2010-2011 HOMEWORK
Homework is an integral part of our instructional program at HarveyGreenSchool as well as district policy. Out-of-class assignments are provided to extend and reinforce the learning that takes place in the classroom, improve study skills, and help students develop independent work habits. Each teacher shares a written homework plan based on the school plan with parents, students, and principal each September.
- We believe homework can serve a good purpose when it
- Provides needed practice
- Enriches and extends the school experiences
- Trains pupils in good learning habits.
- The Harvey Green grade level homework plan is based on the following:
- Homework is any of the following: (1) an extension of daily assignments not completed in class; (2) studying for upcoming quizzes, tests; (3) specific assignments given, (4) long-term projects such as reports, projects, and research papers; (5) independent practice with portions of materials already covered in class; (6) make-up homework; (7) independent reading.
- Homework grades are reflected on the report card
- No homework will be given without instruction or direction by the teacher.
- Communication exists between the regular classroom teacher and the teacher of special programs so that the total time required for each student is appropriate..
- In assigning homework teachers will keep in mind the following:
- Homework will not be given as punishment
- Homework should be well within the ability of the child to do independently.
- A child who works diligently during the day spends much of his mental energy at school. Therefore, extensive assignments should be held to a minimum.
- Homework will be reviewed and/or corrected, and feedback will be given to students in a timely manner.
- The Guidelines below are for weekly assignments of homework. Homework should not be assigned on Fridays, during breaks and vacations as a regular practice. The Board’s intent is to reserve weekends and vacations for family time. The total numbers of minutes stated below include all subjects and classes. Studying for exams and related subject area classroom independent reading should be included in the required nightly minutes for homework. Students with excused absences are allotted the same number of days of the absence to complete work.
- Kindergarten homework will be approximately 10-15 minutes per evening, or 40-60 minutes per week.
- 1st and 2nd grade homework will be approximately 10-30 minutes per evening, or 40-120 minutes per week.
- 3rd and 4th grade homework will be approximately 30-45 minutes per evening, or 120-180 minutes per week.
- 5th and 6th grade homework will be approximately 45-60 minutes per evening, or 180-240 minutes per week.
These minutes are based on time estimated for an average student working at an average pace. Considerations are made for students with special needs.
The Board supports the development of life-long readers. In accordance with State contentstandards, the following are recommended guidelines in addition to their regular school reading:
By grade 4, read one-half million words annually, roughly 20-30 minutes per night.
By grade 8, read one million words annually, roughly 20-30 minutes per night.
By grade 12, read two million words annually, roughly 20-30 minutes per night.
- Special Needs Students will receive homework with the following in mind:
- GATE students will have the same amount of homework as students in non-GATE classes. The type of homework, however, may vary from that given other students.
- RSP students can receive assistance from the RSP teacher in completing their homework, as necessary and appropriate.
- ELD students should receive modified classroom homework, as necessary and appropriate.
The Harvey Green Homework Policy will be monitored, including gathering feedback from parents, staff and students, annually. Monitoring will be the responsibility of the School Site Council. In an effort to strengthen the educational link between home and school, teachers will communicate classroom homework plans at Back-to-School Night, in classroom newsletters and teacher webpages. Copies of the Harvey Green Homework Policy can be found in the Good Citizenship Handbook and on the Harvey Green webpage: under “Policies.”