Section: ReadingDate:

Heading: “The Most Dangerous Game” – Pre-reading survey

Directions: Before you start reading the short story, decide if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Then explain why you agree or disagree.

Agree/Disagree1. Animals have no feelings.


Agree/Disagree2. Hunting animals is a sport that can be justified because of the theory, survival of the fittest.


Agree/Disagree3. It is morally or ethically “right” to hunt for just the thrill, interest,

or fascination of the hunt.


Agree/Disagree4. Strength is more important than intelligence.


Agree/Disagree5. It’s wrong to kill another person.


Section: ReadingDate:

Heading: “The Most Dangerous Game” Reading Notes













Setting: Indicate when and where.





Characters: Identify four characters. Label (protagonist, antagonist, round, flat, dynamic, static) and describe the characters.





Conflicts: Identify three conflicts (internal/external and person vs. ______).




Point of View: Identify the point of view (1st, 2nd, 3rd, objective, limited, omniscient) and provide one quote.

Section: ReadingDate:

Heading: “The Most Dangerous Game” – Reading Check Options

Directions: Choose one of the options for “The Most Dangerous Game” project. Work collaboratively to create a finished product. See individual project handouts for a detailed list of requirements.

Option 1: Use the numerous descriptions of Ship Trap Island to draw the island. Be sure to identify important landmarks and label key events in Rainsford’s journey.

Option 2: Pretend that you are Sanger Rainsford. When hiding, you discover a bottle, a piece of paper, and a pencil. Write a message in a bottle as if you are Rainsford (prior to the final battle with General Zaroff. What do you want to say? What will you reveal about the island and its inhabitants? Write a minimum of two handwritten, double-spaced pages (or one typed, double-spaced page).

Option 3: Pretend that you are Sanger Rainsford. Write an alternate ending to the story. Begin when Rainsford wakes up in Zaroff’s bed. Questions you might consider are as follows: Is Zaroff really dead? Does Rainsford leave or stay on the island? Does Rainsford win the game? Write a minimum of two handwritten, double-spaced pages (or one typed, double-spaced page).

Option 4:Create a visually pleasing and effective brochure that persuades tourists to travel to Ship Trap Island. Unbeknownst to the travelers, you are General Zaroffand intend on hunting the “guests.” Your task is to persuade people to come to yourisland, without scaring them away.

“The Most Dangerous Game” – Option 1

Group Members:

Option 1: Use the numerous descriptions of Ship Trap Island to draw the island. Be sure to identify important landmarks and label key events in Rainsford’s journey.


_____ / 10 Map qualities: Title, compass, and key with labeled symbols

_____ / 40Accurate setting details: Label Zaroff’s chateau, Death Swamp, the cliff, the tree

thatRainsford hid in, and the lights indicating a safe channel.

_____ / 40 Accurate plot details: Trace Rainsford’s route through Ship Trap Island. All of

the following must be labeled and in the correct order: Burmese Tiger Pit, Malay

Mancatcher, Fox Trail, Ugandan Knife Trick, Rainsford’s escape into the sea, Rainsford’s battle with General Zaroff.

_____ / 10Final draft: Create a neat, flawless, colored final draft.

Total: ______

“The Most Dangerous Game” – Option 2

Group Members:

Option 2: Pretend that you are Sanger Rainsford. When hiding, you discover a bottle, a piece of paper, and a pencil. Write a message in a bottle as if you are Rainsford (prior to the final battle with General Zaroff. What do you want to say? What will you reveal about the island and its inhabitants? Write a minimum of two handwritten, double-spaced pages (or one typed, double-spaced page).


_____ / 10Point of view: Write in first-person point of view from Rainsford’s perspective.

_____ / 30Accurate plot details: Include a minimum of two events. Meet minimum length requirements

_____ / 25Accurate character descriptions: Include a minimum of two characters from the story.

_____ / 25Accurate setting details: Include a minimum of three setting details.

_____ / 10Final draft: Create a neat, flawless final draft.

Total: ______

“The Most Dangerous Game” – Option 3

Group Members:

Option 3: Pretend that you are Sanger Rainsford. Write an alternate ending to the story. Begin when Rainsford wakes up in Zaroff’s bed. Questions you might consider are as follows: Is Zaroff really dead? Does Rainsford leave or stay on the island? Does Rainsford win the game? Write a minimum of two handwritten, double-spaced pages (or one typed, double-spaced page).


_____ / 10Point of view: Write in first-person point of view from Rainsford’s perspective.

_____ / 30Accurate plot details: Describe the outcome in detail. Meet minimum length


_____ / 25Accurate character descriptions: Include a minimum of two characters from the story.

_____ / 25Accurate setting details: Include a minimum of three setting details.

_____ / 10Final draft: Create a neat, flawless final draft.


“The Most Dangerous Game” – Option 4

Group Members:

Option 4:Create a visually pleasing and effective brochure that persuades tourists to travel to Ship Trap Island. Unbeknownst to the travelers, you are General Zaroffand intend on hunting the “guests.” Your task is to persuade people to come to yourisland, without scaring them away.


_____ / 10Brochure qualities: Include atitle and different sections with sub-headings.

_____ / 10Point of view: Write in second-person point of view (you). Persuade

tourists to come to Ship Trap Island. Keep in mind that you are General Zaroff!

_____ / 30Accurate setting details:Include a minimum of three major places that tourists can to visit. Include both pictures and written descriptions.

_____ / 40Accurate plot details:Describe four major activities that occur on Ship Trap Island. Include both pictures and written descriptions.

_____ / 10Final draft: Create a neat, flawless, colored final draft.

Total: ______

Section: Literary TermsDate:

Heading: “The Most Dangerous Game”

  1. Dramatic foils are characters who are opposites. How are Rainsford and General Zaroff different? What does each character symbolize, or represent?
  1. To hook our curiosity, writers drop clues that foreshadow, or hint at what is going to happen later in a story. What clues at the start of the story foreshadow danger ahead for Rainsford?
  1. An image is a word picture that appeals to one or more of the five senses. Identify one image that Richard Connell creates in this short story and jot it down. To which senses does the image appeal?
  1. Personification is a figurative device in which the author gives human characteristics to an inanimate object. Identify one example of personification and jot it down. Underline the human characteristics.
  1. A pun is a play on words. What are the meanings of the title of this short story?

Section: WritingName:

Heading: What does it take to be a survivor? – Notes 2Date:

Part One Directions: After reading Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” choose another trait that is necessary for survival. Complete the notes below.


Example: Include a specific instance from the short story. Explain why this trait is necessary for survival.



Evidence: Include an exact quote from the short story.

“______” (Connell page _____ ).

Part Two Directions: Use the notes that you took in part one to write a paragraph.

In the paragraph, include the following:

  • T: Topic sentence - Write a clear topic sentence that identifies the trait and the source.

Example: In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” determination is necessary for survival.

  • E: Evidence – Include clear, accurate details from the source. Review the notes you took in part one to help you with this part. Include at least one exact quote. Make sure you explain why the trait is necessary for survival.
  • ST: Summary sentence and Transition – Wrap up each paragraph with a transition (therefore, thus) and emphasize the trait.