WisconsinState Youth


Minutes of the Annual Meeting, July 31, 2011Best Western Midway Hotel –Green Bay


President Larsen called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Director Jill Tankgave the Invocation.

The President led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Present: President, Bev Larsen; Vice President, Phil DowlingAssociation Manager, Cindi Cwik, and Sergeant-At-Arms, Mary Hansen. Directors: Julie Clemins, Diane Matsche,Josh Saxinger, Jill Tank, Jan Bacskai,Judy Rauls, Jerry Polarek,Jack Giesfeldt, Vicki Kessler. Marcy Bradway, Teri Giesfeldt. Excused:Helen Souder

4 Officers and 11 Directors present.


Mary Hansen, Sergeant-At-Arms, read the rules of the Annual Meeting.


Nancy Kessinger moved to dispense with the reading of the July 24, 2010minutes. Seconded by Dale Smith. Motion carried.

President Larsen asked for any corrections to the minutes, hearing none, the minutes were approved as printed.


Good Afternoon and welcome to Green Bay, home of the Packers. We are looking forward to coming to Green Bay for our state tournament starting in February 2012. I would also like to thank the Green Bay Youth Association for inviting us to their city. I will keep this sort as we have much to do in a short amount of time. I want to give our USBC rep. Gary Schmidt time for some comments. Our scholarships continue to grow with the help of all of you buying tickets for the raffle items. We have given our $52,325.00 in scholarship money for the 2011 season. I would like to remind all of youth bowlers and parents, to check with their coaches and schools to see what scholarships are available. Also go on the internet, there are many of them out there. As you know the state tournament will be in Green Bay for 2012. Pro Bowl will be the center for the doubles/singles and the Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley will host the team event. I attend the 2012 USBC Annual meeting in Texas this past June. It was very interesting to be able to go to Dallas Cowboy Stadium and watch the U.S. Women’s Open match. That is quite a stadium. We also were privileged to attend a Bar-B-Q at headquarters and visit the Hall of Fame, and the opening of the Women’s pro bowling exhibit in the hall.

We want to remind all association that they should protect their youth, by participating in the Registered Volunteer Program. If you have any questions about this, please ask Cindi or me after the meeting. We do have a Midwest Regional manager, George Lambert. Make sure all association managers check bowl.com frequently, as there have been updates to Win-labs and information about USBC. No more snail mail, you have to rely on the internet to keep up to date.
Again, I would like to thank Jim O’Riley for working with Brunswick to bring us a pro and the donated bowling balls. Thanks Jim, for adding a little extra to our expo. Before we know it we will be back into the bowling season again. Let’s go into it with a position attitude and see if we can build our leagues with more teams, our tournament with more bowlers. We want to have a great time at the awards party and our Rock N Bowl tonight at the Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley. In closing I would like to thank Cindi for the great job she has done for our association this past year and also to the board of directors for their support and dedication for this organization.


Good Afternoon, I hope you enjoyed the youth expo and found the time to stop and talk to the pro bowlers and bowl a game of Wii for our scholarship fund. Please take the time to fill out the youth expo survey in your packet; it will help us plan for next year.

The 2010 State tournament that was held in Madison had 968 teams, 1749 doubles, 3477 singles, 3390 all events. We had three 300 games bowled, (and our first ever 300 bowled by a girl) one 800 boy series and one 700 girl series. Our championship tournament was a success with 2 fantastic site directors, Linda Schroeder and Janice Ryan, please stand up, thanks for making this tournament run smooth and uneventful, it was a pleasure working with you.

2012 State tournament will be held in Green Bay which will be a 2 house event. I also have put in your packet a tournament entry form. Please be sure to look at the tournament rules, we are making changes all the time, we have changed squad times and reservations ending date and entries due date. The site directors for the 2012 Tournament are Zach Boulanger at Ashwaubenon and Tammy Thyes at Pro Bowl, please stand. 2013 Tournament will be held at Dale’s Weston Lanes. 2014 Tournament will be held in Appleton at Super Bowl.

I would like to clarify the 500-600 tournament. There seems to be some confusion about this tournament and how you qualify for it. Once a girl bowls a 500 series or a boy bowls a 600 series in a state tournament, they do not have to re-qualify each year. Once they have bowled these series they have qualified for as long as they are a Wisconsin Youth league bowler, they do not have to bowl a state tournament again either, of course we would like them to. Please pass this information on to your centers and coaches.

I need to ask the help of all the local associations to please keep the state office updated with any officer or association manager changes. Please provide me with any address or email changes. USBC does not send me this changes or updates. So I need them from you. I would also like to ask you to get your delegate credentials to me by June 1 deadline. It is imperative that I get these credentials on time, so the mailing to your delegates can be made in a timely fashion and they have adequate time to look over these packets and be able to make need reservations.

Our website is a good source to locate our tournament entry forms, I receive many emails and calls stating that they have misplaced an entry form, they are always on our website. Our scholarship applications are also on the website as well be sure to pass this information along to all graduating seniors. This past year I put on the Wisconsin State Women’s JKS scholarship form. This coming year I plan on putting on the Wisconsin State Men’s Ted Jaskie scholarship form as well.

I would like to thank Bev and every member of the board for their help and support. We will continue working hard for you and all of our members.


Financial statement of July 31, 2010

Audited November 13, 2010

Tournament account:

Total receipts$ 161,205.00

Total Disbursements$ 142,827.17

Balance of 7/31/10$ 18,377.83

General Account:

Total receipts$ 193,336.77

Total Disbursements$ 194,479.37

Balance 4/30/10$ 157,190.85

Balance of 7/31/10$ 78,244.89

Scholarship Account:

Total receipts$ 23,436.86

Total Disbursements$ 20,136.00

Balance 4/30/2010$ 297, 57.61

Balance of 7/31/10$ 300,758.47


Financial Report of April 30, 2011

Audited June 12, 2011

Tournament account

Total receipts$ 154,842.00

Total Disbursements$ 108,780.67

Balance of 5/31/11$ 46,061.33

General account

Total receipts$ 172,598.80

Total disbursements$ 94,470.68

Balance 7/31/2010$ 78,244.89

Balance 4/30/11$ 156,373.01

Scholarship account

Total receipts$ 3,765.93

Total disbursements$ 15,760.00

Balance 7/31/2010$ 299,688.47

Balance 4/30/11$ 287,694.40


  • Approved the expense of up to $1,000.00 for a delegate to attend the 2011 National Convention.
  • Approved the $2,000.00 donation to the Grand Prix scholarship fund.
  • Approved the charge of $11.00 per person for WI State USBC YA luncheon in Appleton with the association donating the balance.
  • Approved the appoint of Josh Saxinger as Director #4
  • Approved the bid for the 2014 state tournament to be presented to the delegates at today meeting.
  • Approved the 2011 Volunteer award recipient
  • Approved the 2011-2012 Tournament budget
  • Approved the 2011-2012 Wisconsin State USBC Youth Association Budget
  • Approved the site director for the 2013 State Tournament
  • Approved the 2012 State Tournament fees
  • Approved the adding of a new rule to the 500-600 and Scratch Tournament of Tournament open to only Wisconsin USBC youth bowlers with a minimum of 21 games.
  • Approved the donation of $2,500.00 to the Green Bay Convention Bureau to be able to host the USBC Junior Gold Championships and Youth Open Championship Tournaments.
  • Approved the bid for the 2013 Scratch Tournament
  • Approved the State Tournament March 1 reservations end date and all entries are due on March 15
  • Approved the State Tournament shift time changes.

President Larsen appointed tellers as follows: Sandy Weber, Lynn Snodie, Tammy Thyes, and Ashley Albrecht

Gary Schmidt, Membership Program Manager from USBC, spoke for a few minutes on the Junior Gold Tournament not coming to Green Bay, and other new membership programs that will be introduced


Vicki Kessler, Chairman of the Finance Committee reported that they reviewed the financial records of the Wisconsin State USBC Youth Association for date ending July 31, 2011 and April 30, 2011 by comparing and checking the Association Manager's records and verifying the bank balance. The best of their knowledge the records are true and accurate.The board approved our recommended tournament budget with income of $153,200.00 and expenses of 139,850.00. The board also approved the overall general budget of projected income (inclusive of the tournament) of $176,625.00 and projected expenses (inclusive of the tournament) of $193,565.00 for the 2011-2012 Season.


