Myall Creek massacre

The Myall Creek Massacre was a massacre of twenty-eight Aboriginal Australian people by twelve white stockmen and squatters on 9 June 1838, at the Myall Creek sheep station near Inverell, in northern New South Wales. Seven of the white men were eventually found guilty of murder, the first time that white people had been punished under European law for crimes against Aboriginal people.

The massacre

A party of twelve men, consisting of eleven convict settlers and one free man, John Fleming, arrived at a hut on Henry Dangar's Myall Creek station on 9 June. They told the station hand there, George Anderson, that they intended to round up any Aboriginal people they could find. They claimed to be acting in retaliation for the theft of cattle, although they did not attempt to identify any individuals who were responsible for the theft. The men gathered up twenty-eight people, mostly women and children, out of a group of forty or fifty Aboriginal people who were camping in the area. They were taken behind a hill, away from the hut. The shepherd later heard shots. The twenty-eight had all been killed, and some of the young women had been raped. Later, on 11 June, after Fleming and his men could not find any more Aboriginal people, they collected the bodies together and burned them.

When the manager of the station, a Mr. Hobbs, returned several days later and discovered the bodies, he decided to report the incident, travelling 250 miles across the Liverpool Plains to Muswellbrook. The magistrate there, Captain Edward Day, reported the incident to the Colonial Secretary, Edward Thomson, who then reported it to the Governor of New South Wales, George Gipps.

Gipps did not immediately make a decision, but by July, after being urged to do so by the Attorney-General John Plunkett, he ordered Day to take a group of mounted police to investigate. On investigating the site where the Aboriginal people were said to have been killed, Day found many charred bones, with pieces of at least twenty different skulls, and other identifiable skeletal remains in numbers enough for Day to conclude that at least twenty-eight people had been killed there.[1] Day reported back in September, after a forty-seven day investigation, having captured the eleven convicts. Fleming was not captured. The eleven convicts were charged with nine counts over the murder of two of the Aboriginal men.

The trials

Beginning on 15 November 1838, the case was heard before the then Chief Justice of New South Wales, James Dowling. The convicts were represented by lawyers paid for by an association of landowners and stockmen from the Liverpool Plains region. The Black Association, as they called themselves, were led by a local magistrate, who apparently used the influence of his office to gain access to the prisoners in Sydney, where it seems he encouraged them to compile a single story and stick to it. Not one of the eleven accused gave evidence against their co-accused at the trial, something that Gipps attributes to the magistrate's role.[2]

First trial

The station hand Anderson, the only white witness, was the key witness for the prosecution. He told the court how the twelve men had tied the victims together, and that some of the young and old were unable to walk. The shepherd also said that the son of one of the convicts had shown him a sword covered with blood. Anderson's testimony was supported by Captain Day, who had conducted the police investigation, and what forensic evidence was collected at the scene.

Justice Dowling took care to remind the jury that the law made no distinction between the murder of an Aboriginal person and the murder of a European person. The jury, after deliberating for just twenty minutes, found all eleven men not guilty. One of the jurors later told a Sydney newspaper that although he considered the men guilty of murder, he could not convict a white man of killing an Aboriginal person.

Second trial

Before the men could be released from custody, however, Attorney-General Plunkett ordered that seven of the men be charged with the murder of one of the children who had been killed. The second trial was held on 29 November. Anderson, who had been the key witness at the first trial, gave an even more lucid account of the massacre at the second trial. He told the court that:

"While master was away, some men came on a Saturday, about 10; I cannot say how many days after master left; they came on horseback, armed with muskets and swords and pistols; all were armed... the blacks, when they saw the men coming, ran into our hut, and the men then, all of them, got off their horses; I asked what they were going to do with the blacks, and Russel said 'We are going to take them over the back of the range, to frighten them'."[3]

Anderson then gave evidence that the Aboriginal people in the hut had cried out to him for assistance. He said that at least one woman was left behind in the hut "because she was good-looking, they said so," and that there was young child who had been left behind with her, who attempted to follow its mother who was tied up with the others, before Anderson carried it back to the hut.[4]

The white men returned alone later that day, and the following morning they took firesticks from the fireplace in the hut, and later:

"I [Anderson] saw smoke in the same direction they went; this was soon after they went with the firesticks... Fleming told Kilmeister to go up by-and-by and put the logs of wood together, and be sure that all [of the remains] was consumed... the gins they left, and the two boys, and the child I sent away with 10 black fellows that went away in the morning... I did not like to keep them, as the men might come back and kill them."[5]

Anderson said that he wanted to speak the whole truth at the second trial. He also said that he did not seek to be rewarded for testifying, rather he asked "only for protection."[6] The trial continued until 2 am on 30 November, when the seven men were found guilty.

On 5 December they were sentenced to execution by hanging. The sentence was ratified by the Executive Council of New South Wales on 7 December, with Gipps later saying in a report that no mitigating circumstances could be shown for any of the defendants, and it could not be said that any of the men were more or less guilty than the rest.[7] The seven men were executed early on the morning of 18 December. This was the first time that the European legal system had been used to punish white people for crimes against Aboriginal people.


There was significant public uproar about the case among sections of the population and the media. An article in the Sydney Morning Herald declared that "the whole gang of black animals are not worth the money the colonists will have to pay for printing the silly court documents on which we have already wasted too much time." Although the intended result was to discourage massacres on the frontier, the case may have encouraged the perpetrators of such killings to cover up evidence.

John Fleming, the leader of the massacre, was never captured, and was allegedly responsible for further massacres throughout the Liverpool Plains and New England regions. His brother. Joseph Fleming, has been linked to massacres in the Maranoa region of south-western Queensland.

John Blake, one of the four men acquitted at the first trial and not subsequently charged, committed suicide by cutting his throat in 1852. His descendents, who still live in the Inverell region, say that they like to think he did so out of a guilty conscience. [8]

Vandals deface Australia's Myall Creek memorial

A memorial to the victims of the massacre was unveiled in 2000, consisting of a granite rock and plaque overlooking the site of the massacre. A ceremony is held each year on 10 June commemorating the victims. The memorial was vandalised in January 2005, with the words "murder", "women" and "children" chiselled off, in an attempt to make it unreadable.


1.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.6 Sir George Gipps' report on murder trials”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

2.  ↑ C.D., Rowley (1972). The Destruction of Aboriginal Society, 1983, Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin. ISBN 0140214526.

3.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.5 George Anderson's eye-witness account”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

4.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.5 George Anderson's eye-witness account”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

5.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.5 George Anderson's eye-witness account”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

6.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.5 George Anderson's eye-witness account”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

7.  ↑ Stone, Sharman N. (1974). “4.6 Sir George Gipps' report on murder trials”, Aborigines in White Australia: A documentary history of the attitudes affecting official policy and the Australian Aborigines, 1697-1973. Melbourne: Heinemann. ISBN 0858590727.

8.  ↑ Bridge Over Myall Creek. Australian Story. Retrieved on 27 November 2005.

·  Clark, Manning (1998). History of Australia, Abridged by Michael Cathcart, Melbourne University Press. ISBN 052284779X.

·  Myall Creek Massacre. Parliament of New South Wales Hansard. Retrieved on 26 September 2005.