Becky L. Bruce

Southwestern Oklahoma State University

100 Campus Dr., SCI 101 C.

Weatherford, OK 73096



Bruce curriculum vitae 1


Assistant Professor, Social Science Department, Southwest Oklahoma State University


Ph.D., History, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Alabama, May 2012

Dissertation: “A Luscious Fruit: America’s Annexation of Hawaii”

  • Dissertation director: Dr. Howard Jones
  • Major Field: U.S. Foreign Relations, U.S. to 1877, U.S. since 1877
  • Minor Field: U.S. Southern History

M.A., History,University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 2004

Thesis: “Vietnam and the More Flags Campaign, 1964-1965: The Search for

American Allies in the Commonwealth”

  • Thesis Director: Dr. Joseph A. Fry

B.A., History & Political Science,Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico, May 1999


Book manuscript: “A Luscious Fruit: America’s Annexation of Hawaii”- Currently revising for publication

Article: “Imperial Carpetbaggers: Reconstruction Memory and the Debate over Hawaiian Annexation” - Currently revising for publication


  • GEOG 1103 World Cultural Geography
  • HIST 1043United States History before 1877
  • HIST1053 United States History since 1877
  • HIST 4903 History of the Vietnam War
  • HIST4503 American Diplomatic History
  • HIST4063 Gilded Age Progressive Era
  • HIST 4123 United States in the 1950s & 1960s
  • HIST4083 America Since 1970


  • Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, Southwest Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, OK, August 2013- present
  • Instructor, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, 2011-2013
  • Adjunct Faculty, Department of History, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2008-2010
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, The University of Alabama, 2004-2008
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2000-2002


  • SWOSUUniversity Research and Scholarly Activity Committee, 2015-2018
  • SWOSU Journal of Undergraduate Research – Co-Managing Editor – Fall 2014- present
  • SWOSU Library Advisory Committee, Three- year term, 2014–2017.
  • SWOSU Who’s Who Committee: Fall 2014-present.
  • SWOSU Bookstore Advisory Committee: 2015-


  • Social Sciences Departmental Candidate Search committee for new Criminal Justice professor
  • Social Sciences Department Technology Committee 2015-present
  • Social Sciences Scholarship Committee: 2014- Review application materials and meet with the rest of the committee to determine which candidates will receive awards.
  • Social Sciences History Day Committee: 2014-present
  • Social Sciences Student Recruitment Committee: 2014-present
  • Social Sciences General Education Assessment Committee- 2014- met to determine geography learning outcome assessments and re-evaluation History Graduate Exam.


  • University recruitment SWOSU Saturday, Social Sciences booth, 2016
  • University recruitments- Sayer recruitment, 2016
  • University Recruitment- State Fair booth, 2016
  • Course Equivalence Project, 2015: Attend the meeting at UCO, review syllabi for consideration for History programs.
  • Organizing Committee for Symposium to Commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the Sand Creek Massacre 2014
  • Advisor to History Majors
  • SWIM Proctor, Geography, 2014-2016. Supervise contestants taking their exam, compile scores.
  • SWOSU Majors Fair: Social Sciences Representative 2015-2016: Greet interested students and provide information about programs available


  • SWOSU Research Excellence Club Faculty co-Sponsor: Fall 2014- present
  • SWOSU Chapter Phi Alpha Theta Honor Fraternity Faculty co-Sponsor: Fall 2014- present


  • Co-Chaired the 2017 Annual Oklahoma Association of Professional Historians / Phi Alpha Theta Annual Conference, hosted here at SWOSU
  • Judge at 2015-2016Oklahoma Association of Professional Historians / Phi Alpha Theta Annual Conference
  • Judge History Day regional conference- 2014-2017
  • Reviewer for upcoming 12th edition of The Cultural Landscape by James Rubenstein, Pearson Publishing.
  • Chair/commentator, Panel title “Conflicts in Afghanistan,” 2012 Tennessee Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference


  • Participant in the Three Pillars course transformation project Fall 2016-present
  • Transformative Learning Conference March 2015- Implementing Transformative learning and Flipped course in classes
  • ELA Outstanding Professors’ Academy - Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
  • New Course developed- World Cultural Geography Online- Developed a new course including all new lectures, assignments, and tested out several new textbooks. This was somewhat labor intensive due to having to learn an entirely new field from which I was trained.



