UM_AD_1886_D_KCITY (Application Engine) - Purge UMKC’s Temporary SSOID/Password Records / People Tools > Process Scheduler > System Process Requests / UM_AD_1886_D_KCITY / 1:00 AM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, Doretta Kidd, Michael Passer.
KACT_KCITY (Application Engine) - External Test Score Purge. Purges Suspended Test Scores that have been loaded / Student Recruiting > External Test Score Processing > External Test Score Purge / KACT_KCITY / 3:00 AM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and Jim Givens.
KGRE_KCITY (Application Engine) - External Test Score Purge. Purges Suspended Test Scores that have been loaded / Student Recruiting > External Test Score Processing > External Test Score Purge / KGRE_KCITY / 3:00 AM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and Jim Givens.
KSAT1_KCITY (Application Engine) - External Test Score Purge. Purges Suspended Test Scores that have been loaded / Student Recruiting > External Test Score Processing > External Test Score Purge / KSAT1_KCITY / 3:00 AM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and Jim Givens.
KTOFL_KCITY (Application Engine) - External Test Score Purge. Purges Suspended Test Scores that have been loaded / Student Recruiting > External Test Score Processing > External Test Score Purge / KTOFL_KCITY / 3:00 AM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and Jim Givens.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the SSO communication for GRADUATES. / UM Processes and Reports > UM Admit and Recruit > Applicant SSO ID’s & Comm Assgn / UM_AD_1886_GRAD
Academic Institution:– KCITY
As of Admission Data Creation Date:– 08/20/2007
As of Admit Term:– Provided by user
Academic Career:– GRAD
Include Application Status:
Status: Active
Status: Admitted
Status: Applicant
Include Admit Types:
Admit Type: GRD
Admit Type: GRI
Admit Type: REA
Enter Communication Speedkey values to assign communications
New SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSONEW
Old SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSOOLD / USAD7000_KCITY
(Web Apps Group) / No night call necessary. Send an email to Ellebracht, Rita; Joan Goodwin; UM - Production Control; Kidd, Doretta; Jordan Fultz, and Michael Passer.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the SSO communication for UNDERGRADUATES. / UM Processes and Reports > UM Admit and Recruit > Applicant SSO ID’s & Comm Assgn / UM_AD_1886_UGRD
Academic Institution:– KCITY
As of Admission Data Creation Date:– 08/20/2007
As of Admit Term:– Provided by user
Academic Career:– GRAD
Include Application Status:
Status: Active
Status: Admitted
Status: Applicant
Include Admit Types:
Admit Type: FTC
Admit Type: REA
Admit Type: TRN
Enter Communication Speedkey values to assign communications
New SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSONEW
Old SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSOOLD / UM_AD_1886_GRAD / No night call necessary. Send an email to Ellebracht, Rita; Joan Goodwin, UM - Production Control; Kidd, Doretta; Jordan Fultz, and Michael Passer.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for CCLTROS1. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS1
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS1
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / UM_AD_1886_UGRD / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for letter code OS2 CCLTROS2. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS2
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS2
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS1 / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the SSO communication for UNDERGRADUATES. / UM Processes and Reports > UM Admit and Recruit > Applicant SSO ID’s & Comm Assgn / UM_AD_1886_LAW
Academic Institution:– KCITY
As of Admission Data Creation Date:– 10/01/2009
As of Admit Term:– Provided by user
Academic Career:– LAW
Include Application Status:
Status: Active
Include Admit Types:
Admit Type: PRF
Admit Type: PRI
Enter Communication Speedkey values to assign communications
New SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSONEW
Old SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSOOLD / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS2 / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, UM - Production Control, Kidd, Doretta; Jordan Fultz, and Michael Passer.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for CCLTROS1. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS1
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS1
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / UM_AD_1886_LAW / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for letter code OS2 CCLTROS2. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS2
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS2
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS3 / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the SSO communication for Newly Admitted Dual High School Students -UNDERGRADUATES. / UM Processes and Reports > UM Admit and Recruit > Applicant SSO ID’s & Comm Assgn / UM_AD_1886_HSCP
Academic Institution:– KCITY
As of Admission Data Creation Date:– 12/07/2009
As of Admit Term:– Provided by user
Academic Career:– UGRD
Include Application Status:
Status: Admitted
Status: Active
Include Admit Types:
Admit Type: DHS
Admit Type: DHR
Enter Communication Speedkey values to assign communications
New SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSONEW
Old SSO Letter – Letter Code: SSOOLD / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS4 / No night call necessary. Send an email to Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, UM - Production Control; Kidd, Doretta; Jordan Fultz, and Michael Passer.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for CCLTROS1. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS1
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS1
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / UM_AD_1886_HSCP / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(SQR Report) - CSV file letter generation for SSO userid/passwords for letter code OS2 CCLTROS2. / Campus Community> Communication > Letter Generation / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS2
General Parameters Tab:
ID Selection: Process All IDs Box Checked
Letter Code Selection:
Letter Code: OS2
Missing Critical data:
Produce Communication: Box Checked
Complete Communication: Box Checked
Name and Address Usage:
Address: Perm,Mail,Email
Addr Name: Primary Full
Salutation: Primary Full
Joint Salutation Usage:
Joint Name: Blank
ID Extract Name Usage:
ID Extract Name Usage: Blank
Date Merge Parameters Tab:
Extract File Path/Options: Blank
File Type: CSV
Update Communication Letter Printed Date With: System Date
Update Communication completed Date With: System Date
Communication Date Range Selection:
From Date: 04/01/2007
To Date: 01/01/2100 / CCLTRGEN_CCLTROS5 / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Rita Ellebracht, Joan Goodwin, and UM – Production Control.
