Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Edmonton

Sathya Sai Spiritual Education (SSSE)

Parent Information

The need for SSSE Program

“Present day education develops the intellect and skills but does very little to develop good qualities. Of what avail is all the knowledge in the world, if one does not have good character? It is like water going down the drain; there is no use if knowledge grows while desires multiply. It makes one a hero in words and a zero in action.”

- Baba

Brief overview of the SSSE program:

History: The foundation for Sathya Sai Education or Sathya Sai Educare was laid down by Baba in 1969. Bal Vikas Program was given by Him to provide moral education for the children of Sai devotees. The program offered to teach children prayers from different religions and emphasized the unity of religions. The Bal Vikas Program was enhanced to include discussions on human values and practice of human values in daily life. He expanded it in 1982 with the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values program with a secular concept. In the year 2000, the divine discourses explained the difference between education and Educare and in 2001; Sathya Sai Education was transformed into Sathya Sai Educare.

Baba has declared the Founding Doctrine of Educare, “The Veda of the 21st Century” with the following words:

“There is this inherent, intrinsic, complete interconnection within all aspects of creation, human capacity and all aspects of nature as it is.” It is this all-encompassing perspective which makes Educare a holistic system. Thus the concept of Sathya Sai Educare is Spiritual and Universal.

SSSE is “Education for Transformation”

Educare means to “bring out”

Educare is the transformation that helps one to turn inward to realize the inherent divinity.

In short Sathya Sai Educare embraces the following concepts:

  1. The cosmos and life are verily the manifestation of the five elements - space, air, fire, water and earth.
  2. The Five Human Values are inherent in the five elements.
  3. The five elements have five attributes of sound, touch, color-form, taste and smell.
  4. In order that man can enjoy these five attributes, and imbibe these values; he is endowed with the five vital breaths, five sense organs, and five senses
  5. Man has inherited value of Love and expresses it as Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, and Non violence
  6. Balance of human life and nature.
  7. Educare is the realization that there is an inherent, intrinsic, complete interconnection within all aspects of creation, all aspects of human capacity, and all aspects of nature. This absolute integration is the foundation Educare. So Educare is a ‘holistic’ system. ‘Educare’ which is a Latin term literally means ‘to elicit’ or ‘to bring out from within’.
  8. Transformation of the mind is possible by the exercise of the 5 D’s: Devotion, Discipline, Duty, Discrimination, and Determination. Practicing these 5 D’s lead to the process of transformation, because it brings out the human values within us.
  9. Transformation is also achieved by practicing 3HV. If the thought is good, the Heart will approve it and it can be acted upon by Hand. (3HV). This is the human workshop

In this process of transformation, the tools are provided by Baba: “He says His life is His Messages.” Thus the Sathya Sai Educare is better learnt through learning about Baba, His life and His teachings and putting His teachings into practice.

Course content:

  • The course content for the various groups is as outlined in the Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Manual published by the World Council of Sri Sathya Sai Organizations (1984) and adapted to suit local conditions.
  • Gurus may also use numerous other materials, which are in keeping with the objectives of the SSSE Program.
  • The course content for the various groups is also outlined in the Sri Sathya Sai Education National Curriculum for Canada published in November 2005.

The root of all knowledge and experience is to unveil the human consciousness and spirit of the child. The final result should be an elevation in the consciousness and the introduction of a change of perspective of life from an external vision to an internal vision. Education should prepare one for the challenges of life morally and spiritually


The five teaching techniques in SSSE are:

  1. Silent Sitting
  2. Prayers / Thought for the Day / Quotations
  3. Story Telling
  4. Music and Group Singing
  5. Group discussions and activities

The major players in SSSE are:

  • Children: Students should be involved in their own learning and set their own expectations and goals.
  • Gurus: Implement the Educare curriculum, set standards and expectation, inspire and guide students learning.
  • Parents: Become partners and support their child’s learning and become role models for their children. Provide the right environment at home to support their child’s growth.
  • Sai Organization: Ensure curriculum delivery, provide resources, and training for Guru’s.