  • “Like a Fish Caught in the Throw Net of a ‘Strong’ Man: The Manipulation of Gendered Stereotypes in the Overthrow of a Queen,”April 2017 Western Association of Women Historians annual conference
  • “Licentious Kapu: The Criminalization of Hawaiian Bodies,” May 2016 Western Association of Women Historians annual conference
  • SWOSU Brown Bag Seminar Presentation- Flipped Courses, Fall 2015
  • Chair/commentator, Panel title “Conflicts in Afghanistan,” 2012 Tennessee Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference
  • “Exporting Patriotism: the Creation of American Nationalism in the Hawaii

Kingdom” 2011 American Historical Association meeting

  • “ShallAmerica Sleep? U.S. Policy in Hawaii and the Debate Over Annexation” 2009

Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations

  • “Senator John Tyler Morgan and U.S. Imperialism: the Debate Overthe Annexation of Hawaii” 2009 Alabama Association of Historians conference
  • “Imperial Carpetbaggers: The Effect of Reconstruction on the Debate Over the

Annexation ofHawaii,” 2008 Southern Historical Association conference


  • Sugar and Civilization: American Empire and the Cultural Politics of Sweetness, Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, forthcoming Fall 2016.
  • The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation, by Roberts and Klibanoff, Southern Historian, Vol. XXIX, (Spring 2008), 111-12
  • The White South and the Red Menace, by George Lewis, Southern Historian, Vol.

XXVIII (Spring 2007), 133-35

  • Throwing off the Cloak of Privilege: White Southern Women Activists in the Civil Rights Era, ed. by Gail S. Murray, Southern Historian, Vol. XXVII (Spring 2006),



  • American Historical Association member 2007 to present
  • Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations member 2008 to present
  • Western Association of Women Historians 2015
  • Southern Historical Association member 2008 to present
  • Association of Alabama Historians 2008 to present
  • Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society, 1998 to present
  • Phi Kappa Phi, 1998 to Present


Graduate Student Peer Mentor-Tide Together Mentoring Program, 2009- 2011

Mentor to a McNair Fellow graduate student in the Tide Together Mentoring

Program, designed to utilize a team approach to mentoring graduate students

Historian in Resident, Teaching American History Program 2008-2009

Served as the historian in the UA Federal Grant in Teaching American

History Program, providing local teachers with content knowledge and

methodologies and conducted assessment testing for the program

Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, Inaugural UA History Graduate Student Conference on Power and Struggle, 2009

Proposed, initiated, and coordinated the inaugural year of a national

graduate students conference at the University of Alabama. The conference had

forty-three participants from thirty-two different Universities in sixteen states

Co-Coordinator, UA Graduate Student Brown Bag Lecture Series 2008-09

(Inaugural year) Set and coordinated hour long sessions, providing an opportunity

for graduate students to present original research to fellow graduate student in preparation for presentation at conferences

Editorial Assistant, Southern Historian, 2007 & 2010

Editorial proofing for a graduate peer review journal that publishes southern history articles written by graduate students and book reviews of the latest works in all fields of American history


The Ruth Marshall Kibby Award – May 2011

Honorary award given to an individual for dedicated and outstanding service to the department of history

The Frank Lawrence Owsley Memorial Scholarship History May 2010

Monetary award given each year to a graduate student of superior competency in

American History at the University of Alabama

University of Alabama Graduate Council Dissertation Fellow 2009-2010

University of Alabama Graduate Council Tuition grant and monthly stipend

University of Alabama History Department Dissertation Fellow 2007-2008

Department of History Tuition grant and monthly stipend award

University of Alabama Graduate Council Research Travel Grant 2007 & 2008

Jay Price Memorial Scholarship, recipient 1997 & 1998

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