(SQR Process) - Mass Change for A-CHK-FTCREQ-GRP / Campus Community > Checklists > Mass Change Checklists> Run Mass Change / MASSCHNG_FTCREQ_GRP / USAD7000_KCITY / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the Mass Change Checklist for A-CHK-FTCREQ-GRP / Campus Community > Communications > Run 3C Engine / 3C_CHK_FTCREQ_GRP / MASSCHNG_FTCREQ_GRP / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(SQR Process) - Mass Change for A-CHK-TRNREQ-GRP / Campus Community > Checklists > Mass Change Checklists> Run Mass Change / MASSCHNG_TRNREQ_GRP / 3C_CHK_FTCREQ_GRP / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the Mass Change Checklist for A-CHK-TRNREQ-GRP / Campus Community > Communications > Run 3C Engine / 3C_CHK_TRNREQ_GRP / MASSCHNG_TRNREQ_GRP / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(SQR Process) - Mass Change for A-CHK-6YRMED / Campus Community > Checklists > Mass Change Checklists> Run Mass Change / MASSCHNG_6YRMED / 3C_CHK_TRNREQ_GRP / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(Application Engine) - Assigns the Mass Change Checklist for A-CHK-6YRMED / Campus Community > Communications > Run 3C Engine / 3C_CHK_6YRMED / MASSCHNG_6YRMED / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(Application Engine) - Updates the application fee on the checklist item for Web Applications / Campus Community > Communications > Run 3C Engine / 3C_CHK_APPFEEDPF / 3C_CHK_6YRMED / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(SQR Report) - Updates the Mass Change Checklist for A-CHK-FTCREQ, A-CHK-TRNREQ and A-CHK-6YRMED / UM Processes and Reports > UM Admit and Recruit > Checklist Update Transcripts / USCC0040_KCITY
ID Selection:
Process All IDs:– Box Checked
Data Typed Selection
Data Typed Selection: Transcript
Checklist Item Selection:
Checklist Item Code: TRANS
Process as of Admit Term:
As of Admit Term: 3627 (SP2008) / 3C-CHK_APPFEEDPF / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
(SQR Report) Assigns the TEST scores to the Mass Change Checklist for A-CHK-FTCREQ, A-CHK-TRNREQ and A-CHK-6YRMED / Campus Community > Process Checklist > Item Update-Automated / CCITMUPD_KCITY
Checklist Item Update Parms Tab:
ID Selection:
Process All IDs:– Box Checked
Data Typed Selection
Data Typed Selection: Test Scores
Checklist Item Selection:
Checklist Item Code: TESTSC
Data Selection Parms Tab:
Data Selection Parameters:
Process All Test IDs: Box Checked / USCC0040_KCITY / No night call necessary. Send an email to Doretta Kidd, Joan Goodwin, and Rita Ellebracht.
/ If Errors occurs, call Jordan Fultz,
Jeff Heckathorn, or Michael Passer
Create FA Term Driver Records
SQR Report / Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Create FA Term Driver Records / FAPTRMU1_KCITY_EVEN
Run Control Set Up:
Academic Institution: Univ of Missouri – Kansas City
Aid Year: 2010
Driver Creation Option: Both Updates and Projections
Select Career: DENT
Select Career: GRAD
Select Career: LAW
Select Career: MEDS
Select Career: PHAR / Workdays
6:00 PM / No night call necessary. Send an email to Jeff Heckathorn,Caleb Churder, Carol Rotach and Michael Passer
FA Term Build Process
SQL / Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Build FA Term in Batch Process / FAPTRMU1_KCITY_EVEN
Run Control Set Up:
Academic Institution: Univ of Missouri – Kansas City
Aid Year: 2010
Driver Creation Option: Both Updates and Projections / FAPTRMU1_KCITY_SQR_EVEN / No night call necessary. Send an email to Jeff Heckathorn,Caleb Churder, Carol Rotach and Michael Passer
USFA9000_KCITY (SQR Report) - PS to SAM Refresh Extract
Stopped 10/10/2007 / UM Processes and Reports > UM Financial Aid > Legacy Interfaces> PS SA to SAM Refresh Extract Update/Display / USFA9000_KCITY / 6:30 PM / See Financial_Aid_Daily special instructions.
/ If Errors occur, check KCPHONE located in MVS dataset ‘CNTLMDB.KSIS.PROD.DOC’ for whom to notify
USRL2001_KCITY / UM Process and Reports > UM Residential Life > RL/CC Processing (Bio/Demo) > SIS External Lookup Extract / USRL2001_KCITY / Successful completion of USRL3000_KCITY and USRL4001_KCITY. This job has a 5 AM submit time. / No night call necessary. If the abend is caused by a database connectivity error, rerun the job when connectivity is restored. Send an email to UM DoIt SAAS Residential Life Programmers.