SPRING 2013: Southern Polytechnic State University: Professor Colebeck

(Arts 2001 Art Appreciation; Area C; 2 sections: 21356 2001-005 -MW 6:00-7:15; 21354 2001-003 TTH 10:30-11:45)

Intro to Drawing: T 2:30-5:15, 21375 Arts 2010-002; W 9:30-12:15, 21376 Arts 2010-003; W 2-4:45, Arts 2010-001

Instructor: Donna Colebeck; M.F.A.

Email: ; (identify: course, and section by day & time)

Course Web site: http://fac-web.spsu.edu/tc/dcolebec; (use Fall 2010, click tabs)

SPSU Educate web site: http://educate.spsu.edu/dcolebec

D2L (Desire to Learn) http://SPSU.view.usg.edu (Online course, use per instructor directions)

Classroom: I Bld 2nd floor far end near parking deck

Office & Phone: G-102 first floor; 678-915-5562 shared phone – call during office hours only

Office hours: Spring 2013: T 1-2, W 1- 2, W 5-6; TH & other by appointment.

Mailbox in Department Office: J 333 English, Technical Communications and Media Arts (ETCMA) ETCMA Dept. phone 678-915-7202, Fax. (678) 915-7425;

Department web page: ETCMA.SPSU.edu

Textbooks: Workbook only- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

Resource Books: On Reserve at SPSU Library under Colebeck: Drawing books: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards; Brian Curtis, and others.

Art history & appreciation books,

The Annotated Mona Lisa, Carol Strickland; The Power of Art, Lewis & Lewis.

Expenses: Supplies; frame, textbooks & notebook/folder etc. Optional extra credit opportunities, Open drawing, Museum related-admission fees, transportation/parking.

*Policies and procedures of SPSU will be followed and adhered to: Honor Code, refer to Academic Catalogue etc.

Course Catalog Description: Special topics: Introductory drawing: Open to all students, regardless of drawing experience, students will develop drawing skills using pencil, ink, and charcoal to master shading, contour, gesture, and

perspective techniques. (Course content is subject to change.)

Course Outcomes/Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, a student will be able to:

1.  Overcome creative blocks

2.  Demonstrate drawing skills by perceiving edges, spaces, relationships, lights & shadows Process information holistically

3.  Integrate right brain and left brain activities

Note: Instructor reserves the right to change or modify the content, requirements and evaluations at her discretion.

Note: Students and student work may be photographed and used for instructional purposes.

Grading System: Combination of numeric, point system and percentages including attendance and participation.

*(approximate/tentative percentages)

Class work approx. 50% diligence, concerted effort and continued participation, application

Assignments, notebooks: approx. 25% participation etc.; deadlines, late reduced points/credit.

Special Final Project drawing(s) approx. 10% sequence and final framed submission for art exhibit/show

Portfolios, Midterm and final approx. 10% hard copy and electronic

Quizzes and Tests: approx. 5% quizzes random (pop); tests announced

Extra Credit opportunities Museum Reports/Visits; Open Drawing at MCMA museum;

-Grade is intended to indicate mastery of course content; 100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C; 69-60=D; 59=F

-Student is accountable for all work and class attendance. Failure to comply will result in failure of course.

-Student should record all grades received and keep all returned work in notebook to be reviewed at conclusion of term.

-Attendance** will be used to determine final grade, final average/course grade may be lowered regardless of numerical average.

Attendance is expected and recorded; ONE unexcused absences per semester no penalty, (2 tardy/leave early =absence.), additional absence will reduce grade, excessive absence = course failure (3 classes). **Illness-. Spring term includes inclement weather and flu season- refrain from class when unsafe to drive or when ill with fever or contagious.

Note: Students who miss two consecutive classes without notifying instructor may be withdrawn from course by instructor. (*check SPSU Withdrawal policy.) *notify instructor via email prior to class or ASAP identifying illness / conditions for absence.

Emergency Plan: SPSU systems contact students when emergencies and closure. Instructor will email students information regarding course work and course updates, students should reference/check SPSU official email.

Class critiques & presentations: students must participate in weekly critiques/reviews of work. If student is absent during critique, a grade of zero will be assigned.

