
In The Name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit. One God. Amen

Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions – St Mark Festival

Theory Examination – Version 118 August, 2012

Please complete this page before answering any questions.

Christian (First) Name:______


ID Number:______



Date of Birth (for identification):______

Instructions for completing the examination:

Time allowed:30 minutesPlus 5 minutes to read instructions.


  • Ensure the work you do is your own and that you always behave in a Christian manner
  • Do NOT write your name or any identifying mark on the answer pages. This may cause your disqualification from the festival and all activities.
  • Wait until supervisor gives permission to start answering
  • Read instructions for each question carefully before attempting your answers.
  • Let the supervisor know if you have any questions
  • Use pen to record your answers – no pencils
  • Cease writing immediately when asked to do so by the supervisor.
  • Leave the pens on the table when you finish so that the next person can use it
  • Make sure you hand your paper to the supervisor
  • Make sure you register for attendance by showing your card to the servants at the exit from the building

Thank you very much for participating in St Mark Festival. We pray that our Lord Jesus Christ bless you in everything that you do. Please pray for this service. We wish you well in your activities and hope to see you next year with all your friends.


In The Name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit. One God. Amen

Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions – St Mark Festival

Theory Examination – Version 118 August, 2012

Multiple choice questions. Please place a, b, c or d in the space provided

1)The ability to change comes from:

a)Working hard to pray


c)Our parents

d)Our spiritual father(Abona)Answer: ______

2)Nehemiah was one of the inhabitants of the:

a)Northern Kingdom

b)Southern Kingdom

c)Western Kingdom

d)Eastern KingdomAnswer: ______

3)Why was Nehemiah sad in front of the king?

a)He wanted to change his Job

b)His parents were sick

c)God asked him to

d)He wanted to rebuild JerusalemAnswer: ______

4)Israel was broken into how many kingdoms?




d)5Answer: ______

5)Who read the book of the law to the people?




d)ZerubbabelAnswer: ______

6)What did Nehemiah do when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab conspired to create war?

a)Hid from them

b)Armed the soldiers to go to war

c)Built more walls to stop them from coming in.

d)Armed the soldiers and kept on building the city.Answer: ______

Short Answer and Fill in the spaces:

7)Who is Jethro?


8)How did Moses respond to Jethro’s advice?


9)List the names of five books of Moses in the old Testament


10)List the writers of the four Gospels in the New Testament


11)Fill the verse below with the correct words from the list below:

servant, prosper, pray, desire

“O Lord, I ______, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your ______, and to the prayer of Your servants who ______to fear Your name; and let Your servant ______this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.”

Reference: ______

Ethiopian Gaza Isaiah Exodus lamb Numbers death Samaria resurrection sheep

12)Philip was in ______preaching the Gospel and then the angel appeared to him to go to ______to meet the Ethiopian eunuch.

13)The ______was reading the book of ______. “He was led as ______a to the slaughter and as a ______before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth.” Isa 53:7

14)So Philip started to explain about Lord Jesus Christ, His teachings, His ______and His ______.

15)The five books of Moses are: Genesis, ______, Leviticus, ______and Deuteronomy.

16)Rearrange the following verse in the correct order:

and then come and offer your gift.

First be reconciled to your brother,

and there remember that your brother has something against you,

Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,

leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way.






Reference: ______

17)What was the first thing Nehemiah he did when he ran into problems while building the wall?


18)What are the three main ranks of priesthood?


19)What did our Lord Jesus transform St Peter into?


20)Name three things I can do when reading the bible?




21)We can deal with our anger. Put these sentences in order from 1 to 4.

Control your tongue and behaviour. Do not speak or answer back when you are angry. “Be angry, and do not sin”
(Ephesians 4:26) / If it happened and you became angry, don’t make your anger last for long. “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.”
(Ephesians 4:26)
When you have calmed down, you may discuss and reconcile what had caused your anger. / It is very important that you remain calm and not allow a word to annoy you. I mean you should be really tolerant in order to protect yourself from anger.

Please answer True or False (circle the correct answer)

22)The Israelites used to live together and were ruled by one kingTrue / False

23)Then the kingdom was divided into three kingdomsTrue / False

24)The king completely trusted Nehemiah.True / False

25)Nehemiah name means God is kindTrue / False

26)The capital city of the split kingdom of Israel was JerusalemTrue / False

27)Solomon Wrote the book of Proverbs and the Song of SongsTrue / False

28)David wrote Psalms and JudgesTrue / False

29)Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel are Major prophets in the Old TestamentTrue / False

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