Star Wars™ Miniatures DCI™ Floor Rules
Effective 1st July 2008
The Star Wars Miniatures DCI Floor Rules and the Star Wars Miniatures Game Rules should be read and understood by all players wishing to compete in sanctioned events. All DCI members participating in DCI-sanctioned Star Wars™ Miniatures events must abide by these rules.
Two other documents—the DCI Universal Tournament Rules and the DCI Penalty Guidelines—are used by organizers and judges who wish to further understand the details of how sanctioned events are to be organized and run, and to understand how judging for DCI events should work. These documents can be found at
The Star Wars Miniatures Errata and FAQ are available at
Appendix A: Changes from previous versions
Appendix B: Definition of terms
600. General Star Wars Miniatures Tournament Rules
601. Format Categories
The DCI sanctions the following formats:
· 100-Point Constructed
· 150-Point Constructed
· 200-Point Constructed
· 100-Point Sealed
· 100-Point Booster Pack Draft
· 150-Point Sealed
· 150-Point Booster Pack Draft
602. Ratings Categories
The DCI provides the following ratings categories:
· Constructed: includes all constructed formats
· Limited: includes all limited formats
DCI Ratings and Rankings for all sanctioned games can be viewed at
603. Necessary Tournament Materials
Players must bring the following items to participate:
· A terrain map (battle grids and terrain tiles may not be used in DCI-sanctioned Star Wars Miniatures tournaments). Players in Limited tournaments may bring multiple terrain maps and choose one to use during squad construction.
· A 20-sided die (d20). Dice must not be especially large or small. Players may not use Spindown™ dice or any dice that have all of the high numbers in a cluster together.
· Tokens or pen and paper for clearly tracking damage, force point use, victory points, and other effects.
· Models and corresponding stat cards for constructed events.
604. Authorized Models, Stat Cards and Terrain Maps
All Star Wars Miniatures models released by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. are legal for tournament play. Players must have the official corresponding stat cards for all registered miniatures. Players using multiples of the same model need only one copy of the official stat card for those models, but still must provide a clear method for all players to readily know the status of each individual model. Players must make their stat cards available to opponents or tournament officials upon request.
Stat cards are interpreted using the official Star Wars Miniatures Game Rules and Official Errata. Errata can be found at:
Conversions (customization of models) are allowed in DCI-sanctioned Star Wars Miniatures tournaments, but must adhere to the following rules:
· The base model (the model being converted) must be a Star Wars Miniatures model.
· Base models must remain easily identifiable. A player must be able to tell what each model is on first glance at the battlefield.
· Additional equipment (including weaponry) may not be added to a model if that equipment is not represented on the model’s stat card. For example, a player may not add a blaster to a model that doesn’t have a ranged attack.
The following Star Wars Miniatures terrain maps are legal for tournament play:
100 and 150-point tournaments:
· Rebel Storm starter Tractor Beam Reactor Coupling map
· Clone Strike starter Grand Plaza map
· Revenge of the Sith starter Power Regulation Chamber map
· Rebel Storm Ultimate Missions Cloud City map (updated Organized Play version only)
· Rebel Storm Ultimate Missions Mos Eisley map (updated Organized Play version only)
· Clone Strike Ultimate Missions Nightclub map (treat windows as walls, high ledges as on the same level with the streets)
· Revenge of the Sith Ultimate Missions Throne Room map
· Attack on Endor Commander's Office map
· Attack on Endor Hall of Judgment map
· Attack on Endor Rancor Pen map
· Battle of Hoth Echo Base Outpost map
200-point tournaments:
· Revenge of the Sith starter Power Regulation Chamber map
· Attack on Endor Rancor Pen map
· Attack on Endor Hall of Judgment map
· Attack on Endor Commander's Office map
· Revenge of the Sith Ultimate Missions Throne Room map
· Battle of Hoth Echo Base Outpost map
The following Star Wars Miniatures terrain maps are not legal for tournament play:
All tournaments:
· Clone Strike Ultimate Missions Arena Pit map
· Revenge of the Sith Ultimate Missions Plateau map
605. New Releases
Star Wars Miniatures models are allowed in both DCI-sanctioned Constructed and Limited tournaments as soon as they are published in a set. Prerelease models and promo miniatures are not allowed in sanctioned play unless they are a part of a set that has been released.
606. Participation Minimums
A minimum of four people must participate in a Star Wars Miniatures DCI-sanctioned event. If this minimum is not met, the event is no longer considered DCI-sanctioned, and will not be included in DCI ratings. If participation minimums are not met for any DCI-sanctioned event, the tournament organizer must report the event as cancelled.
610. Star Wars Miniatures Tournament Mechanics
611. Match Structure
Star Wars Miniatures matches consist of one game per match. Match results are reported to the DCI for inclusion in the worldwide ratings.
612. Match Time Limits
Sixty minutes are recommended for each tournament round of Constructed or Limited tournaments.
613. Squad Registration
A player must register his or her squad, recording all models and selected terrain map to be used, before the start of the first round of play. In constructed tournaments, players may not change their squad or terrain map during the tournament. In Limited tournaments, players may only change their squad or terrain map if a new set of sealed product is opened or a new draft occurs.
614. Pregame Procedures and Who Plays First
1. Players begin the pregame procedure by revealing their squads to each other.
2. Players roll to determine who will chose the map to be played on.
3. The player with the higher roll chooses which map will be played on. The player with the lower roll selects whether to set up first or second. The player who sets up first selects a side and sets up his miniatures, then the other player sets up on the opposite side.
4. Players roll for initiative to determine who will play first.
615. Tournament Play Procedures
Players must follow these procedures and etiquette during play:
All miniatures must start with part of their base within four squares of the short edge of the map on that player's side.
