WFHS Choir Syllabus

Chris Jarvis, Director


Welcome to the 2013-2014 Choir program at WFHS. My name is Chris Jarvis, and I am the new choir director here at WFHS. I am excited to be here working with you this year!

A little bit about myself: I have been singing in or directing choirs since I was in the 6th grade. I grew up in Portales, New Mexico, and I graduated from Portales High School. I attended Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas where I studied Music Education. I graduated in May of 2011. For the last two years, I have been teaching choir as part of the Frenship Independent School District. While there, I established a successful choir program at the newly built Heritage Middle School. I moved to Wichita Falls this summer to begin work here at Old High. I have a beautiful wife, Sarah, and we will have been married 2 years in December. I love to sing and write my own music. I really love contemporary a capella music, and have arranged several popular songs in a contemporary a capella setting. I enjoy acting, and have acted in several musicals in Portales and Lubbock. I am currently rehearsing as Tony in the Wichita Theatre’s production of West Side Story. I play way too many video games, and if I’m not playing Xbox at home, there is a good chance Netflix is running.

I love music, and it is my personal mission to make myself into the best musician I can possibly be, as an individual performer and as a choir director. I expect nothing but the best out of my students. I want choir to be a place where you can have fun, but more importantly, I want it to be a place where you can excel.

Please go over the attached packet with your parents/guardians. It outlines a schedule of events for the year, as well as expectations for both you as a member of the choir and them as supporters of the choir.

I am very excited to start the year, and to get to know you all better. If you need anything from me, please do not hesitate to come by my office!

Chris Jarvis

Director of Choirs

Wichita Falls High School


Be on time! We start when the bell rings. If you aren’t in your spot, folder in hand, ready to go, you’re late.

Be respectful! We are working towards perfection, and that work goes a lot slower when we don’t respect each other. This room is a place to grow and learn together. I will respect you, and I expect you to respect me. I expect you to treat everyone with the same respect I will treat you.

Don’t talk during instruction! This is one of the most disrespectful things you can do. We have a very limited schedule to get things done. If you are talking, you miss instructions, and you disrupt the entire class.

Have your materials! Again, we are working towards perfection. You can’t get the job done without the proper materials. Have your choir binder, music, and a pencil ready to go when class starts! We WILL be using a pencil EVERY DAY, so make sure you have one!

Leave your problems at the door! I get it. Life happens. But during the 45 minutes you are in my class, I expect your full, undivided attention. If you have a serious problem you think you can’t leave alone for the duration of class, see me before class starts.

No food, gum, or drinks! This goes for everything except water! If you are chewing, you are not singing correctly. This applies even when I am not working with your part, because I might call on you to sing at any moment.

Stay involved in the rehearsal from start to finish! Rehearsals are not for personal grooming, catching up on the latest gossip, or doing homework.

The use of cell phones is NOT ALLOWED at rehearsals or concerts! (School policy enforced)

Rehearsals are NOT over until the director dismisses them! Don’t begin to put music up or leave the risers until the director says it’s ok!

Have a positive attitude! It’s very important that you come to each rehearsal ready to work!


  1. Choir is a performance-based class. Concerts AND rehearsals are REQUIRED. Every effort is made to schedule concerts and rehearsals around other SCHOOL-related activities. Unfortunately, we cannot schedule around community activities, private lessons or tutorings. Students are expected to keep a calendar and inform the Director IN ADVANCE of any conflicts.
  2. Each concert will be a test grade! An unexcused concert absence will result in a zero in the gradebook! This zero can only be made up by a 3-page research paper due one week from the date of the missed concert. If you miss a concert, it is YOUR responsibility to seek out the director to get details on the research paper.
  3. Extra rehearsals are called for ALL CHOIRS before major performances. It is the directors' wish to keep these rehearsals to a minimum. Refer to your calendar for these rehearsals & be alert to rehearsals announced in class.
  4. All rehearsals are REQUIRED unless excused IN ADVANCE by the director.
  5. Definition of an "EXCUSED ABSENCE” -- Absence resulting from illness, serious illness in the family, or bereavement. A note or phone call from the PARENT must be submitted to the Director WELL IN ADVANCE for review and consultation with the student. In the case of sudden illness, a parental note or parental phone call should accompany the student's return. It is the parent’s/student’s responsibility to clear the absence within 3 days of the student’s return.
  6. Consequences for an "UNEXCUSED ABSENCE”. One or more of the following consequences can occur:

§  Loss of performance privileges

§  Loss of tour or trip privileges

§  Parent conference

§  Suspension of rehearsal privileges with alternative class work requirements

§  Loss of letter

§  ACAP: Reassignment to another ensemble

*Any of the above consequences may also be used in a disciplinary capacity.

  1. EACH STUDENT'S contribution is crucial to rehearsals and concerts. One student's absence can upset the balance of a rehearsal or the success of a concert. Never lose sight of the importance of your individual contribution to the Choir.


1.  All choir members will be required to pay $35 choir dues. These dues will cover the cost of your choir t-shirt, robe cleanings, and other choir events throughout the year.

2.  You will have the opportunity to fundraise this money.

3.  All Choir dues must be paid by Tuesday, October 1st, 2013.

4.  If there are extenuating circumstances that would make this difficult, please see me immediately! I do not want anyone to miss out on choir activities because of lack of money!

ALL STATE AUDITIONS (Sept., Oct., Nov., Jan.)

  1. Members of WFHS Choirs are encouraged to prepare and audition for the first level of auditions – REGION. First Round Girls- September 21, First Round Guys- October 5.
  2. Students are given rehearsal CDs and photo copies of music to practice for the auditions.
  3. If a student advances to the next level, he/she is required to attend rehearsals and learn the music for the next level of competition.
  4. If a student makes the Region Choir, he/she is required to attend the Clinic/Concert.

