Lesson Study – Lesson Plan 4.3

Grade level: 5

Standard: 5. NBT.7
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.
Learning Objective:
I can multiply a whole number by a decimal and explain why my answer is accurate through the use of manipulatives, drawings, etc.
SMP: 1, 3, 4, 6
Formative Assessment:
Julie multiplies 4.27 by 3 and claims the product is 128.1. Explain without multiplying how you know Julie’s answer is not correct. Find the correct answer.
Probing Questions for Differentiation on Mathematical Tasks
Assessing Questions / Advancing Questions
Tasks / What will the teacher be doing? / What will students be doing?
Beginning-of-class routine / Place value head problem
Solution of 52
What does the 5 represent?
What does the 2 represent? / Mental math
Task 1 / Now multiply the 52 by 3
(goal 50 x 3 + 2 x 3) / Mental math
Turn and talk
Whole class share out strategies
Task 2 / Pose 5.2 x 3
What is an estimate for the product?
What do we know it is more than?
What do we know it is less than? / Private think then turn and talk
Task 3 / Show me a drawing for 5.2 x 3
What is an estimate for the product?
What do we know it is more than?
What do we know it is less than?
Look for starts? / Quick draw on whiteboard
Collaborate with partner
Task 4 / Pose 3.7 x 4
What is an estimate for the product?
What do we know it is more than?
What do we know it is less than? / Quick draw on whiteboard
Collaborate with partner
Task 5 / Pose 4.34 x 2
What is an estimate for the product?
What do we know it is more than?
What do we know it is less than? / Quick draw on whiteboard
Collaborate with partner
Closure / Julie multiplies 4.27 by 3 and claims the product is 128.1. Explain without multiplying how you know Julie’s answer is not correct. Find the correct answer.

Julie multiplies 4.27 by 3 and claims the product is 128.1. Explain without multiplying how you know Julie’s answer is not correct. Find the correct answer.

Julie multiplies 4.27 by 3 and claims the product is 128.1. Explain without multiplying how you know Julie’s answer is not correct. Find the correct answer.