PFE will donate $100 for this event

-6th Grade Tea will be planned by 5th grade parents

§  Post Prom

-PFE donation has already been provided for this event

§  Summer Bridge Reading Program (Dara)

-Will order books mid/late April

-PFE will donate $2.50 per book, FC schools will donate $2.50 per book, and parents will only have to pay $5.00 for Summer Bridge Books

§  Volunteer needs for Fall events

-Need to establish this before end of school year

-Winter Basket Raffle—Still do not have anyone willing to take on this fundraising event. Plan to discontinue the Winter Basket raffle due to switching fall fundraiser to Walkathon and needing sponsorship for the Walkathon. Would be too much to ask local businesses to help out with sponsorship for both events.

§  Walkathon (Michelle Tjardes, Tia Cannon)

-Michelle Tjardes gave a great run down of running a Walkathon and what all is needed.

-How many volunteers are we going to need?

-Will set date for September 2017

-Michelle, Robyn, and MR. Wagner will meet to discuss further and set date and location

-Location ideas?…H.S. track, parade route, Pioneer Park Trail, Calhoun Christmas fun run route

-Plan of action…will plan to get sponsorship from local businesses

§  Original Works

-Original Works artwork was collected and order packets were sent home this week

-Order forms, art, and money due back to school by March 24th

-Ronee Christensen and Kelli Shaner volunteered to assist with organizing and counting order forms once they are collected

§  Open Floor for Questions/Ideas/Suggestions

-Thank you to

§  Next Meeting – May 10th (6:45-7:45pm) @ H.S.

§  Adjournment