Flint River Watershed Coalition

Board of Directors Meeting

DATE: June 20, 2008


Attendance: Linda Berker, Brad Hill, Sara McDonnell, Amy McMillan, Brent Nickola, Diane Peplinski, Lois Robbins, Dennis Zicha

Staff: Rebecca Fedewa, Sue Lossing, Edythe Westhoff

Not in Attendance: Darren Bagley, Bob Carlyon, Eric Hall, Olof Karlstrom, Sue Kubic, Amanda Kurzman, Bob McAllister, Jack Minore, Bill Welch

Guests: None

I.  Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 8:42 a.m. Since the number of attendees at the meeting did not constitute a quorum, it was decided that any business items requiring Board action would be handled by e-mail approval.

II.  Approval of Minutes

Sara McDonnell motioned and there was a second from the floor to approve the minutes of the Board meeting of May 16, 2008. The seven Board members in attendance voted in favor of this motion. By e-mail, there were four additional votes in favor. With eleven votes in favor, the motion passed. There were no ‘no’ votes.

III.  Chairman’s Report – Jack Minore

Jack’s report was distributed in writing.

IV.  Executive Director’s Report – Rebecca Fedewa

Rebecca’s written report was distributed.

V.  Old Business

A.  By-laws for chapters - Rebecca reported that she and Jack Minore had not me yet regarding the bylaws. This will happen later in the summer.

B.  Website - Rebecca reported that she had presented a proposal to the Finance Committee regarding securing outside assistance to build and improve the FRWC website. The cost of $750.00 is within the 2008 budgeted amount of $1000.00 for this. This expenditure will include instruction for Rebecca and Sue on how to update the site as needed, and the Coalition will retain ownership of the content. There was no vote on this by the Board, but there was general consensus for Rebecca to proceed.

C.  FRWC Board meeting time - Per the survey that solicited Board input regarding the day and time of future meetings, it appears that the Friday morning time slot is most preferred. Therefore, there will be no change unless further concerns are expressed.

D.  Update on Richfield landfill - There was lengthy discussion on this issue, led by Amy McMillan. At this time, there is not sufficient opposition expressed to block the expansion of the landfill. Amy will share all documentation and communication regarding a suit filed by the Holloway Lake association. If action by the Board is needed regarding FRWC commitment, a special meeting will be called. In addition, this item will be on the agendas of future regular meetings.

VI.  New Business

A.  Membership update - Currently there are 266 members of the FRWC. Rebecca indicated that there will be a membership event planned for the fall. She also distributed a sample letter that she had written to 90 of her personal contacts, anticipating that three will follow her solicitation to join the FRWC. Rebecca strongly encouraged all Board members to send out similar correspondence, and offered staff help in any way necessary to make this happen.

There was much discussion on tactics to increase membership. The discussion concluded with the decision that Brent Nickola will work with Rebecca on developing a membership growth strategy, and to develop a committee structure to work on a fall event. Rebecca again encouraged Board members to make personal contacts as a first step, with a report out in August of how many contacts were made.

B.  FRCA membership - As a partner organization in the Flint River Corridor Alliance, the FRWC has been approached to make a financial contribution to the Corridor Alliance. Most organizations have joined at the $1000.00 level, but Rebecca indicated that a contribution of $100.00 to $250.00 is more in line with the size of our budget. Diane Peplinski motioned to pay a membership fee to the FRCA in the amount of $100.00. Linda Berker seconded. A vote of those still present was 4 yes and 2 no. By e-mail, there were four additional ‘yeses’, and no ‘no’s. This motion passed by a total vote of 8 yes and 2 no.

C.  Lapeer Days - Sue Lossing reported that the FRWC had been approached to participate in Lapeer Days this year. Due to staff constraints, this is not an event in which we have participated in the past. Previously we have had literature available on the Sierra Club booth. It was decided that Diane Peplinski would present this to the Lapeer Committee to determine if they would like to man a booth, but failing that, the FRWC would not participate this year.

D.  Metamora gravel mining - Rebecca reported to the Board that she had received a call regarding this from a concerned citizen, citing issues regarding the impact of this Boy Scout project on the wetlands. The Board consensus was that before the FRWC would respond to this, or increase involvement, the organization would convene a small group to determine an overall direction. Would the FRWC serve in an education mode, use the expertise of the CAER staff in watershed management planning? Etc.

E.  Committee meetings - Committee meetings have not been as successful as was hoped this year. Rebecca will discuss her expectations with the committee chairs, who will retain the responsibility to organize the meetings.

Brad Hill will become the new chair of the Watershed Management Committee, possibly combining his actions with the Policy Committee. More discussion of this will be tabled until there is larger attendance at the next meeting.

VII.  Committee Reports

Standing Committees:

A.  Strategic Planning: Brent Nickola

No report.

B.  Finance: Edie Westhoff reporting for Bob Carlyon

The financial statements of April 30, 2008 were distributed. There were no questions or concerns. The proposal to obtain a Visa card for use by the FRWC staff was covered. There were no concerns regarding the proposal, so the Visa card will be opened at our broker, Merrill Lynch.

C.  Governance: Jack Minore

No report

Ad Hoc Committees:

D.  Education: Darren Bagley

No report.

E.  Monitoring: Dennis Zicha

Dennis reported on the results of the spring monitoring program. 22 of 30 sites monitored in April, with Rebecca and Sue doing 8 of them. There were 43 volunteers, 5 of them new. The committee will meet to discuss the fall program including site selection, communication, and training.

F.  Policy: Linda Berker

No report.

G.  River Cleanup: Sue Lossing reporting for Sue Kubic

There were 270 volunteers during this year’s cleanup, collection 910 cubic feet of trash and several other items including tires, bikes, mattresses, and cars. Several new sites were added this year.

H.  Watershed Management: Brad Hill

This report was covered under New Business.

VIII.  Chapter Reports

A.  Lapeer Committee: Diane Peplinski

The Lapeer Committee will be continuing to organize their cleanup and monitoring efforts. Regarding cleanup, they will be working on getting an organic ‘Made in the USA’ T-shirt for the 2009 cleanup. Diane showed the Board the award received by the Lapeer Committee at Beaver Island in June. The Lapeer Committee was chosen by the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association to receive its 2008 Clean Waters Award. CONGRATULATIONS.

B.  Friends of the Flint River Trail: Jack Minore

No report.

C.  Defending Our Natural Treasures: Lois Robbins

The Ortonville Creekfest was very successful this year, and the FRWC display at the event was well received. The duck that was decorated by Brent Nickola won 2nd place, and was purchased by Sue Lossing.

IX.  Announcements


X.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:55 am.