Activity #8 – Modified Block Letter 6 with Open Punctuation

Open the Bozell Letterhead document from the S: drive. Type your name in directly below the company name in the header. Key in the text below formatted in modified block style using open punctuation. Type the letter as if it were from you. The office secretary, Robert Meyer, typed it for you. Follow the same formatting steps you used to key in Letter 5. Save the letter as “Costa”, check it with the key on the S: drive. Then turn on formatting marks and raise your hand to have the document checked.

TODAY’S DATE | Ms. Nancy Costa | Costa Advertising Group | 121 Michigan Avenue | Chicago, IL 60202 | Dear Ms. Costa

How delighted I am to hear that you’ve opened your own ad agency! Congratulations!

In the few years that I’ve been in advertising, I’ve been very fortunate to meet, work with, and learn from some of the best creative directors in the business. I enjoyed working with you on my internship at Reynolds and Bishop; you really “sold” me on advertising as a career, and I thank you for that. It has become an enjoyable and profitable career for me.

By the way, you were right about Bozell Jacobs Advertising. The people are great and I am learning, learning, learning! I enjoy my work more than I ever thought possible. I will be forever grateful for your guidance in finding an agency with such an upbeat and positive environment. They are so forgiving of minor mistakes that come with being new in the industry. They simply help me correct the problem, expect me to learn from my mistake, and we all move on.

Carl and I haven’t forgotten your offer to take us to dinner if we are ever in town. He may have a trip to Chicago in October. If he does, I’m going to join him so that we can both see you. I’m looking forward to that. You have become so much more than a former supervisor, you now rank as one of my trusted friends.

Again, my best wishes for success.

Sincerely | YOUR NAME