APRIL 30, 2013
1300 CET
P.O. BOX 3066
This is being provided in a roughdraft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Hello. Hello. Hello.
Who is on the line, please?
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Hello. Who is on the line?
AXEL LEBLOIS: Good afternoon. Axel Leblois speaking.
AXEL LEBLOIS: Axel. I tried to call the number with the pin number and I had to ask the operator to be connected.
AXEL LEBLOIS: I tried to call the conference with the regular number and entering the four digit code and it did not work like three times in a row. And then I tried the call back and that worked.
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Can you stay on this line or no?
AXEL LEBLOIS: Yes, I can. Just that I am wondering if other people are trying to call as well.
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Oh, okay. Hello. Who is on the line?
(Inaudible) here. (I couldn't hear him).
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Hello. Who is on the line?
AXEL LEBLOIS: Axel is here.
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We are waiting.
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: This is Dipendra.
JEOUNG HEE KIM: This is Jeoung Hee Kim.
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We will start in five minutes.
Yes, you are.
SHADI ABOUZAHRA: Okay. Great. Thanks.
ANDREA SAKS: Kevin. Okay. Now okay. What time is it? Five passed. Okay. That's all we have? Okay. Axel, are you there?
ANDREA SAKS: We had a room change but nobody bothered to tell
ANDREA SAKS: Excuse me. Nobody bothered to tell me because I don't read emails very well being dyslexic and I had no idea. I apologize for being late. We have got Dipendra, is that right? Did we get a confirmation from anyone else? Shadi AbouZahra is coming on and Jorge. Okay. So we give them a few minutes. So the lateness is not going to be a big problem.
Dipendra and Shadi are already there.
ANDREA SAKS: Shadi, are you there?
SHADI ABOUZAHRA: Yes, Andrea. How are you?
ANDREA SAKS: I am fine. We had a bit of a mixup this morning. Now okay.
JEOUNG HEE KIM: Hi Andrea, I am here, Jeoung Hee.
ANDREA SAKS: A lot of people don't know who you are. In a second would you be prepared to introduce yourself?
JEOUNG HEE KIM: Sure. Can you hear me?
ANDREA SAKS: Yes. And Gerry, you are here, right? Wait one second. Gerry is just starting himself out. Gerry Ellis is here.
GERRY ELLIS: Hi all. Gerry Ellis here in Geneva. Just happened to be here for a different meeting. I decided to come in person for once. Can you hear me okay?
GERRY ELLIS: Magnificent.
ANDREA SAKS: We have two hours, is that right? We will start and see who possibly comes on because we were hoping that Peter Major was ill last week. I don't know if he is coming or not. He has not notified us and we are not getting Arun Mehta on the line, although we had a long conversation with him earlier. I say welcome to everyone and repeat who is on the line. It is Axel Leblois from G3ict, Shadi AbouZahra from W3C. We have my mind just went out the window. Dipendra from DAISY. Dipendra, I am not good at saying your last name. Dependra.
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: Dipendra and last name is Malocha.
ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Great. Because the captioner now has it right and now I do as well from DAISY Consortium. We have Gerry Ellis from Feel the Benefit. And okay. That's great. And I think we are we have got Alexandra Gaspari. And we have Jeoung Hee Kim who is the focal point for the ITU for the IGF. She is managing and coordinating all of the Dynamic Coalitions for which they are three. So in a minute I am going to have her explain her function and what she is doing.
Now those of you who were not on the meeting before we did say a brief few minutes of silence for Cynthia Waddell who without we would not have been as successful as organizing all the different workshops that we have done in the past. And we relied on her so much that we just didn't do some of the things we should have been doing because we just automatically went in to auto mode and we didn't notice that she wasn't there, if you know what I mean. And we nearly lost the workshop and I will explain why a bit later. One moment of silence for Cynthia who will be sorely missed, who is basically one of the kingpins of this particular group and will be with us no more.
Thank you everyone. Now we have an agenda here. I presume everyone has had a look at it. Can we go through it? And before I approve it, are there any time problems where people have to leave where they need to discuss a certain aspect of this agenda out of the order that it is within? Gerry?
GERRY ELLIS: Gerry here. Just to say that I am I came out of a different meeting to come here. I have to go to half to, half passed 2 or a quarter to 2 maybe.
ANDREA SAKS: Great. Anybody else want to add something? Okay. Is the agenda approved as is? Thank you. Okay. We are going we are down to No. 4. We are going to Bali or some of us are to do the on the 22nd to 25th of October. And we are going to introduce now Jeoung Hee Kim from the ITU. Jeoung Hee Kim, would you like to tell us what your official title is and what you are specifically doing, and how you are assisting this particular Dynamic Coalition? Thank you. Over to you.
JEOUNG HEE KIM: Thank you. Can you hear me?
ANDREA SAKS: Yes, we can. I think you are fine. Can everyone hear her?
JEOUNG HEE KIM: Okay. And I am working as ICT analyst between ITU. And I have been coordinating ITU's participation in IGF for the last few years. And now I am preparing for this IGF in Bali. And as a coordinator of IGF I have been working with the IGF secretary to uphold ITU's interest and ITU's member's interest so that we can fully understand our public interest in topics, accessibility, climate change and travel and occupation and data security. We have been I have been actually participating in past IGFs for since Hyderabad. Although Andrea said that some of you DCAD members are not familiar with my name but I believe I have met most of you at DCAD meetings at each occasion of the IGF. This year we assured Andrea and members have already updated about the process of IGF workshop selection. And now we are phasing to update our proposal and waiting for the IGF Secretariat's final decision and the workshop is near.
