Important Note: Students are responsible for knowing the information in this syllabus and the college policies included in the college catalog and the student handbook. Copies are available in Komatke Hall. See also: http://www.estrellamountain.edu/students/policies/rights-responsibilities

Course Prefix & Number: ESL030, Class Number #16614

Course Title: English as a Second Language III: Grammar

Course Credits: 3 credits

Class Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM

Classroom: OCT118 (Ocotillo Hall, Learning Studio 118)

Instructor's Name: Diane Stonebrink

Instructor's Voicemail: 623-935-8584

Instructor's Email:
You must use your official student email to contact instructors. Emails sent from personal email accounts may not be received or read by instructors.

Instructor's Office: OCT144 (Ocotillo Hall, third office on the west side of the building)

Instructor's Academic Mondays & Fridays 11:00-12:00 PM and Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00-2:00 PM

Support Hours: Other times available by appointment

Required Textbook: Fundamentals of English Grammar, Fourth Edition, by Betty S. Azar. Longman Press/Pearson Education, New $64.50; ISBN: 9780137071692

Required Workbook: Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook, Fourth Edition, $31.50

ISBN: 9780138022129
Note: This textbook and workbook are used for both ESL030 and ESL040. They are available at the EMCC Campus Bookstore 623-935-8875 M-Th 8AM-6PM, Fri. 9AM-2PM, and also 24/7 online from the bookstore.

Class Website: www.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/stonebrink/esl030sp15.htm

1 Go to the college’s homepage: www.estrellamountain.edu
2 Click on the Students tab at the top middle of the page, then on the next page

3 Click on the word Academics at the left lower side of the page, then in the drop-down menu
4 Click on Faculty Websites, and then on the next webpage find my name in the list and
5 Click on Diane Stonebrink, and finally on the left side of the next webpage,

6 Click on the name of your course, ESL030.
MCCCD Official Course Description:

Third-level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Emphasis on sentence structure and paragraph building. Extensive grammar study and writing practice. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a grade of "P" or "C" or better in ESL020, or (ESL020AA, ESL020AB, and ESL020AC).

MCCCD Official Course Competencies:

Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use elements of grammar studied herein (i.e. verbs in the simple past, past progressive, and present perfect tenses; question forms; idiomatic expressions using prepositions with gerunds or infinitives) in a comprehensible manner in oral & written descriptions of past actions, to ask questions and check comprehension, and to describe people, places, and things.

Attendance Policy:

Students are expected to be present and on time at each class session for which they are registered. Maricopa Community College District policy allows instructors the option of dropping a student when s/he has accumulated more unofficial absences than the number of class meetings per week. Official absences (e.g. jury duty, immediate family death, military duty, religious holiday) with proper documentation are not counted. Personal illnesses and medical appointments or childcare issues are not categorized as official absences. If a student has more than 3 unofficial absences, s/he must contact the instructor to discuss his/her class status. Students may be dropped on the fourth unofficial absence. Three late arrivals to class & early departures from class will count as one unofficial absence.


Students who want to withdraw must inform the Registration Office in writing. Failure to file an official withdrawal may result in a Z (no credit) grade. The refund date for this course is January 26, 2015. The last date for student-initiated withdrawals (no refund; grade of W) is March 9, 2015.

Grading and Evaluation Policy:

This course carries grades of P (credit, equivalent to a passing grade of C or better), or Z (no credit), and is not computed into the student's grade point average. If you would like a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) instead of the P/Z, please email the instructor during the 1st week of the semester with your request.

The final grade is based on averaged grades from assignments, tests, and the final examination. Each student may achieve an average of 100%, or 1000 points. The following scale will be used:

90-100% A / 900 - 1000 points = P
80-89% B / 800 - 899 points = P
70-79% C / 700 - 799 points = P
60-69% D / 600 - 699 points = Z
0-59% F / 0- 599 points = Z / P = The student achieves an overall average of 70% on all assignments (homework, tests, final exam), participates regularly in class activities and does not have excessive absences.
Z = The student does not complete all assigned work, does not achieve an overall average of 70% , (homework, tests, final exam), does not participate regularly in class activities, and/or has excessive absences.

Grades will be calculated using the following percentages:

Assignments & Quizzes 30% (300 pts. - 15 assignments/quizzes @ 10 to 30 points each)

Tests 40% (400 pts. – 4 tests @ 100 pts./test)

Final Exam 30% (300 pts.)

Total - 1,000 points possible

Assignments will be explained in class. Due dates will be announced in class. Students must complete assignments by the due dates in order to fully participate in class activities. Late work (except in emergencies) will not be accepted.
If a student must miss a test, s/he can make arrangements with the instructor to take the test in the Academic Success Center. However, the test must be taken by no later than 1 class period after the test was first given in class and before the test is returned to other students in the classroom.

Final Examination: http://www.estrellamountain.edu/academics/final-exam-schedule
The final examination has a value of 30% in calculating the student's final grade and must be taken. The final examination will be on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 from 11:00 - 12:50 PM. Notice that this time is different from the usual class time.

Student Academic Achievement Abilities: In an effort to support EMCC’s mission of providing opportunities to achieve success in educational and personal goals, the General Education Abilities Matrix was developed byour faculty. It is designed to serve as a learning road map that communicates EMCC's general education learning outcomesto students, faculty and the community.