5.  Refer to your calendar for auditions and performance dates.

UIL CONTESTS (Feb., April)

  1. All "academically eligible” students participate in UIL Concert & Sight-Reading!
  2. Concert attire is worn for Concert & Sight-reading.
  3. A special contest rehearsal schedule will be posted for UIL Concert & Sight-reading Contest.
  4. All members of the WFHS Choir program are encouraged to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble.

5.  Students must be academically eligible to participate in UIL Solo and Ensemble.

6.  Attire for UIL Solo and Ensemble is Sunday dress. NO JEANS!


  1. “In Good Standing” means that a student has no unexcused absences and has positively contributed to the choir in attitude and work ethic. It also means that all dues are paid, and the student does not owe any money to the choir program.
  2. Academic eligibility is defined by UIL and WFISD. A student must be passing or regain eligibility in all classes to participate in TMEA auditions, UIL contests, and trips that would take a student out of classes. The Fall Concert, Spring Concert and rehearsals (extra or in class) DO NOT fall under the eligibility guidelines. Eligibility is solely based on the WFISD computer generated “failure lists” and “progress reports.” A student cannot fail or regain eligibility between the times that the lists are published.


  1. All concert music is furnished at no expense to the student. (Some music for individual competition must be purchased by the student, i.e. Pre-Area/Area and UIL Solo)
  2. Music is expensive and students are expected to take care of it. Music is to be kept in the choir folder at all times.
  3. If music is lost or damaged, the student will pay for the replacement of the music.
  4. Music left out of the folder or slot and not in its place in the choir room is considered "lost."


All robes are the property of the Wichita Falls High School Choirs. Robes will be used ONLY for formal performances during the year. Students will be responsible for the care of the robe assigned to them. They are to let the Director and/or the Robe Managers know of any problems with the robe IN ADVANCE of any formal concert.
If formal wear is lost or damaged, the student will pay for the replacements.
Formal wear must be fitted as soon as possible. Please listen for announcements and refer to the calendar as to your fitting date and time. You must be present for your fitting WITH YOUR DRESS SHOES (see below).

  2. Formal Concert Attire includes a dark, SCHOOL APPROPRIATE dress, nude hose, and black closed-toe dress shoes.
  3. Accessories
  4. Small earrings only. No multi-piercings, facial, or tongue piercings.
  5. Limit other jewelry to a watch and favorite ring- no necklaces, no bracelets or excessive rings.
  6. Keep hair simple, not extravagant- no hair ribbons, bows, or gaudy accessories.
  7. Hairstyle & color should be conservative and neat (directors’ & school’s definition- nothing that would call attention to you on stage.) Hair will be pulled back out of the face, no unnatural colors.

4.  Informal Concert Attire- Choir Shirt, Blue Jeans, closed-toed shoes.


  1. Formal Concert Attire includes black slacks, white button down dress shirt, and tie.
  2. Black DRESS Shoes and black socks. NO tennis shoes or boots.
  3. Accessories
  4. NO earrings. No facial or tongue piercings.
  5. Hairstyle & color should be conservative and neat (directors’ & school’s definition- nothing that would call attention to you on stage). Hair will be pulled back out of the face; no bangs; no unnatural colors.

8. Informal Concert Attire- Choir Shirt, Blue Jeans, closed-toed shoes.


Fundraising projects afford the student the opportunity to raise money for the benefit of all choir students. Profits of fundraisers average 40% to 50% of selling price. All students are expected to participate and make an effort in fundraising.

**No student will be denied participation because of lack of funds, but ALL students are expected to make an effort to the very best of their abilities. Students who make no effort or attempt to raise funds will not travel on special trips.

  1. Booster Club Memberships (August-September)
  2. ALL CHOIRS participate
  3. Parents are strongly encouraged to join.
  4. All memberships receive advance publicity of all events and listing in concert program.
  5. Students receive 100% of monies.


Choir is a performance-based class. Students earn grades by performing in rehearsals as well as concerts.

  1. Performance in class by solo and small ensembles
  2. Sight-reading/Music Theory/ Ear-Training - solo & small ensembles
  3. Concerts & Rehearsals
  4. Contribution & Focus

**** Please note: Students are often video-taped and audio-taped in class and in performance for teaching, evaluating, and publicity purposes.


Membership in the choir is not only an honor but carries with it a responsibility to the entire Choir.
As a member of the choir the student makes a commitment to participate in all activities throughout the year. As the choirs are auditioned and carefully balanced according to voice parts, a student who does not complete the year penalizes the entire choir. Therefore, if a student chooses not to fulfill his or her obligation and commitment the following procedure will be observed in this order before any changes in schedule:

  1. Required Student/parent conference with Mr. Jarvis
  2. Required Student/director/counselor conference
  3. Music and formal wear turned in
  4. Assessment and fundraising obligations cleared
  5. Drop slip signed by Mr. Jarvis
  6. Schedule change initiated

Acknowledgement of

Receipt of

Choir Handbook

Parents and Students,

Once you have read the attached handbook, please sign and date the form below and return to Mr. Jarvis. If you have any questions or concerns with anything listed in the handbook, please feel free to contact Mr. Jarvis by e-mail or phone.

Some information in this handbook is subject to change, and appropriate notice will be given, should any information need to be changed. Again, please refer to the choir website to find the most up to date information on the choir.

Student Name:______

Student Signature:______

Parent Name:______

Parent Signature:______
