
“I Had So Much Fun, I Puked” Coaster Creator Lab

Problem 1. Use your understanding of energy transfer (potential to kinetic) to design a roller coaster that has enough kinetic energy to complete a full run.

Problem 2. Use your understanding of energy loss to design a roller coaster that dissipates enough energy (through friction) to stop safely at the end of its run.


Look at the equation for potential energy below:

1. As the mass increases, would you expect the potential energy (PE) to increase or decrease? Explain

your answer.

2. As the height increases, would you expect the potential energy to increase or decrease? Explain your


3. Look at the three equations below. Notice that the mass and gravity stay the same in each equation,

and the only difference is the height.

a.  PE = 300Kg x g x 35.0 m b. PE = 300Kg x g x 15.0 m c. PE = 300Kg x g x 62.0 m

Circle the equation that will have the greatest potential energy. Use the space below to explain why

you made your selection.


4. Look at the roller coaster track below. At which point (1, 2, 3, or 4) do you think potential energy would

be the greatest? (Hint: Think about how height affects potential energy.) Explain your answer.

5.  Use the space below to define: Friction

6.  Use the space below to define: Thermal Energy

7.  Use the space below to define: Conservation of Energy

8. Sometimes when people are cold they rub their hands together to create friction. Keeping this is mind, briefly

explain the relationship between friction and thermal energy.

9. Using the track below, circle the place where you think your car will have built up the most friction.

Explain why you chose your answer:


Go to

·  Click Learn How to Craft a Super Coaster. Read through the tutorial.

·  Now choose Build Coaster Right Now! You will be asked to design your coaster with an animal theme, colors, and number of cars.

10.  Write the name of your coaster. ______

11.  How many cars do you have? ______

12.  What is the total mass of your cars? Fill in the appropriate squares below:

13.  Once you have decided on your total number of cars, it will be time to build your track. With your regular pencil and using the box below, sketch the roller coaster track you have constructed.

Hint: It will take some practice and experimentation to make a successful roller coaster track. Learn from your

mistakes and have fun!

14. Label the part of the track where you expect to find the maximum potential energy

15. Label the part of the track where you would expect to find the maximum kinetic energy

16. Label the part of the track where you would expect to find the maximum thermal energy

17. Before you run your roller coaster, click on the very first node (these are the black dots) in your roller coaster.

Look at the equation at the top of your screen, and fill in the numbers you see there:

Run your roller coaster. Keep an eye on the bar that will start to fill up at the top and answer the following

questions: (Hint: You can rerun your coaster as many times as you like. When your coaster has finished running, select the “Back” button to go back to the track building screen. If you don’t make any changes, clicking on “Next” will let you rerun the same track.)

18. What is the dominant color of your bar when you are at the top of the first hill? ______

19. What type of energy does this represent? ______

20. What is your car doing when the bar is primarily green? ______

21. At what point during this ride is it most desirable to see a lot of orange? ______What does the orange bar represent?______

22. When your coaster reaches the end of its run, circle the ends state of your coaster:

crash success stuck

If your coaster was successful, do not close your game. Keep the game open. Complete the post-lab section.

23. If your coaster got stuck or crashed, go back to the track builder and modify your coaster. Record your modifications on the following graph.

24. Explain why you made the changes you did (how do you think this will increase your opportunity for success?)

25. Circle the end state of this track. If the track is successful, proceed to the post lab. Otherwise try again. Record

your modifications

crash success stuck

If your coaster got stuck or crashed, go back to the track builder and modify your coaster. Record your modifications on the previous graph ,but with a new color line to represent your additional try. Continue trying until you are successful.


Point 1 on the roller coaster (Top of a hill)

Potential Energy / Height / Kinetic Energy / Speed / Thermal Energy
185.1 Kj / 62.9 m / 7.4 Kj / 25 mph / 0.3 Kj

Point 2 on the roller coaster (Bottom of a hill)

Potential Energy / Height / Kinetic Energy / Speed / Thermal Energy
16.2 Kj / 5.5 m / 155.1 Kj / 116 mph / 21.6 Kj

26.What do you notice about the relationship between potential energy and height? As height increases,

explain what happens to potential energy.

27. What do you notice about the relationship between kinetic energy and height? As height increases,

explain what happens to kinetic energy.

28. What do you notice about the relationship between kinetic energy and speed? As speed increases,

explain what happens to kinetic energy.

29. What do you notice about the relationship between potential energy and speed? As speed increases,

explain what happens to potential energy.

30. Where were your carts traveling their fastest. Explain how you knew this is where your carts

were traveling their fastest.

31. Where were your carts potential energy the greatest. Explain how you knew this.

32. Where were your carts kinetic energy the greatest. Explain how you knew this.

33. Where were your carts thermal energy the greatest. Explain how you knew this.

34. If a much younger student wanted to know the secret. behind making a successful roller coaster right away, what would you tell that student? Using simple language, write down a brief explanation for how to design a successful roller coaster track. Make sure you use the words, height, speed, friction, and energy conversion in your explanation.

35. Find this information by doing an internet search:

Current World Record for: / Name of Coaster / Location of Coaster
Fastest Roller Coaster / Speed:
Tallest Roller Coaster / Height:
Longest Roller Coaster / Length:
Steepest Roller Coaster / Angle: