SS8H2 ~ Georgia’s Colonial History

Name______Date ______Class ______

Directions: Use the PowerPoint presentation to answer the following questions.

1) / The period after Georgia returned its charter and became a ______
______until the end of the American Revolution was a time of
unrest and turmoil in Georgia and in the other colonies.
2) 2) / In 1752, ______from South Carolina bought 32,000 acres
of land at Midway in present-day Liberty County.
3) / The Puritans moved there bringing their ______with them.
Soon they began growing ______and ______.
4) / A ______was built nearby at Sunbury so
the planters could ______.
5) / On October 1, 1754, Georgians cheered when ______
______their first royal governor arrived.
6) / The trustees believed that the first Georgia settlers weren’t able to govern
themselves. What three actions did the colonists NOT have the right to do?
7) / Who introduced the idea of self-government to the colony?
8) / A ______legislature was set up to represent
the eight parishes of the colony
9) / What was the lower house of the legislature was called?
10) / What was the upper house called?
11) / Those wishing to become a member of the Assembly had to ______
12) / Governor Reynolds also set up a ______.
13) / Georgia’s new government met for the first time in ______
in ______.
14) / What were three actions that Georgia’s new government organized?
15) / What did Gov. Reynolds do when he became angry at the legislature?
16) / What did many of the colonist do who didn’t like having their right to govern
taken away?
17) / What unpopular recommendation did Gov. Reynolds suggest?
18) / Who became the second royal governor in February 1757?
19) / What were three actions Gov. Ellis performed during his time in office?
20) / By 1759, what was the population of the Georgia colony?
21) / What economic gains did the colony make under Gov. Ellis?
22) / How did these economic gains help the colony?
23) / Who succeeded Gov. Ellis in office as the royal governor of the Georgia colony?
24) / Gov. Wright believed that Georgia would flourish economically if what three things
25) / What kind of government did Gov. Wright espouse?
26) / What measures of defense did Gov. Wright take to protect the area?
27) / The town of ______grew and became the colony’s
official ______for ships arriving
from other countries and colonies.
28) / Under Gov. Wright, farmers were allowed to borrow more money, so they ______which grew
to be ______acres.
29) / What became two of the Georgia colony’s most profitable crops?
30) / By 1767, what raw material was the colony able to export to Great Britain?
31) / What publication was started in 1763?
32) / Many of the small frame houses were taken down. In their place, ______
______were built of wood or tabby. Tabby is a mixture of
33) / What were two negatives of the Georgia colony at this time?
34) / A group of what plantation owners moved from Virginia and the Carolinas to settle
in the middle and western parts of the Georgia colony. What did these people become
known as? ______
35) / What are two possible reasons these new settlers were given this name?
36) / Why were they not welcome into the colony?