County Annex Meeting Room
June 22, 2016 5:00pm
MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Hartshorne-Shafer (Staff), Belser C, Blaszak, S, Schwager S, Shaarda D, Vivian, D
No Quorum – 5pm – Discussion: Charles reported that he was told by a Consumer’s Energy representative that within a year, all of their smart meters will be on the Verizon network (which may result in additional towers in the area?). Susan reported that there has been little progress with development of a “Friends of Transportation” group and time is running out. She suggested a few other options instead of the “Friends” group such as flyers, which would be inexpensive and could be placed throughout the county. It was reiterated that individual Planning Commission members can lobby for the millage if they choose to, but only as private citizens (NOT as Planning Commission members or representing the Planning Commission or county). Additionally, no county equipment, paper, time, personnel, etc will be used toward millage promotion.
The meeting was called to order at 5:21 by Chair Schwager upon the arrival of Sherry Blaszak. This was immediately followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The April 27, 2016 minutes were approved as presented following a motion by Don with support from Dean. All in favor – motion passed. The June 22, 2016 agenda was approved with the following change: Item #3 under New Business will be moved to item #5 under Old Business. Motion by Sherry with support from Dean. All in favor – motion passed.
1. Introduction of new member – The new Planning Commission member, Mimi Zwolak (replacing Natalie Davis, who resigned from the Planning Commission) was appointed by the Board of Commissioners at their June meeting. Mimi was unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to a prior commitment.
2. Election of new vice-chair – Sherry volunteered to serve as Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission. There were no other nominations. Nominations were closed. All in favor – motion passed. Sherry Blaszak is the new vice-chair of the Planning Commission, replacing Susan Schwager who moved up to assume the Chair position following Natalie’s resignation.
1. CWTA/Transportation Work Group – Susan announced at Good Morning Lake City on June 17th that the transportation millage will be on the ballot on August 3rd. Leilani Kitler has also been sharing the same information at collaborative meetings that she has attended.
2. Ben Jeffs/Parks update – The park is being mowed/ maintained by a small family company. Portajohns are emptied twice a week. Known recent vandalism appears to be limited to the removal of cement blocks from the old vault toilets. These were recovered from a weedy area of the park and subsequently replaced.
3. ConnectMI/Broadband update: ATI is still moving forward, but is waiting on right-of-way permissions from utilities. Community Connect grants were looked into, but based upon information from ConnectMI and grant criteria that was identified during a webinar, Missaukee County would not be eligible for the grants due to levels of connectivity that currently exist. There isn’t much in some areas but it’s enough to be a barrier.
4. Bylaw Review: The bylaws had been distributed following the last meeting. A few minor changes were noted for update, including meeting frequency and location and the addition of Chair appointment of a representative to the Parks Board. Adoption of amended bylaws requires 2/3 vote of the Planning Commission.
5. Suggestion to change the “Renewable Energy” energy name; when that position was named there was much more renewable energy activity in Missaukee County (wind turbines, ethanol, etc). Development and completion of the Master Plan reconfirmed the value of recreation and tourism in the county. Updating the Planning Commission ordinance with the elimination of a Renewable Energy position and the addition of a second Recreation and Tourism position would better reflect Missaukee County.
MISCELLANEOUS: The Conservation District has once again been awarded a USDA grant which will allow the continuation of the Missaukee County Recycling Center. The Conservation District has also held two forest clean ups and the annual hazardous waste/electronics/tires/etc collection at the Recycling Center and the Road Commission. Well over 40 yards of waste was removed from the forests during the cleanups, and in addition to the hazardous waste and tires collected, nearly 15,000 pounds of electronics were dropped off by residents of Missaukee County.
Objectives to complete for August 24, 2016 meeting:
1. Linda will forward April Missaukee Board of Commissioners minutes to Susan
2. Linda will research locations used for Transporation Surveys and forward to Susan
P.A. 116 – N/A
Public Comment** N/A
ADJOURN: 6:15pm following a motion by Don with support from Dean. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.
NEXT MEETING: August 24, 2016 5:00pm**Public Comment Rules authorized by the Missaukee County Planning Commission: Each person recognized by the Chairman shall state their name for the record and will have a limit of 3 minutes to state an opinion. All opinions will be duly noted by the Commission & if requiring an answer will be addressed by the chairman first or his designee or in writing. The audience is asked not to interrupt at any time during public comment.