Trailblazers Disability Hate Crime Survey

Bullying, taunting or intimidating people because they are disabled is unacceptable. Trailblazers want to understand the extent to which this is taking place and what you think should be done about it.

Please complete this survey and share it with other disabled people you know.

Also, please be assured that any evidence you provide will be used in the strictest confidence and we will not share your name or contact details with a third party without receiving your express permission in advance.







4.Are you disabled?


5.Please state your condition.



6.Please indicate any of the following situations you have experienced because you are a disabled person?



Verbal abuse

Physical abuse

Damaged mobility equipment


Physical intimidation


Other (please specify)

7.Do you think that you have ever been harassed, humiliated, or embarrassed by a person’s attitude to you being a disabled person?



If you answered 'yes' to this question, please describe the incident:





8.Have you ever felt intimidated by someone due to your disability?



If you are comfortable doing so, please describe the incident:





9.Do you believe that you have been the victim of disability hate crime?



If you are comfortable doing so, please describe the incident:





10.If you answered 'yes' to any of the previous questions, did you report the incident to a person of authority?



11.If you answered ‘yes’ to the previous question, who did you report the incident to?

The police

A teacher or lecturer

An employer

Social worker

Another person in authority

Please give details if you feel you are comfortable doing so:





12.If you answered 'No' to question 10, please explain why you chose not report the incident.





13.If you were bullied, taunted or experienced verbal abuse about disability in the future would you report it to a person in authority?








14.Did you know that harsher penalties should be given if a crime is motivated or aggravated by a person’s disability?



15.Do you think that the term disability ‘hate crime’ could deter you from reporting instances of harassment, bullying and abuse?



Please explain why?





16.Do you think the police and the authorities take disability hate crime seriously enough?



Please give reasons why?





17.Do you think some disabled people may be dissuaded from reporting hate crimes because of the police’s perceptions surrounding hate crime and disability?



Please give reasons why?





18.What do you think could be done to ensure more instances of disability motivated crime are reported?

A national awareness campaign that defines disability motivated crime

A helpline phone number when people don’t think they should call 999

Police protection for victims who report crimes

Other (please specify)



19.20% of repeat victims of anti-social behaviour are disabled people; however in 2009 only 393 people were prosecuted under disability hate crime legislation.

What do you think can be done to ensure the authorities take disability related crime seriously?

Public awareness campaign on disability hate – targeted at disabled people

Better training for police on disability hate crimes

Training for housing officers, social services,

Victim support

Other (please specify)



20.Why do you think there is a such a low conviction rate for hate crime related to disability?

It is too difficult to prove

People are concerned they will suffer more harassment

People don’t think it is serious enough to report as a hate crime

People believe the police won’t take it seriously enough

Other (please specify)



21.Trailblazers may wish to include your responses within a report at a later stage. Do you give us permission to quote you in such circumstances?