Marcy Bradway, Chairman of the Tournament Other Committee report: We have 200entries for the 500/600 tournament for tomorrow at Pro Bowl. I do have a few spaces left on the 8:30 shift and 10:30 shifts so if you still need to register I can register you after the meeting. The Scratch Scholarship Tournament and Junior Gold Qualifier for January 28, 2012 will be held Skipp’s Bowling Center in Stevens Point. The 2013 Tournament will be held at Rose Bowl Lanes in Marshfield. Starting with the 2012 500/600 Tournament the second shift will be starting at 11:00 to give the lanes more time to oil between shifts. The Rock N Bowl tonight will be held at Ashwaubenon. Check in starts at 6:30pm. We do have plenty of room if you would like to bowl. The fee is $8.00 The Pro bowler Dave Beres and Lori Maikowski will be there to sign autographs. We have several prizes planned thru out the evening. Bob’s Business has donated a bowling ball as a prize for the youth bowling the Rock N Bowl tonight.


Phil Dowling, Chairman of the State Tournament committee reported that the committee has accepted the bid from the Fox Valley Association for the year 2014 this will be a one house tournament. The State tournament is a JG Event, and this year two boys Dakoda Christianson and Austin Evers, and one girl Stephanie Cieslewcicz won the spots for the 2011 tournament. New shift times starting in Green Bay will be 8:00am, 11:30am and 3:00pm in order to allow for stripping and oiling between each shift. Reservation for the tournament will close on March 1 each year. Coaches must send in the USBC League Roster with their entries or turn in at the time they bowl the state tournament. Tournament rules are on the website. To all of you coaches, we have listened to you. We are working on an 8 ½ x 11 entry form where you will only need to write each bowler’s name in once. We will have a pilot in place for a few coaches for the 2012 tournament and hope to introduce it to everyone next year in a workshop in time for the 2013 Tournament.

At this time Bev introduced Matt Orbis, Manager of Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley to say a few words.

USBC Convention Report:

Cindi Cwik, 2011 Delegate reported the following from the USBC Convention held in Arlington Texas on July 1, 2011.

USBC Convention Report

1,024 delegates votes on three proposals

  1. USBC National Bylaw proposed to require no-merged state and local associations to be merged by August 1, 2013 was rejected.
  2. An amendment to the board of director’s elections procedures to change the requirement for credentials to be filed with USBC from 24 hours to 30 days was approved.
  3. The proposed league rule amendment seeking to lower the age for senior leagues to 50 was rejected.

USBC bowl for the cure made a donation of $952,082.51 to the Susan G Komen for the cure.

USBC contributions to Bowlers to Veterans Link were nearly $750,000.

Delegates elect 4 members to the board of directors: re-elected Darlene Baker, Marci Williams, Newcomers are Jo Dimond and Bill Vint. USBC had a 6.6% decline in memberships, Junior Gold membership up 7% Championship up 9%, 5000 High school members .National Tournament will be Reno 2013/2014 men and women’s .Mybowlingvacation.com will be launched August 1, another membership benefit. There will be new awards for 75pins over game, 140 pins over series, will be pins. New 300/800 rings. WORKSHOP INFO: When filing your 990, you do not include State or USBC Dues. 990N is used for revenue less than 50,000—990EZ is used for Gross Receipts less than 200,000 and assets less than 500,000. 990 is used for gross receipts more than 200,000 and assets more than 500,000. You also do not pay unemployment tax. 990 is due the 15thday of the 5th month after end of association tax year. If you have less than 50,000 in revenue you can file the 990N found at you don’t need a 2nd when a committee makes a motion, just go right to discussion. You also cannot political campaign with the Association name you can lose your 501-C-3 Status. This is your non-profit status. Our new Regional Manager is George Lambert; you can contact him at or Office 1-817-385-8253 or Cell 1-630-418-5891


New USBC Roll N Grow Membership: Children age 7 and under now have a USBC membership designed specifically for them. It provides benefits for young bowlers in regular or bumper leagues an affordable price of $8.00 Benefits include: Membership card, tournament eligibility, league awards emblems, special achievement awards, a DVD of cartoon series bowlopolis, issue of bowlopolis the mag magazine, progress card with award stickers, bowlopolis kids club, certified average (minimum of 12 games for non-bumper competition. Bowling centers and associations may start offering this membership on Aug 1, 2011New program to teach volunteers how to coach young bowlers: the clinics will be called USA Bowling Teaching Kids instructional Seminars and will be offered in more than 40 locations starting in August and continue through October. To register email or call 817-385-8455

The league certification application can now be downloaded. It can be found under the league tab on BOWL.com and on the Rules page under League Resources and can be used in place of the printed form. The application includes a President’s monthly verification worksheet, complete instructions, application along with membership application cards and appropriate membership fees to your local association manager or league processor; you can use last year’s league certification number. If it is a new league, leave the number space blank, the association will assign a 6 digit number.

