Book Blurbs---from the fabulous kids

of 7B for 2012/13

Take our advice these books are well

worth reading----and we


v  Acceleration—a boy working a summer job ends up tracking down a serial killer---five stars for this book of suspense!!!!

v  A Child Called It----a devastating story about a child abuse case---one of the worst in California history. Main character Dave will take you through his miserable life---

v  After---If you like the killings and mystery this book is for you it all starts when three kids are murdered in a gym

v  Al Capone Does MY Shirts-----Takes place on Alcatraz Island—a prison off the coast of San Francisco where the worst criminals live

v  Battle for Hue---a tale from the Vietnam war about the Americans and their allies the South Vietnamese

v  Because of Winn Dixie---a girl who lives with her father finds a dog and they have many adventures

v  The Boy in the Striped Pajamas---this book is about a family of four who live in Berlin during World War II Their house is next to a concentration camp and a young boy befriends one of the prisoners.

v  The Boy Who Sneaks in My bedroom Window---Jake is a very protective brother since Amber had an incident where she was abused

v  The Cay—A ship sinks after being bombed and a boy is stranded with a man named Timothy—they find out quite a bit about each other

v  Charlie Bone and the Time Twister—something strange happens at Bloom Academy. A boy appears in mid air and is not from this time period

v  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang----A husband invents a candy and then takes a car and turns it into a flying machine

v  The Compound---Eli and his family are in a compound for six years after Nuclear Attacks. Are they safer now or in more danger?

v  Curtains---mystery about a stage show where things start to go wrong and people get hurt

v  Dear God Its me Margaret---a new girl has just moved into town and has tough choices to make concerning new friends

v  The Deathly Hollows—one of the fabulous Harry Potter books---

v  Diary of a Wimpy kid---Greg goes through many challenges in this humorous book

v  The Doll in the Garden---A mystery about a girl who finds a doll with her friend and they try to find out who it belonged to

v  Drive By---a book about gangs and a brother in a family who gets shot

v  Ella Enchanted—this is a fairy tale about a young girl who is cursed. She must live with the curse in this adventure

v  The Entertainer and the Dybbuk—a ventriloquist the great Freddie is possessed by a demon---who helps him and then hurts him

v  Everlost two kids die in a car crash and are stuck between life and death while trying to get home

v  The Extreme Team----a kid wants to skateboard because his friends do. He is not good at it so he moves to a different hobby—Kung Fu—

v  The Fire Within---Davis moves in and decides to writie a tory about a girl that starts happening a few seconds later

v  The Fourth Stall---two friends decide to make money at school but they run into big problems that might end their friendship

v  Gym Candy---A story about a kid who wants to play football and turns to steroids

v  Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone---harry is abused by his aunt and uncle and wants to leave his old life behind. He travels to a magical school called Hogwarts

v  Hatchet—A story about a 13 year old boy lost in the wilderness and needs to survive

v  Hero—mystery book about relationship between a father and a son

v  Holes—Sydney Yelnats commits a crime and ends up on a juvenile facility where the inmates must dig holes for character—and there is a mystery involved

v  Homeless Bird---A girl gets married at the age of 17 and her husband soon dies---after staying with his parents a terrible thing happens and she is left to fend for herself

v  The Hunger Games—Futuristic games where teens are picked to fight to the death. Katniss Everdeen cares for her family and is picked to compete

v  I am Number Four—nine children from Planet Lorien get attacked and use their special powers. They hide on earth to escape assassins

v  Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key—follow the adventures of Joey as he looks at things in a different way than most and ends up very entertaining. He also swallows a key to stop from losing it

v  Linger—Werewolves and their lives are explored in human emotion. The stories are very real and interesting

v  Lightening Theif---kids have the blood of gods and must go on a quest to get the golden fleece

v  Man in the Ceiling---Young Jimmy always loved comics and uses his imagination

v  The Maze Runner---Thomas wakes up in a strange place called the Glade. The Glade is surrounded by large walls and guarded by vicious machines

v  Middle School Worst years of my Life---a sixth grader gets teased by 8th graders and tells the story

v  The Missing(series) time travel about the missing children of history

v  Monstrumologist---a boy loses his parents and is now studying to be a doctor of monstology

v  New Moon—action and romance about werewolves and vampires all coming together

v  Old Yeller—story of a boy and his dog and their many adventures until something horrible happens

v  On the Line—basketball story about a kid who is very good at basketball but very bad a free throws

v  Paranormalcy-a girl is in a world of creatures and monsters. She helps capture them and keep the mortals safe

v  Percy Jackson Lightening Theif—Percy is the son of Poseidon and is framed for stealing a lightening bolt from Zeus

v  The Philadelphia Eagles---the history of the Philadelphia eagles with many great pictures and statistics

v  Popularity Papers---fascinating book about girls who want to be popular at school and in their neighborhood

v  Pretty Little Liars—a girl goes missing—a few years later her friends start to receive messages from someone who signs A

v  Pretty Little Secrets-----set during the Christmas season the girls are getting into more trouble

v  The Rangers Apprentice—an orphan named will is taken in by a ranger to learn how to be a ranger

v  The red Pyramid---a boy and girl find out they are Pharoes and have to save the world from an evil god

v  The Road—a boy and his father are on a journey to find fod and safety in a post apocalyptic world full of danger

v  The righteous revenge of Artemis Banner—Artemis and his friend Frolic are out to avenge Artemis’ uncle’s death and find his treasure

v  Rules—it is a book about helping people with special needs

v  The Sacrifice—historical fiction about witchcraft and people who persecute them

v  Saving Juliet—an actress gets transported into the real story romeo and Juliet---she messes up the story and needs to fix it—

v  Second Stringer---after the quarterback gets injured a boy gets a chance to play but will he succeed?

