Photo Story Project –The American War of Independence
Date due:
See page 2 for the question options
Digital Presentation Marking Guidelines:
- Make your presentation using Photo Story
- Your presentation must have slides, with voice narration, and some text or labelling.
- For Information on getting the presentation software and how to use it – see this Interactive Learning website:
top of page - first link -Software 4 Interesting Presentations - 4 Laptops & PCs (then PhotoStory is No. 3)
Marking Guideline for Investigation, Research and Presentation:
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Content: Covers the main facts and issues associated with your question, and presents a sound argument.
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
- Information, conclusions or argument you provide is supported with reference to a range of sources.
- Includes a bibliography at the end of presentation
(Use a plug-in mic.when recording your voice!) / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Presentation: Well structured, clear and effective communication of:-Your question, content, use of sources and conclusion.
: The slides with narration, run smoothly and are relevant and visually interesting, and aesthetically appropriate, regarding images, background, sound/music, graphics etc.
: Length of presentation 3 - 5 minutes.
Topic Question: Total: /30

(Remember, you need to present an argument in response to your set topic / question. Just like a ‘verbal essay’.
Use the key words from your topic question, throughout your presentation, so you can present a relevant argument.)

The American War of Independence- Photo Story Question Options


E5.6 Identifies, comprehends and evaluates historical sources and uses them appropriately in an historical setting.
E5.8 locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT to undertake historical inquiry.
E5.10 Selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences.

1. What were the causes of the American War of Independence?
2. Why did the British loose the American War of Independence?
3. To what extent were other countries besides Britain and the American colonists were involved in the American War of Independence?
4. What weapons and fighting tactics were used in theAmerican War of Independence? Which country had the most effective weapons?
5. How effective was the medicine and surgery used during the American War of Independence?
6. What role did women play in the American War of Independence? Did any women play an active role?
7. What uniforms were worn by the different types of soldiers during the American War of Independence? Which uniforms proved to be the most effective?
8. What was the Boston Tea Party and what background causes brought about this event?
9. What was the Boston Massacre and what background causes and after effects of this event?
10. Were the rebelling American colonists freedom fighters or terrorists?
11. Which Americans could you argue contributed the most to the success of the American War of Independence?
12. What was the background to the conflicts between Britain and France before the American War of Independence?
13. What sort of government did the leaders of the American War of Independence want to establish?
14. What complaints were the American Colonists making about British rule in America leading up to the American War of Independence?
15. What events triggered of the first battle between the British soldiers and the American colonists in the American War of Independence?
16. How important was the role played by George Washington in the eventual defeat of the British in the American War of Independence?
17. What part did the native American Indians play in theAmerican War of Independence?
18. What naval battles occurred during the American War of Independence? How important were these to the eventual outcome of the war?
19. What was the American Declaration of Independence? What effect did this have on the American war effort against the British?
20. What was the Stamp Act? Why did this increase the conflict between the British and American colonists leading up to the American War of Independence?
21. What were the main battles of the American War of Independence? Describe one main battle and explain how the winning side won the battle.
22. You could also design your own question on another interest area of this topic. The question though must be approved by the teacher.
This web site has some interesting brief videos on the above topics:
Also Youtube has a variety of documentaries on The American War of Independence.