Neehr Perfect Activity: Analyzing an EHR for Adoption


This activity is intended for the Intermediate user. In this activity the student will evaluate the EHR and provide feedback and suggestions in a short report.

Student instructions

Choose the patient chart, ______. Complete exercises to evaluate EHR functionality. Submit a short write up describing the pros and cons, as well as suggestions on improvement


1.  Completion of Scavenger Hunts I, II and III.


1.  Demonstrate the technical skills necessary to access an EHR system.

2.  Demonstrate knowledge of EHR functionality

3.  Demonstrate analysis of EHR capabilities

4.  Identify frequently encountered challenges to adoption and implementation of HIT systems

5.  Design a plan to address barriers to implementation of an HIT system


Analyze Decision Support and Reporting in the EHR

1.  Log into the EHR and select ______

2.  Go to the Reports Tab in the EHR.

3.  Use the CLINICAL REPORT Function and expand each section by clicking on the “plus” sign.

***Name in screen shot may be different than your EHR***

4.  Open the Lab section and review the last set of lab values.

5.  Open the Health Summary section and select “Adhoc Report”

1.  Create an Adhoc report containing

a.) Adverse Reactions/Allegies [ADR];

b.) Lab Chemistry &Hematology;

c.) Vital Signs Detailed Display[VSD];

d.) Progress Note [PN]

6.  Go to File > Select new patient.

7.  Select your portfolio, by typing in your name.

8.  Go to the Problems tab and type in “Diabetes”. Select “Diabetes (250.00)”. Complete the problems form by selecting “chronic” and “ok”.

9.  Return to the cover sheet. Note any changes.

10.  Click on any clinical Reminders. Right click to complete an inquiry. Note the parameters for this reminder. Think about why this may be considered useful information.

Analysis Questions:

1.  Identify three pros and three cons of the clinical reporting and reminder features. What aspects are helpful to a clinician? What aspects (in your opinion) may encourage resistance?

2.  For each of the three cons you have identified, provide several suggestions for how they can be improved.

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