Satellite Club Project Proposal & Development Plan

Satellite Clubs aim to make the transition from School/College groups to Sports Clubs easier. They offer opportunities to increase participation in sport through engaging new usersas well as offering current participants more convenient access to sport. The project is run over a 3 year period with financial support from Living Sport during this time.

Living Sport is looking to fund projects driven by the Sport England Youth Insight. Please reference this where appropriate, and highlight how you have used this insight to shape your development plan. Sports Coach UK have also created a ‘What Makes Your Session Unmissable?’ video which summarises the insight mentioned above.

Background Club Information:

Name of Club
Address of main club site(Including Postcode)
Lead Contact Name
Lead Contact Number
Lead Contact Email

Satellite Club Information:

Proposed Satellite Club Start date/period:
Venue (please provide facility address, including postcode, for where the Satellite Club sessions will take place)
Primary Target Participant Audience:
(Initial age group target, gender, disability focus etc.)
Secondary Target Participant Audience:
How many new participants do you hope to attract to the club? / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
NGB Involvement? If so, what:
Satellite Club Aims/Objectives: [Why do you wish to deliver a Satellite Club, what do you hope to achieve as a club? What benefits do you see with a Satellite Club?]
Session Structure: (brief description of the structure of the Satellite Club sessions that you wish to deliver/offer? Style of activity on offer? Sessions delivered by? Please feel free to express ideas of how the session delivery might develop)
Sustaining Participation & Linking Participants to Community Club: (How do you expect to maintain participant engagement? How will you ensure participants feel part of the community club? What is the expected transition process from Satellite Club to Main Club Site for a participant?)

Project Expenditure and Income for year 1:

Expenditure / Expenditure Details / Amount / Income (In Kind or Cash) / Income Details / Amount
Coaching: / In Kind from Partner 1: / Partner funding e.g. free facility hire
Equipment: / In Kind from Partner 2:
Training: / Cash income from Partner 1:
Other: / Cash income from Partner 2:
Total Expenditure: / £ / Total (in kind & cash) Expenditure: / £
CSP Satellite Club Delivery Fund Request: / £

Project Expenditure for year 2:

Expenditure / Expenditure Details / Amount
CSP Satellite Club Delivery Fund Request: £

Project Expenditure for year 3:

Expenditure / Expenditure Details / Amount
CSP Satellite Club Delivery Fund Request: £

If you have any questions or queries, or would like to submit your application, please contact Claire Brockwell (Project Officer – NGB);

E: : 01487 849922