Submission of work: weekly submission of homework assignments; (Note: after critique student may re-work drawing and re-submit by the next class for re-evaluation of credit/grade) Midterm and final portfolios in electronic and hard copy. Include photo/student Id. photocopy/scan with first assignments and portfolios. ( black & white ok.) Save all work electronically, (scan / photograph). Keep returned work in notebook/portfolio. Late work may be submitted next class with points deducted.- After 2nd class late, instructor reserves right not to accept work. Deadlines/due prior to Midterm and final, adhere to cut off dates. Final Project Drawing.

Electronics: Cell phones, devices etc. should not be used during class. Music- ear buds may be used during drawing time after instruction, unless directed otherwise. Students may lose privilege.

Assessments required by SPSU: engagement (by 2nd week), Midterm, Final; assessable in SPSU Banner.

Academic Assistance: consult your academic advisor; Disabilities (678-915-7226); tutoring ATTI: bring forms to instructor.

How to be successful: The Basics---Engage and be responsible! Communicate with instructor.

How to be successful: The Basics---Engage and be responsible! Communicate with instructor

1.  come to class, (attendance is recorded and factored into final grading)

2.  follow directions (reference Course Web site, message board, web pages, in addition to class lectures)

3 complete all assignments, (type any written work, scan/photograph drawings and save computer data files till final grade, keep all returned work in notebook/binder/portfolio.

4 meet deadlines, (turn in all assignments, etc. on time, late work is due at next class meeting with penalties, instructor reserves right to reduce grade/points or not accept late work)

5 read, (textbook, handouts, web site recourses, etc.) and check frequently your SPSU official email

6 review and apply techniques and suggestions from critiques.-

7 communicate with instructor, ( use SPSU email and clearly identify yourself, course/class time and topic-do not use email as only form of communication). ( meet during office hours and/or make an appointment with instructor.)

Assignments due 2nd class. (find on class Web site, http://fac-web.spsu.edu/tc/dcolebec go to Fall 2010 then: Tab Student Profile Sheet for #1 (may fill out on computer then print out and bring to class (ALSO bring Photo of yourself –photocopy/scan of your student ID-include with all assignments black & white ok). Drawing handouts.

Supply list for Introduction to Drawing:
11 x 14 Spiral bound sketchbook- (preferred size 11 x 14)
18 x 24 newsprint pad 100 sheets; prefer the "rough" or textured newsprint
18 x 24 drawing pad 80lb weight or higher preferred
12 x 18 approx drawing pad 24 (or more) sheets
Drawing Supplies:
charcoal drawing sticks-(12 pack)
Vine charcoal (soft)
Charcoal pencil, peal/sketch, medium weight
Conte crayons-black, white, and brown (often come in a pack)
White charcoal stick (soft, (chalk pastel, not oil)
Pencils- set 2B,4B,6B, ebony
Graphite (woodless)pencils 4B and/or 6B
sharpie markers- regular & finepoint sizes
erasable marker-thin (visa-vis, etc.)
Clear clipboard or plexiglass sheet approx 9 x 12
Tortillion/blending stump minimum one (come in assorted sizes)
Kneaded eraser, gum eraser, etc.
soft 2" brush
pencil sharpener

*frame with mat at conclusion of course
The class is offered through the ETCMA Dept. and although it is open to any student the course is a requirement for New Media Arts majors. The course will take students from whatever level they are and increase the ability to draw, but also will focus on basics of art including composition. Students will draw in the studio class each week. There will be weekly drawing assignments (homework) worked on/creatively done outside of class. Student s will participate in weekly Critiques of student work.
Some assignments will be from the workbook of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards- the workbook may be purchased used- you may do the drawing assignments in a separate drawing notebook. The workbook is available at the SPSU bookstore along with other drawing supplies. The large newsprint pads with rough texture should also be there. You may also look for supplies in other locations such as art supply stores- Sam Flax, Blicks, and stores like Hobby Lobby and Michaels- check online and newspaper for coupons/discounts. (The artist's loft brand at Michael's is a good buy for about $5 for basic drawing pencils and starter drawing kits), you may also look at online sale or SPSU students for The DRSBrain Workbook.