Thank you for your application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the Act") in relation to IT equipment contracts within Humberside Fire and Rescue Service.

The request is:

1. Number of Printers currently within the organization.

2. Who are the main printer supplier(s).

3. Who are the main supplier(s) of print consumables (Toner, spares, etc).

4. Does the organization have a support contract(s) for Printers.

5. What is the length of the printer support contract.

6. What are the start and end dates for the print support contract(s).

7. What is the approximate spend on printers and consumables during the last year.

8. What is the number of MFD’s or Photocopiers within the Organization.

9. Who are the main MFD / Copier manufacturers and suppliers

10. What is the length of the MFD contract(s)

11. What are the start and end dates on the MFD contracts(s)

12. Approximate spend on MFD’s and consumables during the last full year.

13. Does your organization have a managed print contract

14. What are the start and end dates for this contract.

15. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service

16. Who in your organization is in charge of the procurement of the printing and any managed print contracts.

The response is:

1. Number of Printers currently within the organization.


2. Who are the main printer supplier(s).

We procure from a number of different suppliers. Details of contracts are available on our website.

3. Who are the main supplier(s) of print consumables (Toner, spares, etc).

We procure from a number of different suppliers. Details of contracts are available on our website.

4. Does the organization have a support contract(s) for Printers.


5. What is the length of the printer support contract.


6. What are the start and end dates for the print support contract(s).


7. What is the approximate spend on printers and consumables during the last year.

Details of expenditure are available through our statement of accounts and through the contracts register that is on our website.

8. What is the number of MFD’s or Photocopiers within the Organization.


9. Who are the main MFD / Copier manufacturers and suppliers

Konica Minolta

10. What is the length of the MFD contract(s)

Contracts are for 5 years

11. What are the start and end dates on the MFD contracts(s)

17 devices end 30/01/2020 and 1 device ends 17/07/2020

12. Approximate spend on MFD’s and consumables during the last full year.

Details of expenditure are available through our statement of accounts and through the contracts register that is on our website.

13. Does your organization have a managed print contract


14. What are the start and end dates for this contract.


15. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service


16. Who in your organization is in charge of the procurement of the printing and any managed print contracts.

David Lofthouse / Roger Burnham

If you are unhappy with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. A request for an internal review should be made within 2 months of the date of this email. If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply direct to the Information Commissioner. The address is: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.