FirstNet Competency for Registration Staff

Name: ______Empl. Num: ______Date ______

Answer the following questions True or False:

____ I should share my password with my co-workers.

____ I am responsible and accountable for all data accessed and entered using my user ID and password.

____ My activity in PowerChart is subject to audit by the Information Systems Security Officer.

MHC’s security policy allows employees to access:

____ their own medical record electronically.

____ their immediate families (spouse, children, etc.) medical record electronically.

____ their extended families (siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, etc.) medical record electronically.

____ their co-workers medical records electronically.

Perform the following actions and answer the related questions specific to the Tracking Shell Tabs indicated:

Open the Registration Tab:

1.  Use the “ED Quick Reg” button to register patient Reggie Registration.

a.  Right click on the ED Quick Reg window to “Highlight Required Fields”

b.  Use your own data to complete the required (yellow) fields

2.  Where do you find Reggie on the Tracking Shell?

3.  When is it appropriate to use the “ED Quick Reg” button?

4.  What does the yellow star on in the HIPPA column stand for?

5.  What does the information in the SVRA column indicate?

6.  There are a few patients on the Registration tab that are assigned a bed number: What do the colored backgrounds behind these patients represent?

7.  What does this icon represent? (view on the “All Beds” tab)

8.  Match the Dispo icons below with their meaning

a.  _____Ready for discharge

b.  _____To be admitted

c.  _____Discharge after treatment

d.  _____Transfer to COU

e.  _____Discharge when consultation completed

9.  Why are some patient names on the tracking shell italicized?

10.  Match the Bed Status icons with their meaning

a.  _____isolation

b.  _____camper (from Grayling Correctional Facility)

c.  _____expired

d.  _____Transfer to COU

11.  Place Reggie in a bed.

12.  Reggie’s registration is complete; change the status column from “Request” to “Complete”.

13.  What tab does Reggie display on now? What other changes do you notice?

Open the “To Be Admitted” Tab:

14.  When/how do patients populate on the “To Be Admitted” tab?

15.  What is the MIMS column for?

16.  What is the Obs Letter column for?

17.  How is the Registration staff notified of a patient to be admitted?

18.  What do these 3 columns indicate on the To Be Admitted tab?

Other tabs used by registration staff are the “EMS” and “Pre-arrival” Tabs:

19.  When are patients found on the “EMS” tab?

a.  What is registrations role with these patients?

20.  What types of patients populate the “Pre-arrival” tab?

a.  Why are all the patients names italicized on this tab?

b.  How can you view the pre-arrival information documented?

c.  Describe how to attach pre-arrival information in a chart:

Discharge Desk: Fin Counselor and STAR Discharge tabs (do not complete this section if it does not apply)

21.  When registration status is completed patients will display on the Fin Counselor tab with a “Request” status in the Discharge Desk column. This is a reminder to verify the patient’s insurance. Complete Reggie’s insurance verification.

22.  When patients are discharged through the depart process by the ER staff, they display on the Star Discharge tab until the patient is discharged out of the STAR registration system. Discharge Desk uses the “Checkout Time” column on this tab to record the actual time in STAR. Locate this Tab and Column now.

When completed:

1.  Ask Preceptor /manager for the answer key.

2.  Check your answers. Go back and review any incorrect answers.

3.  Fax the completed competency to Lisa Beckwith in Staff Development: FAX: 52592 Phone: 231-935-7922.

a.  Keep a copy of your competency as proof of completion.

b.  Give a copy to unit manager

G:\CISEDUC-SYSED\Classroom\FirstNet\FirstNet education\Registration and Admitting\FirstNet ED Admitting competency.doc