Academic Support: We care about your success!

In addition to meeting with your instructor, EMCC students may use the FREE Academic Success Center/Tutoring services located in Estrella Hall South, first floor, to reinforce and supplement classroom instruction. On-campus and online tutoring services are available for most courses offered at EMCC.
See http://www.estrellamountain.edu/students/tutoring/reading-languages-and-occupational-success for more information.
Hours: Mondays through Thursdays 9:00 am-5:00 pm; No tutors on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays.
How to get the most from your tutoring sessions:
* The sooner and the more often you come to tutoring, the better.
* Come prepared. Bring your class notes, textbook, and assignment instructions to your tutoring sessions. Look over the readings, try exercises, or attempt rough drafts.
* If you can, bring a list of specific questions.

Additional resources that may be beneficial to your success in this class are:
Library - Estrella Hall North, First Floor (623) 935-8191
Computer Commons – Estrella Hall North, First Floor (623)-935-8150
Hours: M-Th: 7:00 am- 10:00 pm; Fri: 7:00 am-4:30 pm; Sat. 8:00 am – 3:00 pm, Closed Sun.
Counseling – Komatke Hall (623) 935 -8909
Disability Services – Komatke Hall (623) 935-8863
Veteran Services – Komatke Hall (623) 935 -8937

Individual help from the instructor - drop-in help during office hours or by appointment outside of office hours

Disability Statement: Estrella Mountain College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities and issues related to pregnancy and childbirth. Notify the Disability Resources and Services Office (DRS) at 623-935-8863 (Komatke Hall B-125) of any special needs. The DRS will review your needs and give the instructor directions on specific accommodations.

Academic Misconduct:

CHEATING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Students are expected to do their OWN work and to refrain from cheating and plagiarism. Situations involving cheating and/or plagiarism will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. This may result in the offending student having a lowered grade on a portion of the class, a failing or non-credit grade for the class, or being withdrawn from class. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

(a) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, assessment tests or examinations;
(b) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the faculty member in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or
(c) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the college faculty or staff. See https://chancellor.maricopa.edu/public-stewardship/governance/administrative-regulations/2-students/2.3-scholastic-standards/2.3.11-academic-misconduct

Food & Drink in the Classroom: EMCC Facilities does not permit food in the classroom. Beverages in closed containers are permitted.

Children in the Classroom: According to Maricopa Community Colleges District policy, children are not permitted in the classroom (or on campus without direct adult supervision).

Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices : Please turn off phones or set on vibrate during class to avoid disruptions. Do not answer calls or text in class. If you receive an emergency call or text, please leave the classroom to answer this. During tests or exams, leaving the classroom and using phones or other electronic devices is not permitted. Refrain from using Facebook or other social media (non-academic websites) during class time. Violations of this policy may result in a student being asked to leave the classroom.

Disclaimer Statement: Course content may vary from the timeline to meet the needs of this group.

NOTE: In addition to the tests and Final Examination listed on this timeline, students will have many homework assignments to do in the textbook, workbook and 15 assignments or quizzes to do on the computer or on paper. The due dates for these textbook and graded assignments will be announced in class and posted on the class website at http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/stonebrink/esl030sp15.htm. If a student is absent, s/he must check the class website for due dates so assignments are done on time.

Course Timeline Spring 2015 Day - ESL030 #16614

Week / Dates / Topic
1 / T Jan. 20 &Th Jan. 22 / Introduction to Class; Chapter 2 Past Tenses
2 / T Jan. 27 &Th Jan. 29 / Chapter 2 past tenses continued
3 / T Feb. 3 & Th Feb. 5 / Chapter 2 past tenses continued
4 / T Feb. 10 & Th Feb. 12 / TEST 1 Chapter 2; Chapter 4 Perfect Tenses
5 / T Feb. 17 & Th Feb 19 / Chapter 4 Perfect Tenses continued
6 / T Feb. 24 & Th Feb 26 / Chapter 4 continued
7 / T Mar. 3 & Th Mar. 5 / Chapter 4 continued; TEST 2 Chapter 4
8 / T Mar. 10 & Th Mar. 12 / Chapter 5 Asking Questions
9 / T Mar. 17 & Th Mar. 19 / No classes – Spring Break
10 / T Mar. 24 & Th Mar. 26 / Chapter 5 Asking Questions continued
11 / T Mar. 31 & Th Apr. 2 / Chapter 5 continued and Chapter 7 Tag Questions
12 / T Apr. 7 & Th Apr. 9 / TEST 3 Chapter 5; Chapter 13 Gerunds and Infinitives
13 / T Apr. 14 & Th Apr. 15 / Chapter 13 Gerunds and Infinitives continued
14 / T Apr. 21 & Th Apr. 23 / Chapter 13 Gerunds and Infinitives continued
15 / T Apr. 28 & Th Apr. 30 / TEST 4 Chapter 13; Chapter 10 Participial Adjectives
16 / T May 5 & Th May 7 / Chapter 10 Participial Adjectives & Review
17 / T May 12 -Th May 14 / Final Examination Tuesday, May 12, 11:00 - 12:50 PM; No Class Thursday

Estrella Mountain Community College Spring 2015 Syllabus ESL030 #16614 D. Stonebrink