Slide 3 - Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud
Release 15B
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Hello, my name is Thierry Welcome to training for Release 15B
In this session we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud for the Sourcing Module in 15B
Slide 4 - Agenda
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For each enhancement covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more details to explain how you can use it, and what business value it brings.
After the presentation of all enhancements, we’ll walk you through a demonstration.
Next we will explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.
Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview
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In this tutorial we will focus on a set of new features tat will provide a better Candidate experience. One feature will help candidates that are searching jobs in a custom location. We will present light changes that we have made in the application layout. We will review other feature that is dedicated to the internal mobility. And we will then look at features that will redirect the candidates or employees to specific Career Sections or sites.
Slide 6 - Location Search Fallback To Keyword Search
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Location Search Fallback To Keyword Search: This first feature will help candidates that are searching for jobs in a location that is unknown to Placefinder. If the location that the candidate has typed in the location field it not recongnized by Placefinder, then we will suggest the candidate to run a search on this location using the keyword field. If the candidates agrees the location typed will be automatically copied in the Keyword field and the search run with this criteria.
Slide 7 - Location Search Fallback To Keyword Search
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This feature offers the candidate an easy way to look for jobs in a location that is not standard but which can be found in the job description or the job location. It automates the search on the keyword and encourages the candidates to leverage this option that they may not have noticed.
This is particularly important for clients that are working with non standard locations. The keyword search in this case solves a lot if issues.
By suggesting automatically this keyword search, the candidate experience becomes much more intuitive.
Slide 8 - Refactored Navigation
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Refactored Navigation: this simple feature consists in placing the signin and signup button and the language toogle introduced in15B on the top of the screen. Please keep in mind that the signin and signup button are displayed only if you are working in Referral only mode. The language toogle will be displayed in all modes.
Slide 9 - Refactored Navigation
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This feature brings clarity to the application layout. It solves some issues for the language selection that had to be solved using some advanced branding. And quite important matter it eases the navigation on a mobile device.
Slide 10 - Apply Button For Recruiters And Administrators
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This feature will solve issues linked with the internal mobility. Up to 15A Recruiters and Administrators did not have systematically the option to apply for jobs. Instead they were getting options to promote jobs.
That was a concern in particular for large organizations counting many Recruiters.
From 15B they will be able to apply to jobs like any other employee.
Slide 11 - Apply Button For Recruiters And Administrators
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The value of this feature is an improvement in internal mobility support. Clients had to find workaround and create often a second user account for the Recruiters and Admins. This feature will remove this need to for additional accounts and will ease the administration of the application.
Slide 12 - Role-specific links to My Profile and My Submissions
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Role-specific links to My Profile and My Submissions: With this feature we will make sure that candidates or employees that are accessing a site will use a career section linked to this site and branded in the same way for managing their profile and their submissions.
We can differentiate the employees from the external candidates and send them to relevant Career Sections so that they ca benefit from different profile forms.
Slide 13 - Role-specific links to My Profile and My Submissions
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This feature provides a better management of the internal mobility. We prepare a Career Section and a profile form dedicated for them.
It will also provides consistency in the navigation between Sourcing and the Career Section. Candidates or employees can evolve in an environment that is always branded in the same way. This features also extend the capabilities for creating specific sites that differs from each other not only in terms of branding but also in terms of profile form and application flow.
Slide 14 - Career Section Job Description URLs target specific sites
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Career Section Job Description URLs target specific sites: this feature deals with the redirection of the candidates that are coming through a job board. Recruiters can keep posting the jobs on jobs boards through eQuest for instance. In this case the candidate is sent to the Career Section
Slide 15 - Career Section Job Description URLs target specific sites
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The benefit of this feature along with other we have seen previously is to ensure that the candidate will have a consistent branding experience wherever they are coming from and whatever devices they will use. You will want to invest in te creation of a specific site to support your brand for instance. And we will make sure that the candidate will navigate only on this branded site and the Career Section branded in the same way. As we saw whatever action the candidate will do, updating their profile, applying from a job board etc.. Will keep them in the same environment optimized to market your jobs and your brand in the best way.
Slide 18 - Summary of the Candidate Experience Enhancements
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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today
Location Search Fallback To Keyword Search that facilitates the candidate’s search
Refactored Navigation which places a toggle and the sign up button on top of the screen for a better user experience
Apply Button For Recruiters And Administrators which provides a better support of the internal mobility
Role-specific links to My Profile and My Submissions that differentiates the external and internal candidates experience
And Career Section Job Description URLs target specific sites which redirect the candidates to a specific site
We will now review their impact of the configuration and some implementation advices.
Slide 19 - Implementation Advice
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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.
Slide 20 - Feature Impact Guidelines
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This table details the features that need activation or specific setup.
All of the features we saw will be automatically activated.
For the refactored navigation there is no specific setup to be done. But we advise you to review your custom branding as you may have to adjust it.
If you want to setup specific links for the employees and the candidates, as an administrator you will have to configure them as we saw in the demonstration.
Same for the redirection URL. If you want to target a specific site the administrator will have to do the configuration at the Career Section level.
Slide 21 - Setup Summary – Role Specific Links to My Profile
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If you want to provide a specific access for My Profile and My Submisson to your external candidates or your employees you will need to configure this redirection in the menu Configuration / Site Builder / Site details
Slide 22 - Role Specific Links to My Profile and My Submissions Setup Detail
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In order to configure a specific redirection for the External candidates and the employees you need to access the site details and provide your target links in this section TEE Accounts URLs.
Slide 23 - Setup Summary – CS job description redirection URL target Specific site
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If you want to redirect your candidates to a specific site you can configure in the Career Section the job description redirection URL
Slide 24 - CS job description redirection URL target Specific site
Setup Detail
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In order to configure a Job description redirection URL you need to access the Career Section details. In order to edit these details the Career Section must be deactivated. Just provide the redirection URL as indicated on the screen with the site you want to target.
Slide 25 - Setup Best Practices
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Some recommendations after the upgrade. The first will concern the refactored navigation. As I already said, this layout change could affect your custom branding in case you have created a header for instance and made use of the advanced CSS. In this case it is recommended to test the impact on your branding and if necessary adjust it. Make you tests using various browsers and mobile devices.
Concerning the Apply button for the Recruiters and Administrators, you may have to conduct some change management. Users that will gain this option should be alerted and if you put workaround in place you may want to get rid of them and simplify your administration.
Slide 26 - Setup Best Practices
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Concerning the link for My Profile and My Submission, there is an important setting to take in consideration when you will do your setup. In case you are getting jobs from several Career Sections in the same site, we recommend you to set “Always force this Career Section's job-specific application flow” to “No”. This is a setting that is to be configured in the Career Section itself. This will ensure that if the candidate or employee are willing to update their submissions, they will update them using the original application workflow defined for this job.
Thanks to this setting you can point the candidates to 1 branded career section, but take advantage of the multiple application workflows that have you have configured.
Slide 27 - Setup Best Practices
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The last set of recommendations will concern the Job Description URL. If you have created several sites and you have specific Career Sections associated to these sites then you should review the configuration of each of these Career Section and set the appropriate Redirection URL. Make sure as well that you have linked your site with the right Career Section in the Site settings.
That is all for our recommendations.
Slide 28 - Business Process Information
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The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.
The first high level business concerns the internal mobility. The activity will concern the recruiters and the administrators that are applying to a job
The second business process is the site configuration. Part of the configuration activities you will have to provide the redirection links to my profile and my submissions for the employees and external candidates and you will have as well to configure the job description redirection url in the Career Sections that you want to associate to your site.
This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.
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