Players must fill their starting area as completely as possible, then extra characters are placed as close to the starting area as possible. Huge figures must be set up first, then Large, Medium and Small figures.
Start Location
When counting out movement for a miniature, players should leave the miniature in its starting place until the final position of the miniature is chosen. Alternately, players may mark the starting location of a miniature with a token.
Model Activation
Players must indicate which models have been activated in one of three ways:
1. Turn the stat card of an activated model 90 degrees.
2. Place a token or bead on the stats cards of models that have been activated.
3. Turn the miniature of a model that has been activated to face the opposite direction.
Damage Counters and Effects
Damage and effects must be clearly tracked on the stat card, the model, or on paper during the match. Players may use damage counters or dice (they must be distinct from other types of counters or dice used in the game), pen and paper, or mark directly on the stat card itself to keep track of these effects.
Destroyed Squad Members
Destroyed squad members and their corresponding stat card should be set aside from the play area.
616. End-of-Match Procedure
A match ends when:
1. a player meets the victory condition, or
2. the match time limit runs out, or
3. no side takes damage, makes an attack roll, or makes a saving throw for 10 complete rounds.
If a match ends before a player meets the victory condition, players complete the current round. At the end of that round, the player who scored the most victory points is the winner. If both players have an equal number of victory points, the following tiebreakers are used:
1. The player whose model is closest to the center of the terrain map wins the match.
2. If more than one model is equally close, the player that owns the highest-cost model closest to the center wins the match.
If the players are still tied, the match is considered a double-loss (no match points are awarded).
620. Rules for Constructed Tournaments
621. Squad Construction
Players must follow the faction rules as stated in the Star Wars Miniatures Game Rules.
Squads may not contain more points than the limit specified by the format category (they may contain less).
622. Constructed Scenarios
Standard Scenario
Victory: At the end of a round, if at least one player has scored points equal to or in excess of the format point limit (100, 150 or 200 points), the player with the most victory points wins. If both players meet this condition and have the same number of victory points, players play an additional round. The player with the most victory points at the end of the extra round wins. If the players are still have the same number of victory points, additional rounds are played until the tie is broken, or match time runs out (see Section 616).
There are two ways to score victory points:
1) Eliminate enemy models: points scored are equal to model cost
2) Occupy the map center: five points are scored each round that a player ends a round with a model within four squares of the center of the map; ignore low objects and walls when determining this area. This method of scoring points is generally referred to as "Gambit" scoring. Examples:
Area for scoring if the center of the map is a total square. Area for scoring if the center of the map is a point.
630. Rules for Limited Tournaments
There are two types of Limited tournaments: Sealed or Booster Pack Draft. The rules for these two types of sealed tournaments have different setup and constructions rules, detailed in Sections 640 and 650 respectively.
631. Limited Scenarios
Standard Scenario – see description in Section 622.
632. Game Rule Modification for Limited Tournaments
Rigid models
Characters with Rigid lose Rigid in DCI-sanctioned tournament play.
640. Rules for Sealed Tournaments
Tournament Setup
Once players are seated, tournament officials provide each player with
1) One Starter Set and one Booster Pack, or
2) Two Booster Packs
Each player must receive the same product. Example: If a player receives a Rebel Storm Starter Set and a Clone Strike Booster, all players must receive a Rebel Storm Starter Set and a Clone Strike Booster.
Sealed Squad Construction and Registration
Once all players receive their sealed product, they will have 20 minutes to build and register their squads from the product provided.
Squads may not contain more points than the limit specified by the format category.
There are no faction restrictions in the Sealed format. Players may use any models they receive in their sealed product for their squad, even multiples of the same Unique model.
Players may choose their terrain map during squad registration. If players receive a Starter Set, they may choose to use the terrain map in the Starter Set instead of one brought to the event. Players should indicate their terrain map choice on their squad registration sheet. Players then roll to see who chooses which end to set up at. The choosing player deploys all their miniatures first.
650. Rules for Booster Pack Draft Tournaments
Tournament Setup
Players are seated randomly into drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size. Four is the recommended pod size. Pods may not contain less than three or more than five players, and tournament officials must maximize the number of four-person pods. Example: If nine players are registered for a draft tournament, they should be seated in two pods: one with four players and one with five. They should not be seated in three pods with three people each.
A tournament official then distributes two new Booster Packs to each player. Each player must receive same product. For example, if one player receives a Clone Strike Booster and Rebel Storm Booster, all players must receive a Clone Strike Booster and Rebel Storm Booster.
Active Player Rotation
The player drafting first from the stat cards presented on the table is called the active player. The first active player is the participant in the first seat, designated by the judge. All players in each drafting pod serve as the active player once for each Booster Pack group, with the active player moving between players as follows:
· In a clockwise direction for the first Booster Pack group (beginning with the first active player)
· In a counterclockwise direction for the second Booster Pack group (starting with the last active player in the first group).
Table Preparation
Each active player lays out stat cards of one Booster Pack face up on the table, with the stat cards facing him or her and the models set aside from the drafting area. Players are given 30 seconds to review the cards before drafting begins. At the end of the 30-second review, the active player drafts the first stat card. Then each player in turn has 10 seconds to review and draft from the remaining stat cards. If a player fails to select a card in that time, the pod judge issues that player the highest-cost stat card still remaining from the booster pack.
Draft Order
The draft order moves in a horseshoe pattern, beginning with the active player and continuing around the table to the last participant in the group who has not yet drafted a stat card. The last player in the group selects a second stat card, then the draft continues in reverse order, moving back toward the first player. Once the draft is completed, all players should have the same number of miniatures.