Junior Gold Membership lists: Posting an updated list of Junior Gold memberships each week on Junior Gold tournament page on bowl.com. This link will eliminate the need to do an individual search through Find a bowler link. This link can be found under the Athlete information tab. Also under this tab are 2 new reports: a listing of Junior Gold leagues and a separate report of Junior Gold tournaments. Keep your rulebooks: Please remember to hold on to your 2010-2011 Rulebooks, as there will not be a new printed edition for 2011-2012. All Rulebook changes will be made on bowl.com; League Tools are now available for mobile devices: The USBC playing rules and commonly asked questions can now be downloaded to mobile devices.

Betty Albrecht presented a plaque to the 2011Wisconsin State USBC Youth Association Volunteer Award recipient, Jeff Mours of Milwaukee. Jeff was present to receive his award.
President Larson encouraged the delegation to submit Volunteer Award nominations and advised that they are kept on file and reviewed for three years.
President Larsen made several announcements:
2012 Annual Meeting/Expo – August 10-12, 2011 Dale’s Weston Lanes, Wausau
2012 Rock N Bowl – August 11, 2011Dale’s Weston Lanes, Wausau
2011 500/600 – August 12, 2011Dale’s Weston Lanes, Wausau
President Larsen acknowledged the following donations to the Youth scholarship fund:
Wisconsin USBC WBA $500.00
BCAW $500.00
President Larsen called for a break at 2:20 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 2:30 p.m.
Jill Tank, Scholarship Committee chairman announced the collection of $555.00 for the Scholarship Fund. The raffle items were awarded to the winners.
Jerry Polarek, Promotion Committee chairman, announced the winners of the promotion 50/50 raffle. The Promotion Committee collected $150.00to be donated to the scholarship fund.
Josh Saxinger announced we collected the 36.00 for the Wii bowling competition.
Mary Hansen, Sergeant-At-Arms, gave the following credential report: Number of Officers - 3, Directors - 11 Delegates –58 for a total of72 eligible to vote. The Association Manager is not eligible to vote.
President Larsen presented a check in the amount of $2,000.00 from the Wisconsin State USBC Youth Association to Tami Polarek of the BCAW for the Grand Prix Scholarship.
Cathy Larrabee, of the Nominating Committee presented the following slate of candidates for election:
President Bev Larsen (Incumbent)
Director #1Open
Director #2Open
Director #3Diane Matsche (Incumbent)
Director #4 Josh Saxinger (Incumbent)
National Delegate Bev Larsen
Alternate Delegate Open
Vice President asked for nominations for President, hearing none, nominations were closed.
The Vice President moved to declare Bev Larsen, President by acclamation. Motion carried.
The President asked for nominations for Director #1 Diane Matche nominated Dawn Kluever
From the floor, upon hearing no more nomination from the floor. Nominations were closed.
The President moved to declare Dawn Kluever for Director #1 by acclamation.
The President asked for nominations for Director #2Laura Mitchelfelder nominated Janice Ryan
from the floor, upon hearing no more nomination from the floor. Nominations were closed.
The President moved to declare Janice Ryan for Director #1 by acclamation.
The President asked for nominations for Director #3, hearing none, nominations was closed.
The President moved to declare Diane Matsche as Director #3 by acclamation. Motion carried.
The President asked for nominations for Director #4, hearing none, nominations was closed.
The President moved to declare Josh Saxinger for Director #4 by acclamation. Motion carried
The Vice President asked for nominations for National Delegate to the 20112National
Convention,hearing none, nominations was closed. The Vice President moved to declare Bev Larsen
National Delegate by acclamation. Motion carried
President asked for nominations from the floor for Alternate Delegate to the National Convention, hearing none, we won’t have an alternate for National Convention.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Cindi Cwik,
Association Manager
July 31, 2011

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