Role of parents in the SSSE program:

To instill in the minds of the young the value of prayer, humility, and loving service to others, the homes have to be the first schools. The parents have to be imbued with faith in the basic universal truth of all religions. They must be seen worshiping at the family altar, meditating in silence, forgiving faults in others, and sympathizing with pain and grief. The children should not see them worried, helpless, discontented, and distressed, as if they have no God to lean upon, no inner resource of strength and courage to fall back on.

~ SSS 5:335; Meeting of Headmasters, 3-4-67

Purpose of Parent Involvement:

The SSSE program encourages parent to get involved with their children's education.

To provide a meaningful channel of communication and to encourage mutual support between parents and Gurus.

To enhance, reinforce, and integrate at home what the children are experiencing and learning in the SSSE Class.

To assist parents to incorporate Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings into parenting practice.

All parents are encouraged to participate in the Dynamic Value Parenting Workshop. The parenting workshop is mandatory for Group 1 parents.

Mutual Commitment and Responsibilities of Gurus and Parents:

  1. The Gurus shall provide a spiritual and experiential educational program through which the child may develop his/her divine human nature following the guidelines of the SSSE program.
  2. The parent agrees to reinforce the goals and objectives of the Sai Spiritual Education program in the home, to see that the student attends regularly, and to participate as often as possible in regularly scheduled Centre activities.
  3. The parent is invited to arrange with the Guru occasional visits to the SSSE class.
  4. Gurus meet with parents to discuss their child's progress.
  5. Gurus will regularly inform parents about the goals and objectives for the class through lesson plans, written communications, or any other means that is mutually acceptable to teacher and parent.

Children's minds are innocent and pure. Each child is like white marble for the teacher and the parents to sculpt into an image of God, a bud to be helped to blossom in all its Divine glory so that it becomes a worthy offering to God. - Sathya Sai Baba

Parents play a vital role in providing an atmosphere that will be conducive to the blossoming of right values. They are sculptors of a child's personality and are most often the primary role models for their children. The lasting effect of the SSSE program upon the child is inextricably dependent upon parent involvement.

What is taught in the SSSE classroom is effective only if the parents support the Guru and the SSSE activities and if they are willing to reinforce the teachings at home.

Ages group and Classes:

Whenever feasible classes will be held for the following Ages/Grade groups:

Ages / School Grade / SSSE Group
Ages 4-5 / Pre School/ Kindergarten / Pre SSSE
Ages 6,7,8 / Grades 1,2,3 / Group 1
Ages 9,10,11 / Grades 4,5,6 / Group 2
Ages 12,13,14 / Grades 7,8,9 / Group 3
Ages 15+ / Grades 10,11,12 / Group 4
Ages 18 + / Post Secondary / Youth

Duration and location of classes:

  • The classes are carried out weekly.
  • There will be 32–34 classes each year.
  • The classes are held in keeping with the school calendar year.
  • The year’s schedule will be planned in advance.
  • Classes will be held every Sunday with the exception of long weekends, Christmas, Easter, and Spring break.

Location: Sai Sadan, 9619 82 Avenue, Edmonton.

Time: SSSE Class Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Gurus and Children join parents in the hall for Bhajans at 12:00 Noon


In order to promote student excellence in speaking, writing, art, singing, drama and music, suitable awards will be made to recognize achievement. In addition, awards will be given for perfect attendance and for participation in service activities at the Centre.

Dress Code:

Students are required to dress in a manner appropriate to the conduct of spiritual classes. It is required that girls and boys dress in white during all SSSE functions and regular classes. Both boys and girls are required to wear long outfits (salwar or skirts for girls and pants for boys). Girls from Group 2 and up are required to wear a duppattah or chunni to cover their torso. Shorts, tight fitting clothing, revealing clothing are not permissible for both boys and girls.


Parents are required to fill the registration form every year that their child is attending.

  • SSSE classes are for children of the members of the Centre who are spiritual aspirants and devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
  • A member is defined as a person who believes in the divinity of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and follows the teachings of Bhagawan.

At the lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

In Loving Sai Service

Nalina Kumar

Education Coordinator

780 456 0235 (H)