v  The Seekers—three bears are on a mission to save the wild. Fantasy book about creatures who come to life


v  Mr. Mc.---The Hunger Games **** four stars and three thumbs up---this book both entertained and delighted me. The main character is a young lady, Katniss Everdeen who is chosen in a lottery for a contest on the ultimate reality show---The Hunger Games. Teens from 12 to 18 from districts, or states as we know them are chosen to fight to the death on television in this exciting novel. Violence and romance intertwine to create suspense and genuine anticipation as to what will happen next……

v  Catching Fire is the second book to the Hunger Games and it is as action filled as the first. It has amazing twists and turns and some brutal challenges and adventures that Katniss Everdeen must go through. You have to keep reading to know what happens next.

v  The Hunger Games is an amazing book for children like seventh graders and the story is just fantastic with Katniss and another contestant falling in love with Peeta and them winning the Hunger Games.

v  What My Mother Doesn’t Know~ this was a great book and page turner. As I was reading this I enjoyed how I could relate to this book. This book was aimed towards girls as it talks about friend and boy problems. I would extremely recommend this book!

v  “A Child called It”~ This book is amazing, it may have been one of the best books I have every read. The book is about how this little boy, David gets abused by his mom his whole life. David has brothers and sisters but she treats them like angels. She screams, hits, stabbed at him, and locks him in the bathroom with chemicals that could kill him. I recommend this book to anyone.

v  The good, the bad, the ugly. This book is about the Philadelphia Flyers. It tells the story of the Broad Street bullies, and the legion of doom days.

v  Jumped. This book is about three girls in a school. Every chapter the change the perspective of the reader and rotate the characters talking. It tells how these two girls end up meeting each other and get into a fight.

v  Scorpions. This book is about a family living in the present day city of Harlem, Ney York. There is a kid named Jamal and his brother is in jail for murder, He was in a gang and killed some one. His brother asks Jamal if he would be the leader of the gang and a lot of problems occur.

v  The face on the Milk Carton. This book was absolutely amazing. The story is breath taking and when Janie finds out she was kidnapped she tries to let her real family know she’s happy and okay.

v  Fallen Angels. This book is about Richard Perry and his experiences in the Vietnam war. Perry struggles to survive mentally and physically.

v  Acceleration. This book is good because it is about a Guy who kills animals and writes it into a diary. Then this kid who works for the cities lost and found and found the diary and tried to find the abuser but the guy is a threat and tries to kill the killed who is trying to turn him in.

v  The Red Pyramid. This book is by Rick Riodan, the author from the lightning thief and this book is about the Egyptian’s Gods. This is about Sadie and his brother Carter and trying to save their father.

v  Monster. This book was a good book. It was about a kid who was tried in court for murder. It was a Walter Dean Myers book, and was worth reading.

v  Rag and bone shop. This book is about an interrogator who questions a kid about a murder he might have committed. At the end of this book their is a twist. This book is worth reading!

v  Stolen Children. This book is about a girl that is babysitting her neighbor and she has just put the young girl to take a nap and she goes outside to tan and on accident she falls asleep. She soon wakes up and goes upstairs to wake her up from her nap and she isn’t their. She then immediately calls the police and they are trying there best to help, but when she goes downstairs she sees a note that says that she cant call the cops or you will never see this young child again……. Read to find out what happens in the end!!!0

v  The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan. This book is about Will, an orphan, who in visions his father as a great hero, making a name for himself. When choosing day comes, Halt, a Ranger, takes Will on as an apprentice.

v  The serpent’s shadow: Carter and Sadie Kane think they can finally destroy the evil serpent. They have to go on countless journeys that test there strengths. They also force them to face some fears.

v  A Game of Thrones: Dark fantasy with a wide array of realistic characters. Set in a detailed fantasy world. READ IT, YOU WON’T REGRET IT!!!

v  The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas: Bruno moves from his old house in Berlin and is not happy about it. Finally he meets a boy in stripped pajamas named Shumel, but Shumel has a secret. You will have to read to find out the rest.

v  Freeze Tag: This is about a girl named Meghan who has a crush on a boy and so does another girl. While they are playing freeze tag the girl really freezes Meghan because she is jealous of her. She unfroze her but the story goes on. READ IT

v  Eragon: This book is for the advanced readers around here. If you like Bone and Rick Riordan this book is for you. Read about dragons, elves, and dwarves.

v  The thief lord: this is a great book but it gets a little confusing at some points in the book. It is an intense mystery that has a fantastic twist. Has mystery, fantasy, cunning and lots of adventure.

v  Slam: slam is a die had basketball player who has trouble in school and with the health of his grandmother

v  Sllepover—girls at a party get bored and go onto the computer and started messaging people and end up getting into adult trouble

v  Small Steps—Armpit is released from camp Green Lake and a funny sequel to the book Holes

v  Snow Treasure----The Nazis are taking over Norway and are trying to steal all of the gold. The people of Norway are coming up with was to resist the Nazis and the children get involved

v  Speak—Melinda is an outcast because she called the cops about a party that got out of hand---she needs to find a place she can be alone

v  Storm Runners---a group of friends chase storms and face life and death situations

v  30 tales to give you Goosebumps---scary tales that have a twist and are entertaining