ITU is preparing as many a three Dynamic Coalitions and plus each workshop proposal for each Dynamic Coalition and more or less one ITU open Forum. It is one planning. We have not started yet. It is still in the process to start.
So we have now defined staff, which level of staff will participate in this IGF but ITU continuously has participation of IGF. If anything you need, more information or have any questions I will be more than happy to provide you and discuss with you. Thank you. Andrea?
ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. A couple of things, though correct me if I am wrong, the process, I haven't updated Axel Leblois, Shadi AbouZahra or Dipendra on what happened because they were not on the call last time. The MAG decided that they were going to vote on the different proposals and certain proposals were going to be rejected. As I said we depended so much on Cynthia Waddell we didn't do our job properly because it was she only just died during this time as well. So it was just not done well. I was able to have a personal conversation with Chengetai, the Secretariat and explain that I had dropped the ball because I had noticed that certain things were not being done. And we were about to be rejected because all we had done is put which was not well understood by an email to us that we only needed to submit a title. So we submitted a title as a temporary title to try and just secure a place until we could all meet and discuss what we wanted to do. Also our colleague and friend who has been with us on other workshops Arun Mehta had also submitted a proposal and a title for the workshop on his own.
The message came back through our representative Peter Major who is not here that we had to merge with that our agenda group and at that time we still didn't know that we had only gotten six votes and never have we gotten that low. So anyway, what happened is that I spoke to one of our other people who is Xiaoya Yang who is the overseer of our Dynamic Coalition specifically in the ITUT and she told me that we had only gotten six votes which we didn't know during the meeting. I called Chengetai up and said what is going on. He was deciding that day whether or not we were going to be included or not. And at the way we stood not following the instructions properly we were about to be out as was Arun Mehta. But he was happy if we agreed to merge to let us stay in. So theoretically we are in as far as I understand Chengetai's communication to us. What we had to do because Arun could not join this particular meeting was to get in touch with Arun and clarify what had had happened with him.
What had happened he had submitted a paragraph or two and he had a title which was Falling Between the Cracks. But that's all he had done. He had not secured any particular speakers and was waiting to see if he had been accepted before he did this. One of the things that we have to do is to find who our speakers are as well. So we worked with him and created another document which you should have before you which is the new proposal that Alexandra and Arun and I worked out which we don't have a lot of time to decide one way or the other. We can adjust it a little bit later. I am not going to be too pedantic on some of this but some of it we have to. I hope you have had a moment to read it. Is there anyone who has not read this particular title that Alexandra sent out. And BAPSI is the name of the organization at which stands for, Alexandra?
ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Bidirectional Access Promotion Society.
ANDREA SAKS: And thank you. And one of the things that Arun wanted to have was a little bit of promotional visuality for his particular organization. Now where we are in a situation where we had to merge or we were not going to have a workshop and one of the other Dynamic Coalitions was refused. Being a Dynamic Coalition is not necessarily the perfect in and because we are unique and unusual and I had a good conversation we are fine. Are there any questions up to this point before I go in to greater detail?
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: I have a question. Are the speakers actually already finalized or are they looking for proposals for more speakers?
ANDREA SAKS: We have spaces. We have some proposals. Who is speaking please?
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: Sorry. This is Dipendra.
ANDREA SAKS: Hi. Dipendra, let me go straight to the quick. Is there something you wish to do? Would you like to be a speaker? Are you able to go to Bali?
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: I was thinking of going because there is some study that I had actually done in about 24 countries in gap identification and I think IT was a great Forum to discuss and see how the gaps can actually be tackled.
DIPENDRA MALOCHA: So I would if there is scope then I can actually propose that slot we actually consider to be for us.
ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I am looking for okay. The list of proposed speakers at the moment, I will jump to that, are myself because I am going to go representing DCAD. Arun Mehta is going to do a film because he cannot afford to go to England but because we joined with him he will be available for questions and answers on that. He is going to be contacting TV Raman of Google. He has not confirmed that. TV Raman has developed some rather interesting techniques for people who have blind problems. Gerry Ellis of Feel the Benefit of Ireland is going to prepare a film, and Shadi has proposed something and we have not confirmed Fernando. Excuse me one second.
ANDREA SAKS: Has anybody come on the line yet that we don't know?
PETER MAJOR: Yes. Peter.
PETER MAJOR: Hi. Sorry to be late.
ANDREA SAKS: That's all right. I was, too. Don't worry. Okay. So I don't think it is a problem, Dipendra, if the rest of the group is happy with that and I don't see why they wouldn't be because we don't have confirmation on TV Raman. We don't have confirmation on Fernando Botelho. We also by the way got something that was told to us in no uncertain terms no repeats of any workshops that were done in the past. They really want fresh information. So I don't see a problem in putting you on because this has not been submitted to IGF but it needs to be submitted within the next couple of days. And the reason being our deadline is for May the 7th. May the 7th is next Monday. And I myself am not going be around on Friday. I am going to teach a class in Italy. We need to get this done this week. Can you come up with a title and a paragraph in 24 hours, please, that you would like to be able to have included as your contribution and you will be able to come? Because I have enough people who are from a distance.